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Published byἸουλία Βασιλείου Modified over 6 years ago
LDOE ROUND-TABLE PRESENTATION Portfolio Committee on Basic Education
February 6, 2018
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Purpose Strategic Goals
Alignment of NDP; MTSF and Priorities (Non-Negotiables) Progress Report on Strategic Priorities Inclusion of MTSF-aligned Indicators in the APP
Update the National Portfolio Committee on strides taken to align and develop the APP in line with MTSF; Confirm and outline MTSF Indicators that are not included in APP; Advance explanations for exclusion of some the MTSF Indicators from the APP; 4. Outline Challenges facing inclusion of some MTSF Indicators to the department, and 5. Indicate Strategies and Plans for overcoming the Challenges.
STRATEGIC GOALS SG 2: “Improved capacity of the department to support delivery of quality education”. SG 1: “Improved Delivery of quality Education”. The quality of teaching and learning improved through training of 2,000 educators by 2019/2020 and providing resources and other interventions A credible, outcomes-focused planning and accountability system inculcated in schools through strengthening of management and governance in all schools (3,915 in 2014/15) by 2019/2020. All registered Independent Schools (147 in 2013) regulated and supported annually according to the funding policy. The quality of Special School education improved through annual provision of support and resources to 34 schools by 2019/2020. Provision of ECD (0-4years) improved from 37.3% to 40% in 2019/2020. Administrative and management systems and procedures improved such that the audit opinion is improved from Disclaimer of Opinion in 2013/14 to Unqualified Audit Opinion by 2019/2020; Job-specific education, training and development intervention provided to 12,000 employees (educators and administrators) by 2019/2020 to improve their capacity.
STRATEGIC DIRECTION & PRIORITIES ALIGNED NDP, MTSF AND NON-NEGOTIABLES NDP MTSF (Strategic Direction) NON-NEGOTIABLES Improve the provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM). MTSF Output 2: Improved quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and learning materials LTSM To provide core textbooks per learner, per subject and per grade The need to centralize procurement of LTSM Minimum standards progressively attained Labs, computers, media centres School Safety ICT in education – mobile devices, broadband, connectivity MTSF Output 2: Improved quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and learning materials INFRASTRUCTURE Reducing inappropriate school structures, by constructing new ones and maintaining existing ones prioritizing the provision of basic services to schools (water, sanitation & electricity)
ALIGNED NDP, MTSF AND NON-NEGOTIABLES NDP MTSF ( Strategic Direction) NON-NEGOTIABLES Districts and institutional capacity Appointment of principals will be based on competency assessments Introduce performance contracts for principals Introduce an education accountability chain, with lines of responsibility from state to classroom MTSF Output 5: Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level DISTRICTS Improving districts operations (planning, monitoring and evaluation, curriculum oversight,) Improving schools capacity (curriculum monitoring, oversight roles of principals and SMTs) Appointment of competent principals Teacher development should build teacher subject knowledge Addressing policy blockages that prevent the deployment of teachers A formalised graduate recruitment scheme for the public service Ensure that Funza Lushaka graduates are immediately absorbed into schools MTSF Output 1: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers TEACHERS PLACEMENT, DEPLOYMENT, AND DEVELOPMENT Teacher recruitment, deployment and utilisation Attracting young educators into the system Absorption of Funza Lushaka bursary holders
ALIGNED NDP, MTSF AND NON-NEGOTIABLES NDP MTSF (Strategic Direction) NON-NEGOTIABLES Rewarding teaching excellence Expose teachers to the use of technology in their own training and train them to use it in their teaching MTSF Output 1: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers ICT Access and resource materials available Providing teachers with ICT infrastructure Utilisation of learners home language in schools MTSF Output 2: Improved quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and learning materials LIBRARY SERVICES Focus of reading and library resourcing and resourcing libraries in schools
