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March 2003 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Ultra Wide-Band Modulation Schemes: A Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2003 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Ultra Wide-Band Modulation Schemes: A Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2003 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Ultra Wide-Band Modulation Schemes: A Communications Theory Perspective Date Submitted: March 3, 2003 Source: Eric Ojard and Jeyhan Karaoguz Company: Broadcom Corporation Address: 190 Mathilda Place, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Voice: Re: [ a Call for proposal] Abstract: Ultra Wide-Band Modulation Schemes: A Communications Theory Perspective Purpose: [TG3a-Broadcom-CFP-Presentation .] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

2 Ultra-Wide-Band Modulation Schemes A Communications Theory Perspective
Eric Ojard Broadcom Corporation

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> March 2003 Introduction This presentation is a tutorial on some of the options available in designing a PHY protocol for UWB Key questions: Channelization for uncoordinated piconets: Frequency Division or Code Division? How much bandwidth should we use? Coding Scheme Modulation & Spreading Options Various options are considered and the trade-offs are analyzed Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp. <author>, <company>

4 Constraints and Requirements
March 2003 Constraints and Requirements FCC allows use of GHz at –41 dBm/MHz SG3a Target Rates m required 200 4 m required 480 1m desired Should operate in the presence of 3 other uncoordinated piconets (requires some type of channelization) Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

5 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> March 2003 Outline Theoretical Capacity in Low-SNR regime Coding & Spreading Examples Uncoordinated Piconets: Frequency Division vs Code Division Bandwidth Usage Code Division Spreading Options Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp. <author>, <company>

6 Theoretical Capacity March 2003 Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.
slope: 1 bit/s/Hz per 3 dB log2(1+SNR) SNR log2(e) slope: 2X per 3 dB 2(1-H(Q(sqrt(SNR)))) Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

7 Theoretical Capacity (cont’d)
March 2003 Theoretical Capacity (cont’d) The graph can be divided into two distinct regions: High SNR regime (SNR > 0 dB or C > 1 bit/s/Hz) e.g a/b/g, Low SNR regime (SNR < 0 dB or C < 1 bit/s/Hz) e.g. UWB The curves behave differently in the low-SNR and high-SNR regimes: At high SNR, capacity increases by 1 bit/s/Hz for every 3 dB At low SNR, capacity increases by a factor of 2 for every 3 dB Coding has a much bigger payoff in the low-SNR regime than in the high-SNR regime. At low SNR, binary modulation is optimal – nothing to be gained from higher-order constellations. In theory, very high rates are achievable at very low SNR: @ -10 dB, 7 GHz * 0.15 bits/s/Hz = 1 Gbit/s @ -13 dB, 7 GHz * bits/s/Hz = 500 Mbps @ -16 dB, 7 GHz * bits/s/Hz = 250 Mbps Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

8 Theoretical Capacity (cont’d)
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/low_snr_cap_plots.m March 2003 Theoretical Capacity (cont’d) ½ log2(1+SNR) 1-H(Q(sqrt(SNR))) 10log10(p/2)=1.96 dB 10*log10(ln(2))=-1.59 dB Another way of viewing the same curves: Eb/N0=SNR/2R Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

9 March 2003 Coding & Spreading The previous slides showed only the Theoretical Capacity. At low SNR, reduce rate by 2X for every 3 dB from the Shannon limit. It is straightforward to combine well-known binary codes with spreading sequences, as shown in the following slides. easy to get within 6 dB of Shannon limit using convolutional codes possible to get much closer to Shannon limit using concatenated codes and/or iterative decoding. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

10 Examples of well-known codes combined with spreading
March 2003 Coding & Spreading Examples of well-known codes combined with spreading no spreading spreading *code plots assume optimal soft-input decoding Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

11 March 2003 Coding & Spreading Examples of well-known codes combined with spreading (another way of viewing the same data) no spreading spreading *code plots assume optimal soft-input decoding Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

12 Channelization Options
March 2003 Channelization Options The solution should support 4 uncoordinated piconets (02/104r15) Channelization Options: Code Division Multiplexing (CDM) Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) FDM: 4 non-overlapping frequency bands: 6 dB penalty in transmitted power Additional path loss penalty for high-frequency channels: 20 log10(4pfc/c) dB Potential for better performance compared to CDM in cases where uncoordinated piconets are very close Lost immunity to frequency-selective fading is minor (see slides on fading vs bandwidth) CDM: Each piconet has a different spreading code allows use of maximum transmitted power maximum immunity to frequency-selective fading Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

13 March 2003 Link Margin: FDM vs. CDM Reference: IEEE P /490r0-SG3a In the following slides, we consider two cases: (1) FDM: fmin=8.725 MHz, fmax=10.6 MHz (highest-freq channel in a 4-channel system) PT = dBm L1 = dB (2) CDM: fmin=3.1 MHz, fmax=10.6 MHz PT = dBm L1 = dB Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

