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Associative Query Answering via Query Feature Similarity

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Presentation on theme: "Associative Query Answering via Query Feature Similarity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Associative Query Answering via Query Feature Similarity

2 Outline Associative Query Answering Approach and system overview
Database schema and semantic model Query feature and similarity Searching associative attributes from case bases Conclusions

3 Associative Query Answering
To provide additional relevant information to the queries that: not explicitly asked user does not know how to ask

4 Examples “List airports in Tunisia that can land a C-5 cargo plane.”
Associative information depends on user type Planner: railway facility near the airports. Pilot: runway condition and weather condition. “Tourists ask visitor’s information about a city.” Additional information depends on the selection condition. Florida: hurricanes California: earthquakes

5 Associative Information
For a relational query: Simple associative attributes: attributes of relations in the query Extended associative attributes: attributes of relations introduced to the query by joins Statistical associative information: aggregate functions related to the entity in the query We focus on the first two types

6 Approach Similar case searching based on:
User type: case bases are separate for user types Query context: query features Similarity measure: based on domain knowledge represented by semantic model.

7 Property of Semantic Model
Semantic model derived from database schema As a directed graph Nodes: entities and complex associations Edges: relationships among nodes, including user-defined Weights on edges express the relative information of content Nodes have equal weights













20 Conclusions Query feature vector as a query representation for similarity matching. Query topic Output attribute list Selection constraints Developed a new type of semantic model constructed from database schema, user types, and user-defined relationships. Methods to evaluate similarity measure of case base queries based on query feature vector via the semantic model.





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