ALIGNED NDP, MTSF AND NON-NEGOTIABLES NDP MTSF( Strategic Direction) NON-NEGOTIABLES Ensure that Funza Lushaka graduates are immediately absorbed into schools Change the pay structure of teachers: Addressing policy blockages that prevent the deployment of teachers A formalised graduate recruitment scheme for the public service MTSF Output 1: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers RURAL FOCUS Rationalisation of non-viable schools, provision of scholar transport and hostel facilities; training teachers on Multi-grade teaching; Resourcing small schools Curriculum stability –Keeping curriculum changes to a minimum Inclusive education: Ensuring that all children with disabilities have access to quality education Language – Home language, and English earlier in Foundation Phase Universal access to two years of early childhood development MTSF Output 3: Regular annual national assessments to track improvements in the quality of teaching and learning MTSF Output 4: Improved Grade R and planning for extension of ECD CURRICULUM MST: Enrolments and performance History: Introduction of History IIAL: Piloting the introduction of African Languages Testing: Improving assessments for improved teaching and learning
Challenges Intervention/Mitigation Curriculum Implementation & ICT Curriculum implementation in line with CAPS 51 x schools are implementing IIAL in Grades 1 and 2 550 teachers from all ten education districts were inducted at Capricorn TVET College on ICT integration. SBA has been monitored and moderated in schools 60% of SBST across the province not fully functional Ensure resourcing of Districts and Circuit to support and monitor functionality of School Based Support Teams.
Challenges Intervention/Mitigation Teacher Placement, Deployment and Development 2018 Post establishments have been consulted upon; Placement into posts ongoing; HR Plan was finalised 174 educators and 17 Subject Advisors trained on LoLT Framework Delay in finalising the Post establishment. Improve on stakeholder management.
Challenges Intervention/Mitigation LTSM Procurement and delivery of LTSM was completed during December 2017 Retrieval of Textbooks from learners still not satisfactory Tightening Policy and training of schools on textbook retrieval
Challenges Intervention/Mitigation Rural Focus Small and non-viable schools are being rationalised (school mergers) Learner Transport is being provided to learners travelling >5km to access nearest public schools Department is implementing Multi-grade teaching. Merger Resistance by some communities Capacity challenges to monitor Scholar Transport providers Continued engagements with affected communities Linking up with provincial Dept. of Transport to ensure that roadworthy vehicle are used for transporting learners
Challenges Intervention/Mitigation Infrastructure Department continues to provide infrastructure to schools (classrooms, specialist rooms, hostels) and offices (new district offices and Circuits) Provisioning of water and sanitation was prioritised. Inadequate funding given the huge backlog faced by the Province. Recruitment and retention of requisite skills to manage the Programme Engagements with both Prov. Treasury and DBE are ongoing for allocation of additional funds. Collaboration with DBE for recruiting and appointing candidates with requisite skills and competencies to manage and monitor the programme
Challenges Intervention/Mitigation Districts District structure has been finalised and placements will be commencing soon Circuit re-demarcation in line with 10-new districts completed District directors have delegated authority to finalize school-based appointments Lack of connectivity in some districts (mainly new districts) hampers efficiency of service delivery Ensure connectivity for all Districts to improve efficiencies.
MTSF-aligned Indicators
2018 – 2019 APP Inclusion of MTSF-aligned Indicators In the APP
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Rate of utilization of SA-SAMS in public school PPM101: Number of public schools that use schools administration and management systems to electronically provide data Included Yes None Percentage of schools visited at least twice a year by district officials for monitoring and support purposes PPM104: Number of schools visited by district officials for monitoring and support purposes. School visit being scaled down in line with budget. Under-reporting by Programme Managers Strengthen Reporting and accountability The percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade). PPM202: The percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade)
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions The percentage of children who turned 12 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade). PPM 203: The percentage of children who turned 12 in the preceding year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade) Included Yes None Percentage of teachers absent from school on an average day PPM 206: Teacher absenteeism rate Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion PPM 403: Number of therapists/specialist staff in special schools Difficulty in filling vacancies due to non-response to adverts (absence of OSD in Education) Collaboration with relevant sectors.
