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Terms/Concepts Review

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1 Terms/Concepts Review
Global History & Geography

2 Advanced Technologies
______ Advanced Technologies Complex Government & Laws Surplus Job Specialization Writing Advanced Cities Characteristics or Traits Of Civilization

3 Mesopotamia A. Sumerian I. _______________________________
B. Babylonian C. Phoenician D. Hittites

4 ___________ Islam Judaism Christianity Monotheism

5 Dark & Middle Ages Feudalism (Political System)
Manorialism (Economic System) Knights Code of Chivalry De-Centralized Government Crusades Plague

6 World War I Trench Warfare First Technology Advanced War M.A.I.N.S.
Treaty of Versailles Ends War

7 River Valley Civilizations
Indus River Mesopotamia Huang He River Nile River

8 JAPAN Tokugawa Shogunate Meiji Restoration
_______________________- VS - __________________________ * Isolation from other nations * Tried to Improve Japan * Meiji (Emperor) did not have power, Shoguns governed * Open trade with other nations * Influenced by Commodore Matthew Perry of US (Gunboat Diplomacy) to open ports * Meiji Returned to Govern, Shoguns lose power

9 ISLAM 5 Pillars of Faith Pray 5x’s a Day Give to Charity
Allah is the only God Fast During Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca ISLAM 5 Pillars of Faith

10 Ancestor, Spirit, & Nature Worship
3 Belief Systems Ancestor, Spirit, & Nature Worship Taoism/Daoism Animism Shinto/Shintoism

11 Empires Mongols Gupta Byzantine Inca G Ѳ Ѳ Ѳ pta

12 Agricultural Machines
Fertilizers Pesticides Agricultural Machines More Surplus Green Revolution

13 Poor Working Conditions
Workers’ unions Karl Marx Vs. Adam Smith Urbanization Child Labor Unsanitary Living Conditions Spread of Diseases THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

14 Buddhism Four Noble Truths Sidhartha Guatama Eightfold Path
Reach Nirvana in one lifetime instead of reincarnation

15 Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Writing Systems Sumerian Cuneiform Egyptian Hieroglyphics Inca Quipus Indus Valley Pictographs

IRON CURTAIN VIETNAM & KOREAN WAR BERLIN WALL SPACE RACE NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) vs. Warsaw Pact Communism vs. Capitalism USA vs. USSR

17 _________ Law Codes Twelve Tables Code of Hammurabi Justinian Code
Napoleonic Code Law Codes

18 Scientific Revolution
Galileo = Proved Heliocentric Universe, Invented Telescope Francis Bacon = Scientific Method Newton = Gravity Copernicus = Universe is Heliocentric

19 Gandhi led Independence Movement Imperialized by Great Britain
______ Gandhi led Independence Movement Civil Disobedience Imperialized by Great Britain Salt March South Asia Hindus & Muslims Sepoy Rebllion Ganges River India

20 World War II Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki Japan
German Blitzkreig (Lightening War) D-Day (Allied Invasion of Europe) Normandy, France Allies vs Axis Powers

21 The Five (5) Basic Relationships Brought Order & Ended Chaos in China
Filial Piety Brought Order & Ended Chaos in China The Analects Confucianism

22 The March Revolution (1917)
_________ Vladmir Lenin Led by Bolsheviks The March Revolution (1917) “Peace, Land & Bread” Russian Revolution

23 Occurred During Renaissance
______ Occurred During Renaissance Triangular Trade Middle Passage New Markets Natural Resources Encomienda System Mercantilism Mother Country 1st Age /Old Imperialism

24 Locke Hobbes The Enlightenment Philosophers Voltaire Rousseau
Montesquieu The Enlightenment Philosophers

25 Boycott of British Goods Indian National Congress
______ British Imperialism Lawyer Boycott of British Goods Salt March Non-Violence Hunger Strike Civil Disobedience Indian National Congress Gandhi & The Fight for Indian Independence

26 The Renaissance Church Power Declines Rebirth Roman & Greek Culture
Scientific Revolution Rebirth Roman & Greek Culture Humanism Da Vinci Protestant Reformation Age of Exploration

27 _________ Human Rights Violations Genocide Dafur Famine
Christian Armenians in Ottoman Empire Jews in Nazi Germany (Holocaust) Non-Cambodians by Pol Pot/Khmer Rouge Rwandan Tutsis by Rwandan Hutus Apartheid in South Africa Dafur Famine Human Rights Violations Genocide

