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Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices

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1 Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices
Westport Middle School Adapted from the edutopia article titled, “Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices.”

2 Brain Breaks Brain breaks refresh our thinking and help us to discover new solutions to problems. The brain moves away from learning, memorizing, and problem-solving for a short period of time. Brain breaks help our brains get ready to process new information.

3 The Junk Bag Teacher chooses random household object. Students:
Come up with two ways this object could be reinvented for other uses. Draw your ideas and label how the object could be used. After five minutes, you will walk around, sharing and comparing.

4 Squiggle Story All students get a blank piece of paper and draw one squiggly line. Students switch papers with the person next to them. Students have one minute to draw with their OPPOSITE hand, turning the squiggly line into a picture or design of their choice.

5 Opposite Sides All students stand up. Blink with your right eye.
Snap your fingers with your left hand. Now switch eyes and blink with your left eye. Now switch hands and snap with your right hand. Now tap your right foot once. Now tap your left foot twice. Now tap your right foot three times.

6 Invisible Pictures Students partner up.
One student draws a picture in the air while the other student guesses what it is. Take turns. Categories: Foods Places Animals

7 Story Starters Students partner up.
One student starts a story with a sentence. The next student continues the story. Students go back and forth until they finish the story.

8 Focused-Attention Practices
These practices help us quiet frustrating and distracting thoughts. Quieting your mind is a great way to reduce stress and improve your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

9 Breathing Place one hand close to your nose
Place your other hand on your belly. As you breath in, feel your belly expand. As you breath out, feel the warm air hit your hand. Focus on your breath and nothing else. If thoughts come into your mind, try to push them away as you exhale.

10 Colors Visualize colors while focusing on your breathing.
Inhale a deep green and exhale a fiery red. Inhale a calming blue and exhale a light gray. Then choose your own colors.

11 The Deep-Dive Breath Inhale for four counts.
Hold your breath for four counts. Exhale slowly for four counts. Repeat.

12 Sound Listen to these sounds and focus on your breathing.

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