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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL CRISIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Washington Conference
*5 Power Pact-Naval *9 Power Pact-Open door *4 Power Pact-Pacific colonies

3 Kellogg-Briand Pact 14 nations Outlaws war as an instrument of policy

4 Dawes Act 1924 Encourages banks to lend money to Germany so they can pay reparations so the Allies can pay us back

5 1931 Manchuria invaded by Japan

6 1932 World Disarmament Conference
France rejects disarmament Wants international army to counter German power

7 Benito Mussolini



10 Roosevelt: *takes US off Gold Standard *Forgets war debt *recognizes Soviet Union *Good Neighbor Policy

11 *Nye Committee-tricked into WWI
ISOLATIONISM *Nye Committee-tricked into WWI Bankers, Wall St., Arms Dealers *Treaty to join World Court defeated

12 Invasion of Ethiopia

13 Neutrality Act of 1935 Mandatory embargo against both victim and aggressor

14 Spanish Civil War

15 Guernica

16 Guernica - Pablo Picasso

17 How far ahead can Roosevelt get from the American people and still lead?

18 Neutrality Act of 1937 * Cash & carry of nonmilitary goods

19 Japan attacks China FDR give “Quarantine the Aggressor Speech”

20 USS Panay 3 Americans killed




24 Neutrality Act of 1939 Cash & Carry for war goods FDR gets $1 billion for defense passed

25 Destroyer Deal 1940 Destroyers for bases

26 1940 Selective Service Act passed
Registers men ages 21-35 2 million selected


28 Largest isolationist group
America First Largest isolationist group General Robert Wood Hugh Johnson Senators Gerald Nye and Burton Wheeler Alice Roosevelt Henry Ford



31 May 1940 Poll 64% of Americans want the US to not help England Poll taken after France surrenders

32 One Senator states England should give up their islands to Hitler and move to Canada for the sake of peace

33 Wendell Wilkie

34 Why run for a third term? Worried the next President will not see Hitler as Roosevelt does


36 Lend – Lease “Lending” supplies to England “Give us the tools, we’ll finish the job”


38 Atlantic Charter Roosevelt & Churchill 4 Freedoms Freedom of speech
religion want fear

39 FDR signs treaty with Greenland-gets bases
Declares safety belt of 1000 miles Sends Marines to Iceland to “protect Western hemisphere”

40 USS Greer fired on –miss
USS Kearney hit 11 killed USS Reuben James sunk ~100 killed

41 USS Reuben James

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