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Critical knowledge or skill

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1 Critical knowledge or skill
More basic Original task More complex Tiered Assignments Pam TA= teacher-prescribed learning activities that are specifically designed to respond to differences in readiness, interests, or learning preferences.

2 Pam Diagnose student needs Design tasks that respond to  needs Prescribe specific tasks to particular students TA are purposeful, but there are many ways to design tiered assignments. Tiered assignments are the most prescriptive, learner-responsive, and sophisticated strategy for differentiation. -Heacox

3 Use a tiered assignment when students differ on...
Developmental stages Readiness for learning Learning preferences Amount of structure or support Amount of time, instruction or practice Reading skill or prior knowledge Whether instruction or a task is necessary or appropriate Pam

4 Use a tiered assignment when you know...
something will be too easy or hard for some students some students need more basic work or others need more complex work Pam You do not need to use tiered assignments as a daily practice; use them as necessary and appropriate, based on your learner's, to provide "just right, right now" learning experiences. Tasks should be equally active engaging, and interesting, and should take roughly the same amount of time.

5 Tomlinson’s Equalizer
Foundational Concrete Simple Fewer Facts Smaller Leap More Structured Clearly Defined Problems Less Independence Slower Pace Transformative Abstract Complex Multi-Faceted Greater Leap More Open Fuzzy Problems Greater Independence Quicker Pace

6 Steps in Designing Tiered Assignments
Kathy Not everything is tiered. It is important to clearly focus on significant learning goals, design tasks that respond specifically to the learning needs of your students, and create learning experiences that meet the student's demands for fairness.  The steps outlined here are from Heacox 2009. 1. Does the content, skill or process reflect a significant learning goal? Is this critical learning? 2. Could use the equalizer here. 3. "shop" in your materials and lesson plans

7 What makes a well-designed tiered assignment?
Kathy refer to checklist Tasks should be respectful in that they should relate and build knowledge toward the standards for excellence and provide meaningful experiences. What makes a well-designed tiered assignment?

8 Exploration In self-selected groups…
Explore the tiered lessons that Strickland has provided Share examples of what you have done Discuss what options texts may include (may not always be the best) Elelmentary probably grade level groups, HS/MS get in like groups provide up to an hour

9 Lesson Planning Allow about 30 minutes Working alone or together, create a tiered lesson plan using the worksheet at the back of your packet Start with the KUD

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