14 Link Margin From a coding perspective...
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/link_margin_plots.m March 2003 Link Margin From a coding perspective... 480 1m is very easy 200 4m is harder 110 10m is the hardest The FDM system* requires ~10.4 dB more coding gain than CDM. *highest frequency band: GHz Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

15 March 2003 Link Margin: FDM vs CDM (1) FDM: fmin=8.725 GHz, fmax =10.6 GHz (highest frequency channel) requires S+I <= 6.2 dB for m requires strong code & near-optimal receiver very little margin not impossible, but very demanding. (2) CDM: fmin=3.1 GHz, fmax =10.6 GHz requires S+I <= 16.7 dB for m Very easy, even with weak code & high implementation loss. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

16 Interfering Transmitter
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/piconet_interference_plots.m March 2003 Uncoordinated Piconets w/ CDM dref dint Desired Transmitter Receiver Interfering Transmitter Assume uncoordinated piconets use the same frequency band with different spreading codes. Assume true orthogonality isn’t practical due to random multipath & lack of synchronization. Treat interference as uncorrelated noise with same PSD as desired signal. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

17 Uncoordinated Piconets w/ CDM
March 2003 Uncoordinated Piconets w/ CDM For a CDM system operating within 9 dB of the Shannon Limit, the target rate of 110 Mbps can be dref/dint=3.3 Although strong codes aren’t needed to meet the basic requirements in an interference-free environment, coding gain & receiver performance (S+I) will have a large impact on performance in self-interference environments. dref/dint increases by 2X per 6 dB of coding gain Regardless of coding gain, CDM systems will never allow uncoordinated piconets “on top” of each other (“near-far problem”). In theory, FDM could perform much better when uncoordinated piconets are very close.* *FDM isn’t the only way to achieve this. This can be achieved by any method that results in truly orthogonal signals (including multipath effects) at the receiver. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

18 How Much Bandwidth Should We Use?
March 2003 How Much Bandwidth Should We Use? Pros of wider bandwidth: Under the FCC’s UWB regulations, transmit power is proportional to the bandwidth. But note that the net benefit on link margin is reduced at high frequencies due to L1=20*log10(sqrt(4pfminfmax)) In a self-interference environment (e.g. uncoordinated piconets using same frequency band)... the achievable rate is proportional to the bandwidth. for a given target rate, dref/dint ~ sqrt(BW) Better Immunity to Frequency-Selective Fading Cons of wider bandwidth: typically results in higher cost, power. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

19 March 2003 Bandwidth & Fading One of the key advantages to Ultra-Wide-Band technology is its inherent immunity to frequency-selective fading. Narrowband signals cannot resolve multipath components; the entire frequency band could fall in a deep spectral null. The immunity to fading is a function of the ratio of bandwidth to center frequency. ~18 dB ~20 MHz Example Channel: 20 MHz channel can have dB fade. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

20 Fading Probability vs. Bandwidth
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/bw_fade_test.m March 2003 Fading Probability vs. Bandwidth CM1 CM2 Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

21 Fading Probability vs. Bandwidth (cont’d)
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/bw_fade_test.m March 2003 Fading Probability vs. Bandwidth (cont’d) CM3 CM4 Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

22 Bandwidth & Fading (cont’d)
March 2003 Bandwidth & Fading (cont’d) 15 MHz -> 5 GHz: reduction in 1% worst-case fade: CM1: 15 dB CM2: 12 dB CM3: 12 dB CM4: 9 dB Not much difference between 1.5 GHz curves and 5 GHz curves: anything with BW > ~1 GHz has good fading immunity. The accuracy of these results is highly dependent on the accuracy of these channel models. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

23 Spreading & Modulation Options
March 2003 Spreading & Modulation Options Here we consider modulation schemes where uncoordinated piconets share the same frequency band (CDM) Several possible variations on DSSS* (not an exhaustive list) Long PN Spreading Sequence Symbol-Length Spreading Sequence Multi-Symbol-Length Spreading Sequence Symbol-Length Spreading with Short Time Hopping *DSSS = Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

24 Long Sequence Spreading
March 2003 Long Sequence Spreading Chip sequence is a long (effectively infinite length) pseudo-noise sequence. Every symbol has a different spreading sequence. Every uncoordinated piconet has a different spreading sequence. Advantages Perfect autocorrelation properties (flat PSD) Perfect cross-correlation properties with uncoordinated piconets. Disadvantages Near-optimal detection requires a high complexity receiver for a large number of multipath components. Any additional ISI mitigation requires a more sophisticated receiver design Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