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R per year PPM502: Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R education. Included Yes None Number of ASIDI schools built and handed over against the target PPM606: Number of new schools completed and ready for occupation (includes replacement schools) The percentage of youths who obtained a National Senior Certificate from a school PPM 701: Percentage of learners who passed National Senior Certificate (NSC) Number of Grade 12 learners passing at bachelor level in the national senior certificate examinations per year PPM 702: Percentage of Grade 12 learners passing at bachelor level.
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Number of Grade 12 learners passing Mathematics at 50% or more in the national senior certificate examinations per year PPM 703: Percentage of Grade 12 learners achieving 50% or above in Mathematics Included Yes None Number of Grade 12 learners passing Physical Science at 50% or more in the national senior certificate examinations per year PPM 704: Percentage of Grade 12 learners achieving 50% or more in Physical Sciences The average hours per year spent by teachers on professional development activities PPM 210: Average hours per year spent by teachers on professional development activities.
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Number of teachers self-assessed using knowledge testing system PPM 211: Number of teachers who have written Self-Diagnostic Assessments. Included Yes None Percentage of teachers meeting required content knowledge levels after support PPM 212: Percentage of teachers meeting required content knowledge levels after support. Number and percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed by June of the year after qualifying PPM 214: Number and (percentage) of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed in schools within six months upon completion of studies or upon confirmation that the bursar has completed studies Number of qualified Grade R-12 teachers aged 30 and below, entering the public service as teachers for the first time during the financial year. PPM 215: Number of qualified Grade R-12 teachers aged 30 and below, entering the public service as teachers for the first time during the financial year.
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Percentage of learners who are in classes with no more than 45 learners. PPM 216: Percentage of learners who are in classes with not more than 45 learners Included Yes None Percentage of schools where allocated teaching posts are all filled PPM 217: Percentage of schools where allocated teaching posts are all filled Percentage of schools with adequate infrastructure in line with agreed norms and standards N/A Not Included No Non-Standardised To be included in 2019/2020 Percentage of learners having access to the required textbooks in all grades and in all subjects PPM 218: Percentage of learners provided with required textbooks in all grades and in all subjects per annum
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
Percentage of learners having access to required workbooks per grade N/A Not Included No Not provincial responsibility Percentage of learners having access to broadband PPM 106: Percentage of learners having access to information through Connectivity other than Broadband; and Broadband Included Yes Budget Constraints Provincial Administration rolling out Broadband through LEDET (Limpopo Connexion) Percentage of Grade R practitioners with NQF level 6 PPM 503: Number and percentage of Grade R practitioners with NQF level 6 qualification and above None Percentage of Gr 1 entrants who attended Gr R that are school ready PPM 502: Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R education.
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Proportion of principals appointed based on competency assessment processes per year N/A Not Included No Policy (Collective Agreement) not yet finalised. DBE Proportion of principals who have signed performance agreements each year Percentage of learners who complete the whole curriculum each year PPM 219: Number and (percentage) of learners who complete the whole curriculum each year. Included Yes Non Percentage of schools producing a minimum set of management documents at a required standard PPM 220: Percentage of schools producing a minimum set of management documents at a required standard.
Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions Percentage of schools where school governing body meets minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness PPM 221: Number and Percentage of SGBs in sampled schools that meet minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness every year. Included Yes None No Percentage of learners in schools that are funded at a minimum level PPM 223: Percentage of learners in schools that are funded at a minimum level. Percentage of schools with full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of assessment PPM 222: Percentage of schools with more than one financial responsibility on the basis of assessment. Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory PPM 107: Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory.
MTSF Performance Indicator Status Targeted Challenges Interventions
5.10. Percentage of district managers whose competency has been assessed against criteria 5.14. Clear roles and functions for district offices and minimum competencies for district officials N/A Not Included No DBE Responsibility DBE Percentage of 7 to 15 year olds attending education institutions. PPM’s 202: Percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade) & 203: Percentage of children who turned 12 in the preceding year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade) Included Yes None
RECOMMENDATION That the Round-Table on basic Education notes and discuss the presentation from LDoE.
Thank you
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