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1 © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

2 Spinal Cord Nervous tissue that extends from the foramen magnum of the skull to the first or second lumbar vertebra Provides a two-way conduction pathway to and from the brain 31 pairs of spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord Cauda equina  a collection of spinal nerves at the inferior end of the spinal cord

3 Cervical spinal nerves Cervical enlargement C8 Dura and arachnoid mater Thoracic spinal nerves Figure 7.20 (1 of 2)

4 Lumbar enlargement T12 End of spinal cord Cauda equina Lumbar spinal nerves L5 End of meningeal coverings S1 Sacral spinal nerves S5 S5 S5 Figure 7.20 (2 of 2)

5 Spinal Cord Anatomy Meninges cover the spinal cord
Spinal nerves leave at the level of each vertebrae Dorsal root Associated with the dorsal root ganglia, or collections of cell bodies outside the central nervous system Ventral root Portion of spinal cord containing axons

6 Figure 7.21 White matter Dorsal (posterior) horn of gray matter
Central canal Dorsal root ganglion Lateral horn of gray matter Spinal nerve Ventral (anterior) horn of gray matter Dorsal root of spinal nerve Ventral root of spinal nerve Pia mater Arachnoid mater Dura mater Figure 7.21

7 Homeostatic Imbalance
Flaccid Paralysis Occurs when there is damage to the dorsal root Nerve impulses to not reach the muscles affected; thus, no voluntary movement of those muscles is possible The muscles begin to atrophy because they are not longer being stimulated

8 Homeostatic Imbalance
Spastic Paralysis Results if the spinal cord is transected (cut crosswise) or crushed Affected muscles stay healthy because they are still stimulated by spinal reflex arcs and movement of those muscles still occur Movements are involuntary A loss of feeling occurs in the body areas below the point of cord destruction

9 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Nerves and ganglia outside the central nervous system Nerve  bundle of neuron fibers Neuron fibers are bundled by connective tissue

10 PNS: Structure of a Nerve
Endoneurium surrounds each fiber Groups of fibers are bound into fascicles by perineurium Fascicles are bound together by epineurium

11 Axon Myelin sheath Endoneurium Perineurium Epineurium Fascicle Blood vessels Figure 7.23

12 PNS: Classification of Nerves
Mixed nerves Both sensory and motor fibers Sensory (afferent) nerves Carry impulses toward the CNS Motor (efferent) nerves Carry impulses away from the CNS

13 PNS: Cranial Nerves Twelve pairs of nerves that mostly serve the head and neck Only the pair of vagus nerves extend to thoracic and abdominal cavities Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory only

14 PNS: Cranial Nerves Device
Oh – Olfactory Oh – Optic Oh – Oculomotor To – Trochlear Touch – Trigeminal And – Abducens Feel – Facial Very – Vestibulocochlear Green – Glossopharyngeal Vegetables – Vagus A – Accessory H – Hypoglossal

15 PNS: Cranial Nerves I Olfactory nerve—sensory for smell
II Optic nerve—sensory for vision III Oculomotor nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles IV Trochlear—motor fiber to one eye muscle

16 PNS: Cranial Nerves V Trigeminal nerve—sensory for the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles VI Abducens nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles VII Facial nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the face VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve—sensory for balance and hearing

17 PNS: Cranial Nerves IX Glossopharyngeal nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the pharynx X Vagus nerves—sensory and motor fibers for pharynx, larynx, and viscera XI Accessory nerve—motor fibers to neck and upper back XII Hypoglossal nerve—motor fibers to tongue

18 Figure 7.24 III Oculomotor IV Trochlear VI Abducens I Olfactory
II Optic V Trigeminal V Trigeminal VII Facial Vestibular branch Cochlear branch VIII Vestibulocochlear X Vagus IX Glossopharyngeal XII Hypoglossal XI Accessory Figure 7.24

