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Pitching and Catching Module 2

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1 Pitching and Catching Module 2

2 Pitching “Good pitching beats good hitting”
The odds are in the pitcher’s favour Pitching – the mechanics are hotly debated topic... “Elasticity of muscle” Pitching catch phrases...drop and drive...pull off the rubber....stay tall Activity #1 – With a partner brainstorm some pitching catch phrases – write them down.

3 Catch Phrases Tall and Fall Drop and Drive Reach back Thumbs down
Point with your glove Lead with your elbow Stay on top Stay back Lead with your butt Don’t rush or don’t drift Throw downhill Hold the ball like an egg Goal post position others

4 Pitching Delivery The Phases of Pitching
Setup – Full Windup and the Stretch Position Importance of good posture Drop Step a. Do we step back or to the side? b. Do the arms stay still or can we move them? Coming set in the stretch position a. Position of hands / feet b. Slide step / abbreviated lift

5 Leg Lift and Gather

6 Stride Phase / Early Cocking Phase

7 Late Cocking Phase Shoulder / Hip Seperation

8 Acceleration / Elbow Extension

9 Release Point

10 Follow Through - Deceleration

11 Motor Patterning (cont.)
Studies have shown that once learned, pitching mechanics do not change significantly with advancing level of competition This concept implies that an emphasis on instilling proper pitching mechanics is of prime importance early in the pitcher’s development. Other variables, such as arm and ball velocity will increase as the athlete matures and develops greater force generation capacity

12 Creating Confidence in Your Pitchers
Scenario #1 You have a pitcher that has spent the last three years training hard every day in order to be the best he can be. In practice throwing to a catcher with no one watching he throws like he belongs in the pros, but when in a game he can’t perform. This player gets a tense and nervous feeling in his stomach and loses concentration. He knows what he has to do, get ahead of hitters, spot the fastball etc but he just can’t get it done in a game. He feels like he doesn’t want to put all of this hard work to waste. He looks nervous and stressed on his game days.

13 Ideas Eliminating fear of failure – taking the pressure off the pitcher – letting go of the what ifs Stop caring so much on what others think The art of centering or staying within oneself “Breath” Find ways to mimic competition – NASA Pitching Plan Refocus Plan or Changing the channel – “IF I lose focus I will......” Routine – familiarity = success

14 Throwing Strikes : The Value of Pitching to Contact
Throwing Strikes : The Value of Pitching to Contact Batter ahead of the Count Batting Average Batter Tied Batting Average Batter Behind Batting Average

15 Picks Pick to 1B – RHP / LHP Pick to 2B – jump / inside move
Pick to 3B – 3rd and 1st move With a partner read the info in your workbook and practice the footwork described. Provide feedback to your partner.

16 Conclusion Questions Pitching Gurus– Tom House, Dick Mills, Chris O’leary, Dr. Mike Marshall “Most of your job when coaching a player isn’t teaching him something new – it’s reminding him of what he thinks and does when he is playing great...”

17 Catching Module 2

18 Receiving Stance - Review
Without runners on base With runners on base Distance between the catcher and hitter Receiving the pitch – relax the glove hand Framing the pitch Receiving drills – wiffles, machine gun Tags at the plate/positioning – short hop drill

19 Footwork, Receiving, and Arm Action for Throwing Out Runners
Footwork used to throw out runners – jab step, jump pivot, and rock n’ fire. T drill – proper alignment Arm action – “bow and arrow” (short with the arm – not long like an outfielder) Progression Drill - receive/feet/position/throw “Don’t hit the wall” - keep the body moving forward when throwing… Using a stopwatch

20 Blocking Pitches in the Dirt
“Drop and Block” – Lead with the glove and the knees will follow Stay square to the ball – don’t catch the ball, absorb the ball Concave position or “letter C position” Chin down and throwing hand behind mitt – cover the 5 hole

21 Blocking Drills Hands behind the back Partner shadow drills
3 Point drill Recover to a throwing position once ball is blocked Wall drill – great for indoors at a gym

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