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Published byRaimonda Motta Modified over 6 years ago
Formiranje GIS-a I ArcGIS – Desktop File Geodatabase
Predavanje br. 6 Formiranje GIS-a I ArcGIS – Desktop Hardcopies File Geodatabase Personal Geodatabase GPS/Field Data GIS Data Imagery Maps
Šema organizacije podataka u bazu
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Šema organizacije podataka u bazu 2
Baze podataka i UML Modeli
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Baze podataka i UML Modeli Model je semantički zatvorena apstrakcija sistema, kojom se predstavlja pojednostavljena stvarnost, kreirana da bi se bolje razumeo sistem. Pogled je projekcija modela sistema, usredsređena na jedan aspekt sistema. Dijagram je grafička prezentacija skupa elemenata modela i njihovih veza Jedinstveni jezik modeliranja UML (Unified Modeling Language) je standardni jezik za specifikaciju, vizuelizaciju i dokumentaciju razvoja softverskih sistema. 3
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
UML jezik Zasniva se na objektno-orijentisanom (OO) pristupu i može da se koristi u različitim fazama razvoja, od specifikacije zahteva do testiranja završenih, gotovih sistema Opisuje statičku strukturu i dinamičko ponašanje različitih tipova sistema Formalno prikazuje sistem na različitim nivoima apstrakcije (klase, objekti, stanje, događaji, operacije,…) Koristi dijagrame za prikaz određenih modela.
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Deo UML dijagrama
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Objekti i atributi Pod objektom (entitetom) podrazumeva se neka "stvar“ - nešto što postoji i što se može razlikovati od drugih "stvari": student, ispit, ocena, itd. Objekti mogu biti konkretni (student) ili apstraktni (ispit) Atributi predstavljaju svojstva objekta (npr. Ime i Prezime su atributi objekta student, kupac ili osoba) Atributi mogu biti prosti, složeni ili izvedeni 6
Dijagram klase student sa pridruženim atributima
STUDENT je opisan prostim atributima (Ime, Prezime), složenim (Adresa: Ulica, Broj,…) i izvedenim (Starost) Identifikujući atribut je BrojIndeksa koji jedinstven za svaki objekat (moguć je i drukčiji izbor npr. Matični_broj ) Postojanje identifikujućeg atributa obezbeđuje razlikovanje bilo koja dva objekta tipa student 7
Primer modeliranje podataka u geologiji
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Primer modeliranje podataka u geologiji U UML–u se objekti realnog sveta modeliraju klasama, a svojstva objekata atributima U bazama podataka klasama odgovaraju tabele a atributima kolone
Dodeljivanje vrednosti atributima
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Dodeljivanje vrednosti atributima Za konkretni objekat svaki atribut dobija određenu vrednost Vrednost atributa je bilo koja pojedinačna, konkretna vrednost koja se tom atributu može dodeliti, s obzirom na njegovu prirodu Atributu Datum_rođenja se, na primer, mogu dodeliti vrednosti ili i sl. Atributu Starost može se dodeliti vrednost iz skupa prirodnih brojeva Ako vrednost nekog atributa nije poznata, onda mu se dodeljuje vrednost NULL (ništa) Objekat koji predstavlja osobu za koju nije poznat datum rođenja imaće za taj atribut vrednost NULL 9
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Tip i domen atributa Svaki atribut ima svoj tip, na osnovu koga dobija vrednosti iz određenog skupa vrednosti Skup vrednosti koje se mogu dodeliti određenom tipu atributa naziva se domenom tog atributa entitet atribut tip Matični_broj niska cifara fiksne dužine Ime niska karaktera STUDENT Prezime Datum_rođenja datum (u obliku dd-mm-gggg) Starost pozitivan ceo broj 10
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Vrednosti atributa Različiti atributi mogu imati isti domen ali moraju imati različita imena (na primer, atributi Ime i Prezime dobijaju vrednosti koje predstavljaju niske karaktera iako su različiti) Za svaki objekat određenog tipa vrednost njegovih atributa se konkretizuje - dobija određenu vrednost iz domena atributa (na primer, atribut Boja dobija vrednost belo, plavo, crveno, zeleno, itd.) Određivanje domena često samo delimično ograničava skup mogućih vrednosti atributa: ime Jovan može biti zapisano i kao JOVAN, jovan, J. ili, greškom, Yovan, itd. 11
Prikazivanje objekata i atributa
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Prikazivanje objekata i atributa Vrednosti atributa za skup objekata se najčeće prikazuje u obliku tabele Vrste tabele odgovaraju pojedinačnim objektima iz određenog skupa objekata i u svakoj vrsti se nalaze vrednosti atributa za neki određeni objekat Kolone tabele odgovaraju atributima i u svakoj koloni se nalaze vrednosti određenog atributa za sve objekte iz tabele 12
