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UH Credentialing approved?

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1 UH Credentialing approved?
Have you had access previously, but now it’s expired? UH Credentialing approved? Via the online application: UH Research Credentialing for Medical Students and Research Scholars? NO Wait for approval You should have gotten an about your access expiring from the IRB office. YES YES Coordinator will process through “comment” on FIM to extend your access another year (coordinator may copy student) “UH IT Access” received? YES IRB approved? NO Wait for approval YES Once coordinator gets , he/she will access Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) for “Non-Employee request form” to find out: Do you have access to these? Department Coordinator which ones you have/don’t have access to (along with IRB approval #). Below is the process needed/to expect to get access. FIM UHCare/EMR Oracle Ambulatory EMR (AEMR) UH REDCap In-lab training needed; coordinator will scheduler Online Training needed; coordinator will scheduler Coordinator will request access for REDCap IT will request for form; student will need to fill out and send back to IT person **University Hospitals does not automatically grant access to Physician Portal for students. If you need access, you will have to contact the department coordinator. (Physician Portal = collection of all the EMRs) As of 10/2017 – VY & MC

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