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Project Kickoff Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Project Kickoff Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Kickoff Meeting
Date Institution’s Name Project Manager’s Name ****Please make this PPT beautiful ****

2 Sponsor(s) Name, phone number, and

3 Senior Management Present on the importance of the project
Give positive words for a successful project

4 Project Management Team
Project Manager: Project Manager’s Name Phone Number: Address: List Other Team Members With Contact Information ( )

5 Kickoff Meeting Goals Meet and Greet Team Establish Communications
Describe how project aligns with Institution’s Mission and Goals Discuss Key Factors for Success Overview of design and plan of project

6 Institution’s Mission
Present Mission and relevance of project to meeting Mission. goals and how will be met

7 Establish Expectations
Discuss plans and present tools developed: Plan Change Management Risk Management Communication Plan Reporting Requirements Closing Process

8 Project Management and Planning

9 Project Management Objectives
Include goals and expectations of the project

10 Project Team Roles

11 Project Management Tools

12 Project’s Key Milestones

13 Meetings Define different types, frequencies

14 Managing Change

15 Change Is Expected…. Discuss types of change When does change matter?

16 Impact of Change Discuss how change impact current status - Change Threshold When to Discuss Report Meet

17 Managing Change Discuss how you are managing Potential Actual

18 Risk Management

19 Managing Risk Discuss how you will do this
Add you tools in next slides

20 Communication Plan

21 Communication Plan Format

22 Communication Plan Frequency

23 Reporting Requirements

24 Types of Reports

25 Frequency of Reports

26 Purpose of Reports

27 Closing Process

28 Closing Meetings

29 Verification Audit Include how you will evaluate project
Discuss lessons learned Discuss how knowledge transfer will occur and to whom Identify who in leadership will provide formal sign-off

30 End of Project Success Indicators – including metrics

31 INPUT Ask for everyone’s input/feedback Time for Q & A

32 Positive Send-off to Kick Off the Project
Get everyone on board, excited, and enthused about the project. Motivate them—they should be ready to get to work and make it a successful project! Give kudos and thanks to those who have been working so hard already on this project.

33 References

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