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Primer Skup objekata tipa STUDENT se može prikazati tabelom: Matični_broj Ime Prezime Datum_rođenja Itd. Milan Petrović ... Milena Jovanović Novaković Jelena Kovačević Ana Osim matičnog broja, ostali atributi nisu identifikujući za objekat (ni ime, ni prezime, ni ime i prezime zajedno, itd.) 13
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Relacije Pod relacijom se podrazumeva veza koja postoji između dva objekta Ako su objekti student i predmet u relaciji je prijavio ispit to se grafički predstavlja na sledeći način: Između objekta STUDENT i objekta PREDMET mogu postojati različite relacije: student je ispunio uslove za polaganje ispita iz tog predmeta, student je prijavio ispit iz tog predmeta, student je položio ispit, iz tog predmeta, itd. 14
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Tipovi relacija Razlikuju se tri tipa mogućih relacija objekta tipa O1 sa drugim objektom tipa O2: (1,1) (jedan - jedan) - svaki objekat tipa O1 je u relaciji (vezi) sa najviše jednim objektom tipa O2 i obratno, svaki objekat tipa O2 je u relaciji sa najviše jednim objektom tipa O1 (1,n) (jedan - više) – jedan objekat tipa O1 može biti u relaciji sa više (n) objekata tipa O2 ali je svaki objekat tipa O2 u relaciji sa najviše jednim objektom tipa O1 (n,m) (više - više) - jedan objekat tipa O1 može biti u relaciji sa više (m) objekata tipa O2 ali i jedan objekat tipa O2 može takođe biti u relaciji sa više (n) objekata tipa O1 15
Kardinalnost relacije
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Kardinalnost relacije U relaciji se mogu navesti minimalan i maksimalan broj objekata tipa O1 koji mogu biti u relaciji sa objektima tipa O2 odnosno minimalan i maksimalan broj objekata tipa O2 koji mogu biti u relaciji sa objektima tipa O1 Minimalan i maksimalan broj objekata (n1,n2) predstavljaju kardinalnost relacije između objekata tipa O1 i objekata tipa O2 16
Primeri kardinalnosti (1)
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Primeri kardinalnosti (1) Ako je relacija imaAnalize između objekta BUŠOTINA i ANALIZE prikazana dijagramom to znači da je za svaku bušotinu urađena najmanje jedna a najviše N analiza, a da je svaka analiza urađena za uzorak uzet iz tačno jedne bušotine 17
Primeri kardinalnosti (2)
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Primeri kardinalnosti (2) Ako je relacija pohađa između klase STUDENT i PREDMET prikazana dijagramom STUDENT PREDMET pohađa 1,N 1,M to znači da svaki student pohađa najmanje jedan a najviše N predmeta, a svaki predmet je pohađan od strane bar jednog studenta a može biti pohađan od najviše M studenata 18
Detaljan primer: dalji koraci
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković Detaljan primer: dalji koraci Sa bi se na osnovu zadate specifikacije proizveo konceptuelni model potrebno je preduzeti sledeće korake: identifikacija klasa (objekata, entiteta) identifikacija relacija između klasa identifikacija atributa svake klase procena kardinalnosti svake relacije 19
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Detaljan primer 20
Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković
Važane adrese: Informatika I prezentacija dr R.Stanković 21
Personal ili File ili Enterprise Geodatabases
Personal Geodatabase MS Access file (*.mdb) Limited to 2 GB size Any GIS user can create Enterprise Geodatabase Hosted by RDBMS (e.g., Oracle) SDE = Spatial Database Engine Interpreted by ArcSDE Managed by SDE Administrator File Geodatabase Folder of files (*.gdb) Limited to server size (1 TB) Any GIS user can create OR/WA BLM’s Enterprise SDE Forest Operations (FOI) Ground Transportation (GTRN) Hydrogaphy Land Use Allocation (LUA) Visual Resource Management (VRM) (etc.) Personal vs. File vs. Enterprise Geodatabase The three types of geodatabases you are most likely to encounter are Personal Geodatabase, File Geodatabase, and Enterprise Geodatabase. Personal Geodatabase: A Personal Geodatabase is a Microsoft Access database (mdb). Spatial and attribute information is stored together in the same mdb file. This is different than coverages and shapefiles, which store spatial and attribute information in separate files and directories (ref. Lesson 4). The average ArcGIS user can create a Personal geodatabase. Because of MS Access size limitations, a Personal geodatabase is limited to a 2 Gigabyte (GB) storage capacity. File Geodatabase: A File Geodatabase is a folder of related files. The files contain the feature and attribute information used to define a geodatabase feature class. The average GIS user can create a File Geodatabase. The storage capacity of a File Geodatabase