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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist © Townsend Press
Unit Two: Chapter 7 • concede • disclose • conservative • scapegoat
• contrary • superficial • denounce • sustain • deter • transition Page 42 in textbook.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 concede – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 concede – verb • Our aunt hates to admit an error. She will never concede that she might be wrong. • After pretending it was easy learning to use the new computer, Ross had to concede that he was struggling and ask for help. Concede means A. to forget. B. to admit. C. to prove. Page 42 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. “I concede that the sofa’s a wreck, but I won’t admit to knowing how it happened.”
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 concede – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 concede – verb • Our aunt hates to admit an error. She will never concede that she might be wrong. • After pretending it was easy learning to use the new computer, Ross had to concede that he was struggling and ask for help. Concede means A. to forget. B. to admit. C. to prove. Page 42 in textbook. In the first item, the words to admit tell you what concede means. In the second item, in order to ask for help, Ross would have to admit that it really wasn’t so easy as he had pretended it was. “I concede that the sofa’s a wreck, but I won’t admit to knowing how it happened.”
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 conservative – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 conservative – adjective • Lauren’s conservative relatives were shocked when she broke with tradition and wore a rose-colored wedding gown. • When the mayor suggested a new method of recycling garbage, a conservative member of the audience called out, “What we’ve done in the past is good enough. Why change things?” Conservative means A. playful. B. amused. C. traditional. Page 42 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 2 conservative – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 conservative – adjective • Lauren’s conservative relatives were shocked when she broke with tradition and wore a rose-colored wedding gown. • When the mayor suggested a new method of recycling garbage, a conservative member of the audience called out, “What we’ve done in the past is good enough. Why change things?” Conservative means A. playful. B. amused. C. traditional. Page 42 in textbook. Relatives who are traditional would be shocked when Lauren broke with tradition. If the audience member is opposed to a new method of recycling, he or she must want things done in the traditional way.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 contrary – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 contrary – adjective • Claire’s father insists that she share his views. He doesn’t allow her to express an opinion contrary to his. • Tisha and her husband have contrary ideas on how to spend a vacation. He wants to sleep on the beach for a week, but she prefers visiting museums. Contrary means A. different. B. favorable. C. similar. Page 42 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 contrary – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 contrary – adjective • Claire’s father insists that she share his views. He doesn’t allow her to express an opinion contrary to his. • Tisha and her husband have contrary ideas on how to spend a vacation. He wants to sleep on the beach for a week, but she prefers visiting museums. Contrary means A. different. B. favorable. C. similar. Page 42 in textbook. If Claire’s father insists she share his views, he must not allow her to express an opinion that is different from his. Sleeping on the beach and visiting museums are two different ways of spending a vacation.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 denounce – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 denounce – verb • In Nazi Germany, anyone who publicly denounced Hitler as cruel or mad risked imprisonment, torture, and death. • When Eugene said he saw me steal from another student’s locker, I denounced him as a liar. Denounce means A. to imitate. B. to defend. C. to condemn. Page 42 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer. A protestor’s sign denouncing former Vice President Chaney
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 denounce – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 denounce – verb • In Nazi Germany, anyone who publicly denounced Hitler as cruel or mad risked imprisonment, torture, and death. • When Eugene said he saw me steal from another student’s locker, I denounced him as a liar. Denounce means A. to imitate. B. to defend. C. to condemn. Page 42 in textbook. Anyone who publicly condemned their leader risked punishment and death. In the second item, the speaker condemned Eugene for accusing him of stealing. A protestor’s sign denouncing former Vice President Chaney
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 deter – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 deter – verb • No one is sure how much the threat of capital punishment deters murder. • Beth’s parents disapproved of her dating someone from a different culture, but their prejudice didn’t deter her—she still dated Po-Yen. Deter means A. to discourage. B. to encourage. C. to change. Page 42 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 deter – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 deter – verb • No one is sure how much the threat of capital punishment deters murder. • Beth’s parents disapproved of her dating someone from a different culture, but their prejudice didn’t deter her—she still dated Po-Yen. Deter means A. to discourage. B. to encourage. C. to change. Page 42 in textbook. No one knows how much the threat of capital punishment discourages murder. If Beth continued to date Po-Yen, her parents’ prejudice must not have discouraged her.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 disclose – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 disclose – verb • When I applied for financial aid, I had to disclose my family’s annual income. But it embarrassed me to reveal this information. • The police don’t disclose all the facts of a murder to the newspapers. That way, there will be some information which only the murderer would know. Disclose means A. to reveal. B. to deny. C. to replace. Page 42 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 disclose – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 disclose – verb • When I applied for financial aid, I had to disclose my family’s annual income. But it embarrassed me to reveal this information. • The police don’t disclose all the facts of a murder to the newspapers. That way, there will be some information which only the murderer would know. Disclose means A. to reveal. B. to deny. C. to replace. Page 42 in textbook. Some people would be embarrassed to reveal their family’s income. If the police don’t reveal all the facts, there will be some information only the murderer would know.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 scapegoat – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 scapegoat – noun • Several girls put dye into their high school swimming pool. In need of a scapegoat, they blamed another student who knew nothing about the prank. • Because the manager wanted a scapegoat for his own mistake, he fired an innocent employee. Scapegoat means A. a correction. B. a punishment. C. someone to blame. Page 43 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 scapegoat – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 scapegoat – noun • Several girls put dye into their high school swimming pool. In need of a scapegoat, they blamed another student who knew nothing about the prank. • Because the manager wanted a scapegoat for his own mistake, he fired an innocent employee. Scapegoat means A. a correction. B. a punishment. C. someone to blame. Page 43 in textbook. The girls needed someone to blame. The word blamed is a clue. If the manager fired an innocent employee for his own mistake, he must have wanted someone to blame.