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Joint Improvement Support Plans

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1 Joint Improvement Support Plans

2 The Improvement Cycle 2008/09 (DRAFT)
Cross-government guidance published on local performance management arrangements for 2008/09 LAA targets signed off by Ministers Consultation on CAA by inspectorates (to October 08) KEY to colours Red opportunities for policy teams to input Blue inspectorate activity APA self assessment completed by LAs NS/GOs produce APA briefings for Ofsted, informed by policy teams DCSF Guidance on statutory target setting published Ofsted field work for final batch of JARs completed Final negotiation of LAA targets and target levels by GOs with local areas June 08 July 08 Ofsted on site meetings with LAs re APA (NB Ofsted may not visit every LA May 08 Aug 08 First RIEP strategies published Apr 08 Sept 08 National Strategies meeting with all Local Authorities to discuss achievement against statutory targets to date and targets for 2010 (between 15 September and 24 October) Mar 09 Oct 08 Changes to LAA targets finalised – and agreed by Government . Feb 09 Nov 08 Jan 09 Dec 08 GO reviews local area’s progress against LAA targets and as part of that discussion Draft APA letters sent to LAs and copied to GOs, for restricted use only Renegotiation of LAA targets – to agree final set of up to 35 (minimal change expected in 2010) any changes to priorities for improvement, and subsequent changes to support need to be agreed DCSF policy teams input to GOs (via LAIT) to inform LAA reviews Audit Commission publishes Comprehensive Performance Assessments CAA arrangements due to be published LAs submit statutory targets to DCSF by 31 January APA letters published Final JAR reports published

3 LAA refresh/review CSA discussions with DCS and local partners focused on LAA targets relating to C&YP and wider priorities agreed last year Discussions considered:  Progress of local areas over the last year Any risks that remain to achieving the targets and priorities Any new priorities identified through APA, JAR, LAIT, SCRs etc Improvement support that is likely to be needed


5 Joint Improvement Support Plans
provide a concise and joined up forward look of planned improvement support for the Children’s Trust; drive the tailoring of support to the authorities’ priorities and plans and improve the way in which the impact of that support provided is evaluated; identify areas of high performance/best practice to facilitate cross-authority learning; build a picture of regional and national improvement needs based on analysis of local needs.

6 Example of Support Requests
National Strategies (as already agreed) Teenage pregnancy (ongoing) Breastfeeding support - from Vicky Head, Obesity Manager (infant feeding) GONE Targeted Youth Support Taking forward "Narrowing the Gap" GONE support to implement You're Welcome quality criteria - Mandy Cheetham? Any support / advice or sharing of good practice that could be provided regarding: - Thresholds - Safely reducing Child Protection and LAC numbers - Successful child obesity interventions - Improving school attendance - Reducing exclusions

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