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Terms: “cried to beat the band” p 39. To the greatest possible degree.

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Presentation on theme: "Terms: “cried to beat the band” p 39. To the greatest possible degree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms: “cried to beat the band” p 39. To the greatest possible degree.
Chapter 1. p.5-26 Vocabulary: feign: to pretend epigram: short, witty saying supercilious: arrogant; scornful jaunty: lively; happy; carefree extemporize: improvise; make up banns: marriage announcement oculist: eye doctor peremptory: arrogant intimation: hint, clue Symbols: Questions? Chapter 2. p Vocabulary: sumptuous – luxurious; splendid interposed - interrupted hauteur - arrogance Symbols: Terms: “cried to beat the band” p 39. To the greatest possible degree. Questions? Chapter 3. p Vocabulary, Colors, Allusions Innuendo: suggestion Prodigality: extravagance Erroneous: mistaken, incorrect, wrong Convivial: friendly; agreeable Homogeneity: uniformity; consistency Staid: settled; not changing Spectroscopic: dealing with observing a spectrum Impetuous: acting without thinking Contralto ~ alto Vacuous: empty Florid: reddish; rosy Corpulent: fat Vinous: resembling or containing wine Discordant din: loud, harsh noise Subterfuge: deception; trick; scheme Insolent: boldly rude and disrespectful Symbols: Allusions “moving her hands like Frisco danced” – Frisco was a jazz dancer Belasco – playwright, theatrical producer Questions?

2 Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions
Chapter 4. p Vocabulary: somnambulatory: sleep walking denizen: resident sauterne: semi-sweet white wine Symbols: Questions? Chapter 5. p Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions reproach: find fault with; blame Colors: Allusions: Kant: 18th century German philosopher who would gaze at a church steeple while thinking Chapter 6. p Vocabulary meretricious: showy; flashy debauchee: a person addicted to excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures (libertine) euphemisms: the substitution of a mild expression for an offensive one. dilatory: tending to delay or procrastinate; slow Incarnation: living being or thing Symbols: Questions? Chapter 7. p Vocabulary: caravansary: large inn or hotel inviolate: undisturbed; free from violation precipitately: hastily; quickly; prematurely portentous: ominous; as if something bad will happen tattoo: signal for soldiers to go to their rooms; knocking pulsation expostulation: a kind protest or objection truculent: fierce; cruel; savagely brutal Symbols: Terms: Kapiolani: a place in Hawaii. Trimalchio is a character in the Roman novel The Satyricon; he is a man who, through hard work and perseverance, has attained power and wealth. Questions?

3 Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions
Chapter 8. p Vocabulary: redolent: fragrant quickening: movement fortuitous: accidental; by chance Symbols: Questions? Chapter 9. p Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions pasquinade: satire or parody surmise: guess superfluous: excessive ulster: man’s coat orgastic: intense or unrestrained excitement; orgasmic. Why couldn’t Nick forgive Tom? Chapter 8. p Vocabulary: redolent: fragrant quickening: movement fortuitous: accidental; by chance Symbols: Questions? Chapter 9. p Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions pasquinade: satire or parody surmise: guess superfluous: excessive ulster: man’s coat orgastic: intense or unrestrained excitement; orgasmic. Why couldn’t Nick forgive Tom? Chapter 8. p Vocabulary: redolent: fragrant quickening: movement fortuitous: accidental; by chance Symbols: Questions? Chapter 9. p Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions pasquinade: satire or parody surmise: guess superfluous: excessive ulster: man’s coat orgastic: intense or unrestrained excitement; orgasmic. Why couldn’t Nick forgive Tom?

4 Terms: Kapiolani: a place in Hawaii.
Chapter 7. p Vocabulary: caravansary: large inn or hotel inviolate: undisturbed; free from violation precipitately: hastily; quickly; prematurely portentous: ominous; as if something bad will happen tattoo: signal for soldiers to go to their rooms; knocking pulsation expostulation: a kind protest or objection truculent: fierce; cruel; savagely brutal Symbols: Terms: Kapiolani: a place in Hawaii. Trimalchio is a character in the Roman novel The Satyricon; he is a man who, through hard work and perseverance, has attained power and wealth. Questions? Chapter 8. p Vocabulary: redolent: fragrant quickening: movement fortuitous: accidental; by chance Symbols: Questions? Chapter 9. p Vocabulary, Colors, & Allusions pasquinade: satire or parody surmise: guess superfluous: excessive ulster: man’s coat orgastic: intense or unrestrained excitement; orgasmic. Why couldn’t Nick forgive Tom?

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