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Presentation on theme: "Communication…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication…

2 Coverage.... Leader/Manager & communication .

3 Leadership Roles – what a Leader does
Have a vision. Communicate vision and rally people around it. Set values & behaviors. Get people with required skill and attitude/behavior Bring the best out of people. Take key decisions – strategy & others Instill hope & optimism Build organization for future – culture, more leaders..

4 Leadership Roles – what a Leader does
Have a vision. Gandhi, Mandela, Steve Jobs, JRD… Big, beyond personal agenda & for organization Passion. What passion does? Communicate vision and rally people around it. Build shared vision. People see role for themselves & make the vision their own JFK… Set values & behaviors. Gandhi –inclusiveness & non violence GE – integrity & excellence Get people with required skill and attitude/behavior who complement each other.

5 Leadership Roles – what a Leader does
Bring the best out of people Clive Loyd, Ganguly-Irfan, Imran -Inzmam Take key decisions – strategy & others Tough calls & not popularity contest, Courage. Instill hope & optimism Can do attitude, Satish Dhawan.. Build organization for future – culture, more leaders..

6 Leader & Communication…
Communication as enabling tool to achieve vision & goals Bad examples Dr Good examples Leader & Manager as communicator Persuasive & forceful communication, The message relevance to the target audience, Personal credibility Managerial communication - what, why, when, how, where. Examples. Barak Obama as a communicator

7 Functions of Communication….
Motivation Manager foster motivation by clarifying employees what is to be done, how well they are doing & what can be done to improve performance.. CEO communicates vision CEO communicating in crisis Control ; Organization/Mgr spell out do’s & don’t as how employees should conduct themselves. Example- Employee Manual, Induction program, Values & behavior standard.. Information that employees need to make decision Emotional expression to fulfill social needs...

8 Communication process..
Sender. Encoding Message. Channel Decoding. Receiver. Noise. Feedback.

9 Communication process..
The sender initiates a message by encoding a thought The message is the product of sender’s encoding Channel is the medium through which the message travels which is selected by the sender. It is formal or informal. Receiver decode the message in the form that can be understood by him/her Noise – communication barrier Feedback is the check – how successful we have been transferring our message as originally intended

10 Direction of communication….
Downward Upward lateral

11 Direction of communication….
What types communication are these? Manager passing on instruction to sub ordinates Supervisor giving job instructions CEO sharing company performance with employees Manager giving performance feedback to Campus Recruit Employee sharing his feelings with colleague Employee sharing his achievements with his Manager Manager conducting performance review with workmen Employee satisfaction survey Employees giving suggestions for performance improvement All Departmental Heads having discussion about customer complaints

12 Interpersonal communication..
Oral, Written, Non –verbal How important is body language Viv Richards/Nelson Mandela Negotiation between union & Management Negotiation with suppliers Manager interacting with customer

13 Organizational communication….
Formal small group networks Chain – rigidly follow the formal chain of command Wheel – central figure as conduit of all communication All channels- free flow of information in all direction/ The grapevine Computer aided/ Video conf

14 Performance of Networks
FACTORS WHEEL “Y” CHAIN CIRCLE ALL CHANNELS Speed Fast Moderate Slow Accuracy Good High Poor Emergence of Leadership Very Pronounced Marked None Satisfaction Low

15 Organizational communication practices & what it does….
Workout in GE Open forum meeting CEO meeting the young GETs & MBAs Best practices sharing forum Inter unit conferences in big organization Dinner meeting MBWA CEO sharing company vision with fresh young employees

16 Barriers…. What is an effective communication
Accuracy Timely. Target audience Desired impact Exercise- from your experience ; what are barriers?

17 Barriers…. Filtering; Selective perception Information overload
Manager tells his boss what he feels his boss wants to hear. He is filtering information Sender purposely manipulating information More the number of levels, the more filtering Selective perception Our perception is our reality. Many times, we do not see reality, we interpret what we see & call it reality Example – IR used to deal with conflicts, interpret celebration as conflict Information overload When individuals have more information then they can sort out, they tend to select/ignore/forget information

18 Barriers…. Emotions. Language; same word understood differently
Communication apprehension or anxiety Some people not comfortable speaking in public Cultural barrier

19 What causes distortion or the barriers to understanding/listening?
Perceptions Language Semantics Personal Interests Emotions Inflections Environment – noise Preconceived notions/expectations Wordiness Attention span Physical hearing problem Speed of thought CGAP Direct TOT Session 5

20 Situation / Environmental
Communication Kills Language Emotions Non-Verbal Communication skills Sender Noise Time Climate Distance Channel Situation / Environmental Interest Selective Listening Perceptions Evaluations Physical / Mental / Emotional State Receiver

21 Issues... Communication between men and women Cross cultural
Silence as communication

22 You as Communicator.. Self evaluate Take others feedback
On 8 parameters What I do well & what I need to improve Identify one area for improvement.

23 You as communicator… Communicate clearly
How do you communicate with others on day to day basis? Rate yourself in 1 to 5 point scale. How do others rate you? Get others feedback Identify one are of improvement based on your own score & other’s score. Communicate clearly Know the objectives while communicating with others Listen to others. Have an open mind Aware of my emotions and do not let them affect my communication negatively. Other person believe in me Try to overcome perceptual biases such as stereotypes etc. Show interest in other people

24 You as communicator…Score
25 & below; Below Average 25 to 30 Average 30 to 35 Good 35 & above Very Good


26 Process of exchanging information and understanding between people


28 (One-Way Communication
No Replay End Communication No Reply (One-Way Communication Responds Replies


30 http://www. google. co. in/imgres. imgurl=https://static

31 Communication Networks

32 Performance of Networks
FACTORS WHEEL “Y” CHAIN CIRCLE ALL CHANNELS Speed Fast Moderate Slow Accuracy Good High Poor Emergence of Leadership Very Pronounced Marked None Satisfaction Low


34 What causes distortion or the barriers to understanding/listening?
Perceptions Language Semantics Personal Interests Emotions Inflections Environment – noise Preconceived notions/expectations Wordiness Attention span Physical hearing problem Speed of thought CGAP Direct TOT Session 5

35 Situation / Environmental
Communication Kills Language Emotions Non-Verbal Communication skills Sender Noise Time Climate Distance Channel Situation / Environmental Interest Selective Listening Perceptions Evaluations Physical / Mental / Emotional State Receiver

36 Johari Window

37 http://www. reneevations



40 Cross Cultural Communication


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