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Ch 29 Wilson’s Reforms.

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1 Ch 29 Wilson’s Reforms

2 Bull Moose Party By 1912 the Progressive faction of the Republican Party had grown tired of Taft. Wanting to continue the Progressive reforms, they create a third party centered around T.R.


4 Election of 1912 Four Candidates: Roosevelt, Taft, Debs, Woodrow Wilson Wilson wins election easily. First Southerner since Zachary Taylor


6 Triple Wall of Privilege
Wilson’s inaugural address outlined his plan for his term. Tariffs Banking Trusts

7 Tariff Reduction Wilson called a special session of Congress in order to lower the tariff. Underwood Tariff (1913)- First lowering of the tariff in over 50 years. To compensate for the lost revenue, Income Tax raised from 1 to 6 percent.

8 Banking Reform Wilson feels that the gold standard makes banking too inflexible. Wants paper money and a public national bank Federal Reserve Act(1914)- 12 district banks supervised by the Federal Reserve Board.

9 Business Regulations Clayton Antitrust Act- Strengthens the provisions of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Exempts Unions from being included. Federal Trade Commission- Regulates and monitors “unfair Trade practice” in all industries except banking and transportation

10 African- American Progressivism
Booker T Washington: Accommodationist, emphasis on Economics W.E.B. Du Bois: Immediate Equal Rights These two approaches framed the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th Century

11 Urban Migration : About a million African- Americans leave the South to find jobs in northern cities. Reasons: 1) deteriorating race relations 2) destruction of cotton crops by the boll weev il 3) factory jobs

12 Civil Rights Organizations
Niagara Movement: WEB Dubois organizes a conference of black intellectuals in Niagara Falls. Protest plans for Civil Rights NAACP- founded in 1908, Abolish all forms of segregation and to increase educational opportunities. 100,000 members by 1920 National Urban League: 1911, “Not Alms But Opportunity”

13 Women’s Suffrage Carrie Chapman Catt- Argues the giving women the right to vote would allow women to improve their abilities to raise a family. National American Woman Suffrage Association: First started to achieve suffrage at the state level. Changed approach to seek a constitutional amendment.


15 Suffrage continued Militant Suffragists: Alice Paul starts National Women’s Party. Parades, Pickets, Hunger Strikes Nineteenth Amendment- With women’s actions during WWI, Congress finally approved 19th amendment in 1920.

16 Effects of the Progressives
Political: Party Primaries, Split Republican Party, Votes for Women Social: Laws protecting workers, Social Work, Beginning the Civil Rights Movements Economic:Conservation, Regulation of Business, Federal Income Tax, Reformed Banking, Lower Tariffs

17 SHAQ 1 B. Why does the U.S. A. go to war with Spain.
C. What are the problems with expanding to new territory


19 SHAQ 2 A. Explain what makes a bad trust for Theodore Roosevelt.
B. How did Roosevelt go after these bad Trusts? C. Why is Roosevelt depicted as a hunter?


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