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3rd Quarter BLDs #1-7.

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1 3rd Quarter BLDs #1-7

2 Write 7-10 sentences about what you did over the break.
BLD #1 Vacation

3 “We can learn great lessons about civics by watching politicians, especially ones like the candidate who threw a chair during the debate.” Identify what is being ridiculed. Explain the verbal irony. BLD #2 Irony

4 BLD #3 Proposal/Support
A successful proposal typically includes: a clearly identified problem a proposition, or solution, that details the proposal’s implementation and advantages support for the proposal, including reasons, evidence, and fact acknowledgement of and refutation of opposing views or possible objections to the proposal Directions: In the chart, record Swift’s proposal to the problem and give at least four examples of support for the proposal. BLD #3 Proposal/Support

5 “This diversion is only practiced by those persons who are candidates for great employments, and high favor, at court. They are trained in this art from their youth, and are not always of noble birth, or liberal education. When a great office is vacant by either death or disgrace (which often happens) five or six of those candidates petition the Emperor to entertain his Majesty and the court with a dance on a rope; and whoever jumps the highest without falling, succeeds in the office. Very often the chief ministers themselves are commanded to show their skill, and to convince the Emperor that they have not lost their faculty” (page 641, lines ). What do you conclude is Swift’s attitude toward the politicians he alludes to in this description? Explain. BLD #4 Tone

6 BLD #4 Usage Farther and further Define each word
Write a sentence using each word correctly BLD #4 Usage

7 In the scene from Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver has been captured by the Lilliputians. They bring him to the palace to present him to the emperor. Do you think the director managed to make the special effects look real/believable? Explain how this impacts your viewing of the story? Was the actor successful in convincing you that he was truly a part of the scene’s setting? Explain BLD #6 Media Analysis

8 Is satire an effective means of fighting social injustice?
Write 3-5 sentences explaining your answer. BLD #7 Satire

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