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Regional Baseline Measures Commonwealth of Virginia

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Baseline Measures Commonwealth of Virginia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Baseline Measures Commonwealth of Virginia


3 Commonwealth of Virginia

4 Data Included Population Income and Wealth Employment Economic Sectors
Population Trends Components of Population Change Income and Wealth Per Capita Income Poverty Employment Total Employment Trends Unemployment Economic Sectors Employment Trends by Industry Sector Relative Concentration (Location Quotients) by Sector Wages by Industry Sector Export Jobs

5 Data Included Labor Force Firm Growth Local Government Costs
Labor Force Participation Commuting Educational Attainment Educational Awards Firm Growth Jobs Created by Young Companies (5 years old or less) Jobs Created by Older Companies (greater than 10 years old) Jobs Created by Small Companies (less than 20 employees) Establishment Openings and Closings Sole Proprietorships Local Government Costs Average Cost of Government Services

6 Population

7 Population Trends

8 Population Trends

9 Components of Population Change

10 Components of Population Change

11 Income and Wealth

12 Per Capita Income

13 Per Capita Income

14 Poverty

15 Poverty

16 Employment

17 Total Employment

18 Total Employment

19 Unemployment

20 Industry

21 Employment Trends by Industry Sector

22 Employment Trends by Industry Sector
*Additional data available in accompanying spreadsheet for the years: 1996,2000,2005,2010,2015

23 Industry Wages by Sector (1996)
* Wages in 2015 dollars

24 Industry Wages by Sector (2000)
* Wages in 2015 dollars

25 Industry Wages by Sector (2005)
* Wages in 2015 dollars

26 Industry Wages by Sector (2010)
* Wages in 2015 dollars

27 Industry Wages by Sector (2015)

28 Export Jobs

29 Labor Force

30 Labor Force Participation

31 Labor Force Participation

32 Commuting (Inflow/Outflow)

33 Commuting (Inflow/Outflow)

34 Commuting (Inflow/Outflow)
*Additional data available for each year in accompanying spreadsheet

35 Educational Attainment

36 Educational Attainment

37 Educational Awards

38 Educational Awards

39 Firm Growth

40 Jobs Created by Young Companies (5 years old or less)

41 Jobs Created by Young Companies (5 years old or less)

42 Jobs Created by Older Companies (greater than 10 yrs. old)

43 Jobs Created by Older Companies (greater than 10 yrs. old)

44 Jobs Created by Small Companies (less than 20 employees)

45 Jobs Created by Small Companies (less than 20 employees)

46 Establishment Openings and Closings

47 Establishment Openings and Closings

48 Establishment Openings and Closings

49 Establishment Openings and Closings

50 Establishment Openings and Closings

51 Establishment Openings and Closings

52 Establishment Openings and Closings

53 Establishment Openings and Closings

54 Establishment Openings and Closings

55 Establishment Openings and Closings

56 Sole Proprietorships (as a percent of total employment)

57 Sole Proprietorships

58 Local Government Costs

59 Average Cost of Government Services (Per Capita Local Government Expenditures)

60 Average Cost of Government Services (Per Capita Local Government Expenditures)

61 Thank You Terry L. Clower Ph.D. –
Mark C. White Ph.D. – Spencer A. Shanholtz – @GMU_CRA

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