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 superficial – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 superficial – adjective • Sal and Anita are interested only in appearances. They are so superficial that it’s impossible to have a deep friendship with them. • My teacher said my essay on divorce was too superficial because I didn’t go into the subject in detail. Superficial means A. lacking depth. B. complicated. C. satisfactory. Page 43 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 superficial – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 superficial – adjective • Sal and Anita are interested only in appearances. They are so superficial that it’s impossible to have a deep friendship with them. • My teacher said my essay on divorce was too superficial because I didn’t go into the subject in detail. Superficial means A. lacking depth. B. complicated. C. satisfactory. Page 43 in textbook. If Sal and Anita are interested only in appearances, they must lack depth. The word deep is a clue. An essay that does not go into the subject in detail would lack depth.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 sustain – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 sustain – verb • My diets usually last three days at the most. I can’t sustain my willpower any longer than that. • An opera singer can sustain a high note for a long period of time. Sustain means A. to remember. B. to delay. C. to continue. Page 43 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 sustain – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 sustain – verb • My diets usually last three days at the most. I can’t sustain my willpower any longer than that. • An opera singer can sustain a high note for a long period of time. Sustain means A. to remember. B. to delay. C. to continue. Page 43 in textbook. If the diets last only three days, the speaker must not be able to continue his or her willpower beyond that. An opera singer can continue a high note. The words for a long period of time are a clue.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 transition – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 transition – noun • Mark’s parents were amazed at how easily he made the transition from full-time student to full-time employee. • “The transition from being childless to being a parent is extreme,” said the new father. “Last week, only two quiet people lived at our house. Suddenly, we’re sharing space with a third, noisy person.” Transition means A. an explanation. B. a trip. C. a change. Page 43 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 transition – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 transition – noun • Mark’s parents were amazed at how easily he made the transition from full-time student to full-time employee. • “The transition from being childless to being a parent is extreme,” said the new father. “Last week, only two quiet people lived at our house. Suddenly, we’re sharing space with a third, noisy person.” Transition means A. an explanation. B. a trip. C. a change. Page 43 in textbook. Going from full-time student to full-time employee is a change. Adding a third, noisy person to a house that has two quiet people is a change.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 1. The teenagers who smashed the window made an innocent bystander the __________, claiming he had thrown the rock. 2. To __________ a high grade-point average throughout college requires much studying. Page 44 in textbook. Answers: 1. scapegoat; 2. sustain The next slide explains the answers.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 1. The teenagers who smashed the window made an innocent bystander the __________, claiming he had thrown the rock. scapegoat The innocent bystander is blamed for the vandalism of the teenagers. 2. To __________ a high grade-point average throughout college requires much studying. sustain Page 44 in textbook. If one wishes to maintain a high grade-point average, one must study.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 3. The environmental group __________(e)d a local chemical company for polluting the river. 4. Even after Stuart listed scientific facts that support his theory, the teacher refused to __________ that Stuart might be right. Page 44 in textbook. Answers: 3. denounce; 4. concede; 5. deter The next slide explains the answers. 5. A childhood stutter didn’t __________ Leo. He overcame his speech handicap and reached his goal of being a radio announcer.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 3. The environmental group ____________ a local chemical company for polluting the river. denounced An environmental group would openly condemn a company that pollutes. 4. Even after Stuart listed scientific facts that support his theory, the teacher refused to __________ that Stuart might be right. concede Page 44 in textbook. In spite of the facts, the teacher would not admit Stuart might be right. 5. A childhood stutter didn’t __________ Leo. He overcame his speech handicap and reached his goal of being a radio announcer. deter If Leo became a radio announcer, he must not have been discouraged by his childhood stutter.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 6. I try to judge people by their character, not by something as __________ as physical appearance. 7. When Dawn brought home a boyfriend with a Mohawk and several body piercings, her __________ parents, who prefer everything old-fashioned and traditional, nearly fainted. Page 44 in textbook. Answers: 6. superficial; 7. conservative The next slide explains the answers.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 6. I try to judge people by their character, not by something as __________ as physical appearance. superficial It is shallow to judge people by their physical appearance. 7. When Dawn brought home a boyfriend with a Mohawk and several body piercings, her __________ parents, who prefer everything old-fashioned and traditional, nearly fainted. conservative Page 44 in textbook. A Mohawk and body piercings would upset people who favor traditional values. The word traditional is a clue.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 8. Making the __________ from her own apartment to a nursing home has been difficult for my grandmother. 9. Though Geena and Tom are happily married, they cast __________ votes in almost every election—she’s a Republican and he’s a Democrat. Page 44 in textbook. Answers: 8. transition; 9. contrary; 10. disclose The next slide explains the answers. 10. Knowing my passion for chocolate, my mother refused to __________ the location of the bite-size Hershey bars, which she was saving for company.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. concede B. conservative C. contrary D. denounce E. deter F. disclose G. scapegoat H. superficial I. sustain J. transition 8. Making the __________ from her own apartment to a nursing home has been difficult for my grandmother. transition Moving from her own apartment to a nursing home is a change. 9. Though Geena and Tom are happily married, they cast __________ votes in almost every election—she’s a Republican and he’s a Democrat. contrary Page 44 in textbook. If she’s a Republican and he’s a Democrat, they are likely to cast totally different votes. 10. Knowing my passion for chocolate, my mother refused to __________ the location of the bite-size Hershey bars, which she was saving for company. disclose If the mother wants to save the Hershey bars for company, she would refuse to reveal their location.
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