19 PNS: Spinal Nerves There is a pair of spinal nerves at the level of each vertebrae for a total of 31 pairs Formed by the combination of the ventral and dorsal roots of the spinal cord Named for the region from which they arise

20 C1 2 3 Ventral rami form cervical plexus (C1 – C5) Cervical nerves 4 5 6 7 Ventral rami form brachial plexus (C5 – C8; T1) 8 T1 2 3 4 5 Thoracic nerves 6 7 No plexus formed (intercostal nerves) (T1 – T12) 8 9 10 Lumbar nerves 11 12 Sacral nerves L1 2 3 Ventral rami form lumbar plexus (L1 – L4) 4 5 S1 Ventral rami form sacral plexus (L4 – L5; S1 – S4) 2 3 4 (a) Figure 7.25a

21 PNS: Anatomy of Spinal Nerves
Spinal nerves divide soon after leaving the spinal cord Ramus  branch of a spinal nerve; contains both motor and sensory fibers Dorsal rami  serve the skin and muscles of the posterior trunk Ventral rami  form a complex of networks (plexus) for the anterior

22 Dorsal root Dorsal ramus Dorsal root ganglion Spinal cord Ventral
Spinal nerve (b) Figure 7.25b

23 PNS: Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Plexus  networks of nerves serving motor and sensory needs of the limbs Form from ventral rami of spinal nerves in the cervical, lumbar, and sacral regions Four plexuses: Cervical Brachial Lumbar Sacral

24 PNS: Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Cervical Plexus Originates from ventral rami in C1 – C5 Important nerve is the phrenic nerve Areas served: Diaphragm Shoulder and neck

25 PNS: Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Brachial Plexus Originates from ventral rami in C5 – C8 and T1 Important nerves: Axillary Radial Median Musculocutaneous Ulnar Areas served: shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand

26 Axillary nerve Humerus Radial nerve Musculocutaneous nerve Ulna Radius
Ulnar nerve Radial nerve (superficial branch) Median nerve (a) The major nerves of the upper limb Figure 7.26a

27 PNS: Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Lumbar Plexus Originates from ventral rami in L1 through L4 Important nerves: Femoral Obturator Areas served: Lower abdomen Anterior and medial thighs

28 Femoral Lateral femoral cutaneous Obturator Anterior femoral cutaneous
Saphenous (b) Lumbar plexus, anterior view Figure 7.26b

29 PNS: Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Sacral Plexus Originates from ventral rami in L4 – L5 and S1 – S4 Important nerves: Sciatic Superior and inferior gluteal Areas served: Lower trunk and posterior thigh Lateral and posterior leg and foot Gluteal muscles of hip area

30 (c) Sacral plexus, posterior view
Superior gluteal Inferior gluteal Sciatic Posterior femoral cutaneous Common fibular Tibial Sural (cut) Deep fibular Superficial fibular Plantar branches (c) Sacral plexus, posterior view Figure 7.26c

31 PNS: Autonomic Nervous System
Motor subdivision of the PNS Consists only of motor nerves Also known as the involuntary nervous system Regulates activities of cardiac and smooth muscles and glands Two subdivisions Sympathetic division Parasympathetic division

32 PNS: Autonomic Functioning
Sympathetic  “fight or flight” Response to unusual stimulus Takes over to increase activities Remember as the “E” division Exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment

33 PNS: Autonomic Functioning
Parasympathetic  “housekeeping” activities Conserves energy Maintains daily necessary body functions Remember as the “D” division digestion, defecation, and diuresis

34 Homeostatic Imbalance
Cerebral Palsy Neuromuscular disability in which the voluntary muscles are poorly controlled and spastic because of brain damage About half have seizures, are mentally retarded, and/or have impaired hearing and vision Largest single cause of physical disabilities in children

35 Homeostatic Imbalance
Anencephaly Failure of the cerebrum to develop Results in a child who cannot hear, see, or process sensory inputs Spina Bifida Results when the vertebrae form incompletely (typically lumbar region) Can lead to paralysis of all organs and muscles at and below the hips

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