28 ______ 1789 Louis XIV (Absolute Monarch Executed) National Assembly
Robespierre (Reign of Terror) Napoleon (Nationalism, Expansion, Battle of Waterloo) 3rd Estate (over taxed, no power in gov’t) Storming of the Bastille 1789 France National Assembly The French Revolution & The Age of Napoleon

29 Totalitarian Leaders Adolf Hitler in Germany (Fascist)
Joseph Stalin in Soviet Union (Communist) Fidel Castro in Cuba (Communist) Ma0 Zedong in China (Communist)

30 Sahara Andes Geographic Factors Features
Tigris & Euphrates Sahara Himalayas Andes Monsoons Geographic Factors Features

31 _________ Geographic Determinism
Kamikaze (Divine Wind) prevents Kublai Kahn’s Invasion of Japan Coal on Surface of Great Britain SE Asia effected by Monsoons Sahara Desert Prevents Exploration & Exploitation of Sub-Saharan Africa Geographic Determinism

32 Mao Zedong From Republic to Communism Little Red Book Red Guard
Defeats the Nationals (Chiang Kai-shek) Little Red Book From Republic to Communism Red Guard The Great Leap Forward Famine (about 30 Million Deaths) Cultural Revolution

33 Economic Systems Traditional Command Laissez Faire Mixed

34 Consent of the Governed “Life, Liberty, Property”
_________ Two Treatises Of Government Consent of the Governed “Life, Liberty, Property” Natural Rights John Locke The Enlightenment

35 Political Systems Democracy (Athens, Greece) Communism
Absolute Monarchy Parliamentary Democracy Constitutional/Limited Monarchy Republic

36 Ghettos & Concentration Camps
_________ Ghettos & Concentration Camps Kristallnacht 1938 Nuremberg Laws 1935 The Final Solution 1942 The Holocaust

37 Nelson Mandela – South Africa
African National Congress (ANC) President & World Civil Rights Leader Apartheid Arrested & Convicted of being a Communist Worldwide Political & Social Pressure United Nations & Economic Sanctions Long Walk to Freedom

38 20th & 21st Century/World Since 1945
Global Interdependence Nuclear Proliferation Climate Change Fossil Fuel Dependence Genocide / Civil Rights Violations & Refugees Rogue States

39 _________ Mansa Musa Mali Islam Muslim Gold & Salt Trade
West African Kingdoms

40 Stored Greek & Roman Knowledge Constantine The Great & Constantinople
Justinian & the Justinian Code Haigia Sofia Byzantine Empire

41 The African Kingdoms (Mali, Songhai, Ghana)
_________ Islamic Empires Roman Empire 30BCE-100CE Ancient Greece BCE The African Kingdoms (Mali, Songhai, Ghana) European Renaissance Ancient China Golden Ages

42 Mikail Gorbachev Reforms
Soviet Union USSR Glasnost Openness Peristroika Restructuring

43 _________ Ancient Rome Golden Age Republic to Empire The Coliseum
Julius Caesar The Twelve Tables Republic to Empire The Coliseum Punic Wars Golden Age Ancient Rome

44 Social Scientists/Disciplines
Anthropologist Economist Archaeologist Geographer Sociologist Historian

45 _________ Aung San Suu Kyi Mahatmas Gandhi Nelson Mandela Elie Wiesel
Civil Rights Leaders

46 Scramble for Africa Berlin Conference Italian Control of Ethiopia
French Control of Morocco Berlin Conference Italian Control of Ethiopia British Control of Egypt Imperialism (new) Belgian Control of The Congo Dutch & Then British South Africa

47 _________ Ancient Greece Golden Age Athens vs The Parthenon Sparta
Socrates Alexander the Great The Parthenon Athens vs Sparta Peloponnesian War Golden Age Ancient Greece

48 Age of Exploration/The Encounter/First Global Age
Portugal leads the way 1492 Disease wipes out Native Populations Spain dominates the 15th & 16th centuries Compass/Sextant Caravel Columbian Exchange

49 Protestant Reformation
John Calvin Act of Supremacy & The Church of England 95 Theses Martin Luther Roman Catholic Church political & social power declines Henry VIII

50 Kings more powerful than Popes
Age of Absolutism Peter the Great Louis XIV Kings more powerful than Popes Frederick the Great Versailles Catherine the Great Divine Right

51 Latin America Revolutions Gandhi & India Independence
______ The French Revolution Otto von Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm I Latin America Revolutions Cavour, Mazzini, Garibaldi Gandhi & India Independence Italy 1860 Germany 1871 Risorgimento Nationalism

52 _________ Causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire
Territory to Big to control Diocletian Splits Empire Constantinople Vandals, Huns, Visigoths Invade Disease and Famine People flee urban areas to rural areas Causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire

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