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The role of Institutions (regional, national and provincial, Donor partners, NGOs) Moses J Amos, FAME, SPC.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Institutions (regional, national and provincial, Donor partners, NGOs) Moses J Amos, FAME, SPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Institutions (regional, national and provincial, Donor partners, NGOs)
Moses J Amos, FAME, SPC

2 Presentation Overview
Role of sub-national and national institutions Role of Regional & Subregional Agencies Role of Donor Partners & NGOs Current CBFM Implementation Approach Investing on coastal fisheries Lifting Coastal Fisheries Management The New Song Conclusion

3 Role of sub-national and national institutions on CBFM
Sub-national (Province/State) National Level – (17 responses) Management measures under By-Laws Provincial zones/boundaries Policy and management Plans Legislation/Regulation/MCS – (weak) Data collection & reporting/ creel survey data collection/stock Assessment – (weak) Human & financial resource – (identified as limited) Enforcement and prosecution – (identified as weakness) CBFM communities practising some form of CBFM - focus is food security, livelihoods, cultural heritage and custom and eco-tourism Capacity building, education, & awareness on new measures – (weak)

4 Role of Regional & Subregional Agencies
Regional Level Sub-regional Level Facilitate management approaches Provision of technical and scientific services and advices Capacity building Regional workshops and meetings Short term and long term formal training Production of awareness materials Facilitate management approaches (MSG Road Map) Subregional regional workshops and meetings

5 Role of Donor Partners & NGOs
Main focus of community based management work is food security and sustainable livelihoods Community capacity building and vocational training, awareness, networking and dissemination Channelling funds from donor agencies for specific management activities Many are working in PNG, Solomons and Fiji and/or Micronesia and cover roughly 254 communities Around 80 staff working across the 254 communities assisting in different ways Provision of funding through regional agencies and under bilateral arrangements aimed at addressing national needs and priorities for coastal fisheries management Provision of funding for capacity building/short & long term formal training.

6 Current Implementation Approach
Inshore Fisheries Sub-national Regional Sub-regional National NGOs

“The ocean is the next frontier in the pursuit of sustainable management & development. While we have failed to protect our land and atmospheric environments from our human demands we must make sure that the ocean does not meet with the same fate...” President Anote Tong of Kiribati, sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly

8 Summary results of SPC survey 2014-15 (apologies and thanks from H Govan)

9 Some preliminary results
One third of PICTS have a coastal fisheries policy or advanced draft

10 Some preliminary results
Responses from 19 of 23 PICTs One third of countries have a coastal fisheries policy or advanced draft Development work is not distinguished from resource management – some estimates that management around 20% (5-50%)

11 Investing in coastal fisheries
Total recurrent fisheries budget for region = US$ 70 million, but excluding PNG and French Polynesia it is US$23 million Total recurrent COASTAL fisheries budget for region = US$ 10 million (15%) but excluding PNG and French Polynesia US$ 6 million (25%) 45% of staff in Fisheries Departments have duties that include coastal fisheries. Only 23% have direct CBFM duties

12 Are we investing sufficient Budget and human resources to Coastal Fisheries?
National Budget Allocation Human Resources NO Total recurrent COASTAL fisheries budget for region = US$ 10 million (15%) YES - 45% BUT with JDs amongst other duties include coastal fisheries NO - 23% with JDs specific to CBFM

13 Are we developing policies backed up by legislation to Manage Coastal Fisheries?
Limited/No 8 PICTs - Coastal Fisheries Policies/drafts 5 PICTs - Sub-national coastal fisheries plans 6 PICTs - Species specific management plans

14 Take Home messages Are we developing policies backed up by legislation to manage coastal fisheries? - NO Are we investing sufficient Budget allocation to Coastal Fisheries?- NO Are we investing sufficient human resources on Coastal Fisheries? – NO Do we urgently need to change from – business as usual – have a new song for Coastal fisheries ? - YES

15 Lifting Coastal Fisheries Management
We need a remix/new song for coastal fisheries management – for Fisheries Ministers/donors partners The remix/new song with time frames - short, medium and long term.

16 Sustainability of CF Resources
The New Song Sustainability of CF Resources Climate Change Culture NCD/Health Livelihood Food security

17 The “Choir Approach” to singing the new song
Inshore Fisheries Sub- National Regional C/Com Gender youth Church Gen.1:26 Donor Partners Sub-regional NGOs

18 Conclusion - Suggestions Strengthening Fisheries Institutions for lifting Coastal Fisheries Management Improve/strengthen capacity at national fisheries administrations, sub-national, and communities Allocate adequate budget to strengthen national fisheries coastal fisheries programs Develop national policies/plans/legislation/regulations that recognises the role of local communities in community based management of inshore fisheries Encourage and empower coastal communities to address their coastal fisheries problems through community-based management practises Adopt standardised, user-friendly and cost-effective data collection systems; Modify household income and expenditure surveys and censuses to measure the success of management approaches Structure national fisheries institutions to enable greater involvement by stakeholders

19 Thank you Merci beaucoup
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