is limited to 1 Terabyte (TB). This lesson and exercise demonstrates how to create a File Geodatabase. Enterprise Geodatabase: An Enterprise Geodatabase is hosted by a Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS) such as Oracle or Informix. Because of the database’s complexity, a Spatial Database Engine (SDE), such as ESRI’s ArcSDE software, is used to interpolate requests between ArcGIS and the RDBMS. Only an SDE Administrator can create and manage an Enterprise Geodatabase. The Enterprise Geodatabase has no limits to its storage capacity. Why use a geodatabase? The geodatabase is an improvement upon older data-storage formats (e.g., shapefile) in that a geodatabase can better maintain data integrity. Through the use of topology (which is different than coverage topology), edit rules can govern how features are spatially edited. Through the use of attribute domains (introduced in this lesson), the user must select from a pre-defined list of values when a dataset’s attributes are edited. Note: topology is an advanced editing topic beyond the scope of this class, but worth mentioning as its use in geodatabases allows for “cleaner” data editing and improved data integrity.
Vrste podataka skladištenih u geodatabase
Prostorne klase Neprostorne klase Rasterske klase Vektorske klase Review from Lesson 4: What is a geodatabase? A geodatabase is an ArcGIS data-storage format intended to be a single container for both spatial and attribute information. GIS data (i.e., points, lines, polygons, annotation, tables, etc.) contained within a geodatabase are called feature classes. For example, the left screen capture in this slide shows a geodatabase called “Owyhee River Rec” which contains three feature classes: Fires, Lakes, and Open_rec_sites. The creation of a geodatabase feature class is discussed in another slide of this lesson. Feature classes that are spatially related (e.g., the features overlap or are coincident) can be further organized into Feature Datasets. A Feature Dataset defines the spatial domain (e.g., the spatial reference) used by the feature classes it contains. The creation of a geodatabase Feature Dataset is discussed in another slide of this lesson. The right screen capture in this slide shows a geodatabase called “Resources” which contains four Feature Datasets: Fire, Land, Range, and Recreation. The Recreation Feature Dataset is expanded to show that it contains three feature classes: Recreation_Opport, Recreation_Site_ pt, and VQO. Because they are stored within a Feature Dataset, all three feature classes are spatially related. Relacione klase
Vrste podataka skladištenih u geodatabase
A geodatabase je kontejner za prostorne i alfa-numeričke podatke Feature Dataset = skup tematski srodnih klasa Feature class = prostorna klasa + atributi Table = neprostorna klasa atributativna klasa Feature Datasets Review from Lesson 4: What is a geodatabase? A geodatabase is an ArcGIS data-storage format intended to be a single container for both spatial and attribute information. GIS data (i.e., points, lines, polygons, annotation, tables, etc.) contained within a geodatabase are called feature classes. For example, the left screen capture in this slide shows a geodatabase called “Owyhee River Rec” which contains three feature classes: Fires, Lakes, and Open_rec_sites. The creation of a geodatabase feature class is discussed in another slide of this lesson. Feature classes that are spatially related (e.g., the features overlap or are coincident) can be further organized into Feature Datasets. A Feature Dataset defines the spatial domain (e.g., the spatial reference) used by the feature classes it contains. The creation of a geodatabase Feature Dataset is discussed in another slide of this lesson. The right screen capture in this slide shows a geodatabase called “Resources” which contains four Feature Datasets: Fire, Land, Range, and Recreation. The Recreation Feature Dataset is expanded to show that it contains three feature classes: Recreation_Opport, Recreation_Site_ pt, and VQO. Because they are stored within a Feature Dataset, all three feature classes are spatially related. Relationship Class relaciona klasa Feature classes in a Feature Dataset
Create a Geodatabase ( ) in ArcCatalog
