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Prosperity without Growth Tim Jackson 4 th March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Prosperity without Growth Tim Jackson 4 th March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prosperity without Growth Tim Jackson 4 th March 2010

2 Rockstrom et al, Nature 461, Sept 2009

3 Growth is unsustainable De-growth is unstable The Dilemma of Growth GDP = Labour x LP

4 The Dilemma of Growth Source: Prosperity without growth, Tim Jackson (London, Earthscan 2009) x 130 improvement CO2/$ < zero by 2100?

5 Households Firms Income Investment Novelty Price Spending Increasing productivity The Engine of Growth shareholder value creative destruction status consumption a life without shame Credit

6 Prosperity consists in our ability to flourish as human beings – within the ecological limits of a finite planet. material flourishing: food, clothing, shelter social and psychological flourishing: identity, meaning, participation in the life of society rethinking social goods and public spaces A Better Prosperity?

7 A Better Economic Engine? Ecological Investment low carbon transition ecological assets livelihoods Ecological Enterprise provide capabilities support communities tread lightly

8 A Better Nature? Tradition Novelty Self Other

9 Ecological enterprise People Ecosystems Ecological investment Ecosystem services ParticipationCapabilities ecological productivity improved flourishing Economics for a finite planet

10 The crisis doesnt only make us free to imagine other models, another future, another world. It obliges us to do so. President Sarkozy, September 2009

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