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Air Carrier Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System (CASS)

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Presentation on theme: "Air Carrier Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System (CASS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Carrier Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System (CASS)
Define CASS

2 Objectives Define CASS and its primary functions
Identify the two main components of a maintenance program evaluated by CASS Describe the four main activities of CASS Describe the CASS process flow

3 Overview What Is CASS? CASS Cycle Ten Elements CASS Monitors
Primary Functions Value to the Air Carrier Key Components CASS Cycle Major Activities Process Flow Ten Elements CASS Monitors

4 The Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System
What Is CASS? The Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System CASS is an air carrier’s maintenance program management tool. CASS requires air carriers to detect and correct weaknesses in their maintenance program.

5 The Primary Functions of CASS
Perform continuous and methodical monitoring and evaluation of an air carrier’s maintenance program looking for indicators and symptoms of weakness. Monitor maintenance program for performance (program execution) and effectiveness (program results). Using a closed-loop system, perform surveillance, analysis, corrective action, and follow-up surveillance to complete these goals.

6 Value of CASS to the Air Carrier
Image is from, can be purchased from site: # – or use as a suggestion. Through CASS: The air carrier ensures that it is performing the right maintenance at the right time and that the intended results are produced. The air carrier exercises control over maintenance activities conducted on its aircraft. The air carrier can have better control of their costs

7 Key Components of CASS The air carrier exercises control over maintenance activities conducted on its aircraft. Using a continuous, system-safety-based, closed-loop cycle of surveillance, data collection, analysis, corrective action, and follow-up, CASS continually evaluates the performance and effectiveness of the maintenance program.

8 Key Component: Performance
What do we mean when we talk about performance? Ensures everyone complies with the air carrier’s manual, program, and all applicable regulations. CASS Continuous Performance Cycle: Data collection using scheduled and unscheduled (proactive and reactive) surveillance, audits and investigations Analysis of data Corrective action Follow-up Did they do what they said they were going to do?

9 Key Component: Effectiveness
Ensures that the maintenance program is producing the desired results. Primary indicators of the level of maintenance program effectiveness are: Achieving the defined results of §§ or The number of unscheduled maintenance events The rate of availability of the aircraft for use in air transportation Is the data indicating you are achieving desired results?

10 CASS in an Air Carrier’s Operation
CASS must be able to identify weaknesses, implement corrective action, and verify the corrective action was effective in correcting the deficiency. CASS must be able to identify weaknesses, implement corrective action, and verify that corrective action was effective in correcting the weakness. ? The scope and complexity of CASS depends on the scope and complexity of the air carrier’s operation. CASS functions are always the same, but who carries them out and how they are carried out may be different.

11 The CASS Cycle CASS is a continuing system-safety-based, closed-loop process for identifying deficiencies and making changes and improvements. CASS monitors maintenance program performance and effectiveness through a closed-loop system of four major activities.

12 Major Activities of CASS
Suggestion – animate the image to highlight each section and display the high level definition in time – one at a time. Surveillance: Gather information for analysis. Data Analysis: Evaluate data to identify system weaknesses. Corrective Action: Deal with the deficiency. Follow-Up: Continue surveillance to verify that the corrective action plan is followed and successful.

13 CASS Process Flow 1. Surveillance: Surveillance is conducted so the air carrier can gather information for analysis, the results of which can be used to evaluate its program. 2. Data Analysis: Analysis is the evaluation of data to identify system weaknesses in an air carrier maintenance program. 3. Corrective Action: Corrective action involves how to deal with the undesirable condition. 4. Follow-Up: Follow-up surveillance involves verifying that the corrective action plan is followed and is successful. The regulations require that CASS accomplish surveillance and analysis of the air carrier maintenance program from two perspectives: performance and effectiveness.

14 CASS Process Flow: Surveillance
Highlight in yellow the surveillance arrow and text Performance: Surveillance to look for compliance with the air carrier’s manual, program, and applicable regulations and statutes. Effectiveness: Surveillance to ensure the maintenance program is producing the desired outcomes.

15 CASS Process Flow: Data Analysis
Highlight in yellow the data analysis arrow and text Performance: Analysis to identify hazards, accomplish risk analysis and assessment. Effectiveness: Analysis to identify hazards, investigate adverse indicators; accomplish risk analysis and assessment.

16 CASS Process Flow: Corrective Action
Through a thorough analysis of the audit and operational data collected, CASS identifies deficiencies for the air carrier. CASS identifies deficiencies for the air carrier and addresses these deficiencies through RCA (Root Cause Analysis). RCA identifies the causal factor(s) for any identified deficiency. A corrective action plan is developed and implemented. The corrective action plan is monitored through to completion

17 CASS Process Flow: Follow-Up
Follow-up surveillance is conducted to: Verify that corrective action was effective in addressing the root cause of the deficiency, not just treating the symptom. Initiate risk-based, follow-up surveillance planning, as appropriate.

18 Ten Elements CASS monitors all 10 elements of an air carrier’s maintenance program. Accomplishment and Approval of Maintenance Airworthiness Responsibility Maintenance Manuals Maintenance Organization Maintenance Providers Maintenance Record-Keeping System Maintenance Schedule Personnel Training Required Inspection Items (RIIs) CASS

19 CASS and SMS Interfaces
SMS – Part 5, primarily performance-based rules Hazard vs. Deficiency SMS and CASS should complement each other SMS Safety Policy reflected in CASS Procedures, authority, responsibility Process documentation, Records CASS and other existing programs can provide compliance with some SMS requirements CASS is a natural and primary input to an operator’s Safety Assurance System “All-way” communication, reporting

20 Practice Exercise

21 Summary What Is CASS? CASS Cycle Ten Elements CASS Monitors
Primary Functions Value to the Air Carrier Key Components CASS Cycle Major Activities Process Flow Ten Elements CASS Monitors

22 Objectives Define CASS and its primary functions
Identify the two main components of a maintenance program evaluated by CASS Describe the four main activities of CASS Describe the CASS process flow


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