Right click New File Geodatabase Create a File Geodatabase in ArcCatalog Note: The following instructions can be used to create either a Personal Geodatabase or a File or Geodatabase. Launch ArcCatalog. In the Catalog Tree, navigate to and highlight the working directory in which you want to create the geodatabase. From the File menu, choose New File Geodatabase (as demonstrated in this slide, you can also right click on the folder New File Geodatabase). If the Contents tab is active, the new geodatabase is listed. Change the name of the geodatabase by right clicking on its name, and choose Rename. Automated animated sequence: Example: A new File Geodatabase is created in the ex7 folder. Initially, the contents of the ex7 folder has only the Project folder. In an empty area under the Contents tab, the user right clicks. From the Context menu, the user selects New File Geodatabase. A new File Geodatabase is listed under the contents of the ex7 folder.
Create a Feature Dataset ( ) in ArcCatalog
Kreiranje Feature Dataset … Desni klik na geodatabase New Feature Dataset Dodeljivanje koordinatnog sistema Create a Feature Dataset in ArcCatalog A Feature Dataset is a collection of spatially related, geodatabase feature classes that are governed by the following spatial properties: Spatial reference: either a Geographic or Projected Coordinate System (ref. Lesson 7A). Spatial extent: The geographic extent (i.e., horizontal (XY) and vertical (Z) range) used to establish the spatial environment for the related feature classes. For example, GIS datasets used within your agency might have a spatial extent out to your district’s or forest’s boundaries. Spatial relationship: Feature classes within a Feature Dataset may be related through spatial overlap or coincidence, which would allow for the simultaneous editing of related features.. A Feature Dataset allows for the establishment of edit rules (called topology) to govern how spatially related features are to be edited. Topology is an advanced editing topic beyond the scope of this class. As you will learn in Lesson 7E, spatial edits done in ArcMap require that only a single set of spatial properties can be used. For example, you should not edit data referencing a GCS in a UTM coordinate system. Therefore, an advantage of editing feature classes stored in a Feature Dataset is the guarantee that the feature classes to be edited all have the same spatial properties. Note: A feature class stored outside of a Feature Dataset may retain its own unique spatial properties (e.g., a different coordinate system). However, ArcCatalog does not permit you to move or copy the feature class into a Feature Dataset unless the spatial properties are identical. For changing a feature class’s coordinate system, use the Project tool (refer to Lesson 7B). To create a Feature Dataset, right click on the geodatabase, and choose New Feature Dataset. Creating a Feature Dataset also requires that the user specifies the Feature Dataset’s spatial reference (e.g., UTM NAD83).
Kreiranje prostorne klase ( ) i tabele ( ) u ArcCatalog-u
Kreiranje Feature Class … Desni klik na Feature Dataset New Feature Class Dodeljivanje koordinatnog sistema i ostalih parametara Create a feature class in ArcCatalog A geodatabase feature class (a.k.a., feature class) represents a combination of spatial features (i.e., points, lines, or polygons) with corresponding tabular attributes. A feature class can be represented by only one feature type (e.g., a “GPS Sites” feature class has only a point feature type; a “Roads” feature class has only a line feature type; an “Ownership” feature class has only a polygon feature type). For additional details, refer to Lesson 4. A geodatabase feature class can exist outside of Feature Dataset. However, a feature class contained by a Feature Dataset is guaranteed to have uniform spatial properties with other feature classes residing within the Feature Dataset. A single set of spatial properties is a requirement for spatial edits. For more details on a Feature Dataset, refer to the previous slide. For an example on how to create a feature class, refer to the “Animated sequence.” Animated sequence: Example: A new polygon feature class representing Fires in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 is to be created in the Fires Feature Dataset. Right click the Fires Feature Dataset. From the Context menus (not shown), select New Feature Class. The New Feature Class dialog window opens (shown as screen capture with #2 label). Enter the new feature class’s name and alias (which is optional). “Name” is the dataset’s file name. “Alias” is what is shown in ArcMap’s TOC. Select the feature type: point, line, or polygon. We want to show a fire’s extent of burned area; therefore, the default type of “Polygon Features” is used. Optionally, the user can add new attributes, and (if available) link an attribute to an attribute domain (note: for details on attribute domains, see the remaining slides of this lesson). Crossfade to Catalog Tree showing new “Fire_07” feature class contained within the Fires Feature Dataset.