25 Symbol-Length Spreading (SLS) Sequence
March 2003 Symbol-Length Spreading (SLS) Sequence The chip sequence is the same for every symbol. Linear Time Invariant (LTI) modulation Advantages Lower-Complexity receiver Disadvantages Imperfect Autocorrelation: PSD has ripple (assuming binary spreading sequences) Imperfect Cross-correlation with uncoordinated piconets. Random multipath tends to provide low correlation, but this breaks down in free-space. Trade-off between autocorrelation and cross-correlation becomes harder to manage at higher symbol rates. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

26 Symbol-Length Spreading w/ Time-Hopping
March 2003 Symbol-Length Spreading w/ Time-Hopping The chip sequence is the same for every symbol. To reduce the correlation with uncoordinated piconets, symbol positions are dithered by a pseudo-random hopping pattern. Better Cross-correlation properties compared to plain Symbol-Length Spreading. Time-varying ISI makes optimal detection more complex. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

27 Multi-Symbol-Length Spreading Sequence
March 2003 Multi-Symbol-Length Spreading Sequence The chip sequence repeats every N symbols, where N is a small integer. Better auto-correlation and cross-correlation properties compared to symbol-length spread-spectrum. Higher Complexity Detection than Symbol-Length Spreading Time-varying ISI makes optimal detection more complex. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

28 Comparison of DSSS variations
March 2003 Comparison of DSSS variations LTI? Constant Baud? Flatness of PSD Decorrelation of Piconets Receiver Complexity Equalzation (if desired) Long Sequence Spreading No Yes Perfect High Very Difficult Symbol-Length Spreading Sequence Fair Lowest Easy SLS w/ Time Hopping Good to Perfect Low Difficult Multi-Symbol Spreading Sequence Good Medium Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

29 March 2003 Conclusions In Theory, the UWB environment enables rates far in excess of the target rates. Supporting 4 uncoordinated piconets is the biggest challenge. FDM would require very strong coding to meet the target rates, but could perform better when uncoordinated piconets are very close. CDM could meet target rates with weaker coding, but performance would be limited when uncoordinated piconets are close. Wider bandwidth always enables higher performance... especially when uncoordinated piconets share the same frequency band but at the expense of higher complexity. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

30 March 2003 Backup Slides Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

31 March 2003 Channel Models The proposed channel model for simulations is described in /368r5. 3 parts: Path loss Model Multipath Model Shadowing Model Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

32 L = 20*log10(d) dB, where d is in meters
March 2003 Path Loss Model L = 20*log10(d) dB, where d is in meters Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

33 Multipath & Shadowing March 2003 The Multipath Model is a Saleh-Valenzuela model, modified so that multipath gains have a lognormal distribution rather than a Rayleigh distribution. 4 Multipath Parameter Sets: CM1: 0-4m LOS CM2: 0-4m NLOS CM3: 4-10m LOS CM4: 4-10m NLOS Shadowing: log-normal shadowing with 3 dB standard deviation. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

34 Example Channels (CM1 & CM2)
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/channel_plots.m March 2003 Example Channels (CM1 & CM2) CM1: 0-4 m LOS CM2: 0-4 m NLOS Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

35 Example Channels (CM3 & CM4)
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/channel_plots.m March 2003 Example Channels (CM3 & CM4) CM3: 4-10 m LOS CM4: extreme NLOS Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

36 Multipath Model Power-Delay Profiles
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/channel_plots.m Multipath Model Power-Delay Profiles March 2003 Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

37 Coding & Spreading @ Pe=1e-8
March 2003 Coding & Pe=1e-8 Examples of well-known codes combined with spreading no spreading spreading *for Pe=1e-5, shift points left by ~2 dB Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

38 Interfering Transmitter
*plots generated by function ~/research/uwb/piconet_interference_plots.m March 2003 Uncoordinated Piconets w/ CDM dref dint Desired Transmitter Receiver Interfering Transmitter Assume uncoordinated piconets use the same frequency band with different spreading codes. Assume true orthogonality isn’t practical due to random multipath. Treat interference as uncorrelated noise with same PSD as desired signal. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

39 Uncoordinated Piconets w/ CDM
March 2003 Uncoordinated Piconets w/ CDM For a CDM system operating within 9 dB of the Shannon Limit, the target rate of 110 Mbps can be dref/(dref+dint)=0.77 Although strong codes aren’t needed to meet the basic requirements in an interference-free environment, coding gain & receiver performance (S+I) will have a large impact on performance in self-interference environments. Regardless of coding gain, CDM systems will never allow uncoordinated piconets “on top” of each other (near-far problem). In theory, FDM could perform much better when uncoordinated piconets are very close.* *FDM isn’t the only way to achieve this. This can be achieved by any method that results in truly orthogonal signals (including multipath effects) at the receiver. Eric Ojard, Broadcom Corp.

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