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After each set of scriptures we read we are going to play a round of Scattergories.. To play this game we will have someone roll the die, and I would like.

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Presentation on theme: "After each set of scriptures we read we are going to play a round of Scattergories.. To play this game we will have someone roll the die, and I would like."— Presentation transcript:

1 After each set of scriptures we read we are going to play a round of Scattergories..
To play this game we will have someone roll the die, and I would like each of you to write down something you are grateful for starting with the letter of the die that was rolled. We will cross off all duplicates. If you wrote something down that no one did for that turn then you will receive a point. I will be making a list of things we are grateful for as a class so please be sincere about this. Luke 17:11-19

2 Luke 17:11-12 Jesus travels to Jerusalem & he meets 10 men.
Beginning in verse 11, Jesus travels to Jerusalem, he meets 10 men. What type of men are they? (lepers—v. 12) Jesus travels to Jerusalem & he meets 10 men. What type of men are they?

3 Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter
Leprosy: BD “A terrible form of skin disease, common in dry climates, and highly contagious. Lepers were forbidden by the law to enter any walled city. If a stranger approached, the leper was obliged to cry “unclean.” The disease was regarded as a living death, indicated by bare head, rent clothes, and covered lip.

4 Seeing Jesus they cried out to him.
Luke 17:13 Seeing Jesus they cried out to him. What did they ask for?

5 Jesus, Master, have Mercy on us!
Luke 17:13 Can you identify with that plea? Have you ever felt to cry out - Lord, have Mercy on me!! Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter Jesus, Master, have Mercy on us!

6 Luke 17:14 What was the Lord’s instruction?
He didn’t heal them on the spot - he gave the instruction to “go and shew yourselves to the priests” - This instruction IMPLIED that IF THEY OBEYED - they would be healed. Their Obedience would be the test of their faith - Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter What was the Lord’s instruction? How & When were they healed?

7 Obedience is a test of faith Faith must precede the Miracle
Their Obedience would be the test of their faith - It might not have made sense - to show themselves to the priest - for as they knew at the moment - they were still stricken and afflicted - but the instruction was not to “figure it out” or “reason it out” but to have faith - and take action & GO - None who had been leprous could be lawfully restored to community life until pronounced clean by a priest. Those Ten - stricken with this awful affliction hastened - ran - joyfully to Obey the Lord’s command. And it came to pass.... that AS THEY WENT - As they obeyed - they were cleansed. Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter Obedience is a test of faith Faith must precede the Miracle

8 Luke 17:15-16 Who turned back? A Samaritan!
It was a Samaritan that turned back- Samaritan’s were considered unworthy by many Jews, but the Lord accepts righteous gifts of all His children Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter

9 What was the difference in Him?
Luke 17:15-16 What was the difference in Him? He, the Samaritan, 1- turned back 2 - in a LOUD voice Glorified God 3 - Fell down at the Savior’s feet 4 - Gave thanks Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter Is it possible that the other 9 felt thankfulness but didn’t show it? Why?

10 “Gratitude is deeper than thanks.
Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts”

11 What was the difference FOR
Luke 17:17-19 What was the difference FOR Him? All the lepers were “cleansed” (v. 14), but what special blessing came to the grateful one in verse 19? He was made “whole.” -- the word whole in this verse comes from a Greek word that can also be translated “saved.” Shake die and write down what you are grateful for that starts with that letter

12 What do you see in this picture?
The picture portrays the healed lepers running, with pure unbelief at their good fortune.  Inexplicable joy is written all over their faces as, in absolute celebration, they rush to be declared clean by the priests and to inform family and friends of the miracle that had changed their life. At the back of the group, one man is standing still in awe. Reflecting on the fact that he has been made whole, he looks over his shoulder to where the Savior must have been standing.  The scriptures tell us that this man turned back, and “fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks.”(Luke 17:16) We can often be like the 9 - in our rush and joy of the miracles that can happen in our lives - we fail to stop and offer the Lord our Gratitude - We- can do that - offer our Gratitude - through our Acts - How do we SHOW the Lord we are Grateful - What do you see in this picture?

13 Recognize it! Being grateful and looking for things to be grateful for is sometimes very HARD - But even just Recognizing the things we have to be grateful for brings us blessings.

14 Recognize it! And gratefulness - increases our Faith and brings us joy & happiness & hope --- and acting on our Faith increased our Blessings!!

15 Express It! Have you ever tried to say a prayer and only thank the Lord - and not ask him for anything!! try it sometime!!

16 Practice It!

17 Practice It!

18 Watch Lessons I learned as a boy

19 Blessed beyond measure!
Gratitude Recognize it Express it Practice it D&C 59:15-23 The fullness of the earth is yours... all good things..... for it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man..... and in nothing doth man offend God... save those who confess not his hand in all things..... The promise to those he that recognizes, expresses, and practices gratitude - (v23) “shall receive his reward, even peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come.” & as you do... you will be Blessed beyond measure! D&C 59:15-23

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