Kreiranje prostorne klase ( ) i tabele ( ) u ArcCatalog-u
Kreiranje Tabela … Desni klik na Feature Dataset New Table Create a feature class in ArcCatalog A geodatabase feature class (a.k.a., feature class) represents a combination of spatial features (i.e., points, lines, or polygons) with corresponding tabular attributes. A feature class can be represented by only one feature type (e.g., a “GPS Sites” feature class has only a point feature type; a “Roads” feature class has only a line feature type; an “Ownership” feature class has only a polygon feature type). For additional details, refer to Lesson 4. A geodatabase feature class can exist outside of Feature Dataset. However, a feature class contained by a Feature Dataset is guaranteed to have uniform spatial properties with other feature classes residing within the Feature Dataset. A single set of spatial properties is a requirement for spatial edits. For more details on a Feature Dataset, refer to the previous slide. For an example on how to create a feature class, refer to the “Animated sequence.” Animated sequence: Example: A new polygon feature class representing Fires in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 is to be created in the Fires Feature Dataset. Right click the Fires Feature Dataset. From the Context menus (not shown), select New Feature Class. The New Feature Class dialog window opens (shown as screen capture with #2 label). Enter the new feature class’s name and alias (which is optional). “Name” is the dataset’s file name. “Alias” is what is shown in ArcMap’s TOC. Select the feature type: point, line, or polygon. We want to show a fire’s extent of burned area; therefore, the default type of “Polygon Features” is used. Optionally, the user can add new attributes, and (if available) link an attribute to an attribute domain (note: for details on attribute domains, see the remaining slides of this lesson). Crossfade to Catalog Tree showing new “Fire_07” feature class contained within the Fires Feature Dataset.
Kreiranje subtyp-ova i domena
Create a feature class in ArcCatalog A geodatabase feature class (a.k.a., feature class) represents a combination of spatial features (i.e., points, lines, or polygons) with corresponding tabular attributes. A feature class can be represented by only one feature type (e.g., a “GPS Sites” feature class has only a point feature type; a “Roads” feature class has only a line feature type; an “Ownership” feature class has only a polygon feature type). For additional details, refer to Lesson 4. A geodatabase feature class can exist outside of Feature Dataset. However, a feature class contained by a Feature Dataset is guaranteed to have uniform spatial properties with other feature classes residing within the Feature Dataset. A single set of spatial properties is a requirement for spatial edits. For more details on a Feature Dataset, refer to the previous slide. For an example on how to create a feature class, refer to the “Animated sequence.” Animated sequence: Example: A new polygon feature class representing Fires in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 is to be created in the Fires Feature Dataset. Right click the Fires Feature Dataset. From the Context menus (not shown), select New Feature Class. The New Feature Class dialog window opens (shown as screen capture with #2 label). Enter the new feature class’s name and alias (which is optional). “Name” is the dataset’s file name. “Alias” is what is shown in ArcMap’s TOC. Select the feature type: point, line, or polygon. We want to show a fire’s extent of burned area; therefore, the default type of “Polygon Features” is used. Optionally, the user can add new attributes, and (if available) link an attribute to an attribute domain (note: for details on attribute domains, see the remaining slides of this lesson). Crossfade to Catalog Tree showing new “Fire_07” feature class contained within the Fires Feature Dataset.
Datum: Vežba br. 6 Na osnovu datog dokumenta PGDB.pdf formirati personalnu bazu podataka (Personal Geodatabase) u ArcCatalog-u
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