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The softer side of Psychology

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Presentation on theme: "The softer side of Psychology"— Presentation transcript:

1 The softer side of Psychology
Qualitative Research The softer side of Psychology

2 Activity 1 Split into two groups Read results of psychological study
In your group, explain: Why is this true? What are the reasons behind these results?

3 Hindsight Bias

4 Estimate your speed! WREAT  WATER ETRYN  ENTRY GRAVE  BARGE
How many seconds do you think it would take you to unscramble each of this? Write your estimates down. WREAT  WATER ETRYN  ENTRY GRAVE  BARGE

5 Try it Yourself OCHSA

6 Overconfidence Effect

7 Qualitative vs. Quantitative

8 Qualitative Strengths
Complex Detailed Focus on personal/cultural experiences Dynamic Subjects to define and interpret Responsive to context and changes Explores HOW and WHY Vivid demonstration

9 Qualitative Limitations
May not generalize Difficult to make quantitative predictions Difficult to test hypotheses/theories with big pools Lower credibility Time consuming

10 Generalization

11 Generalization Time/context specific Caution! Limited Bigger samples
Longitudinal studies Develop theories

12 Qualitative Ethics

13 Informed Consent

14 Right to Withdraw

15 Confidentiality

16 Privacy

17 Participant Expectations

18 Researcher Bias

19 Credibility

20 Transferability

21 Confirmability

22 Triangulation

23 Reflexivity

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