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Atlantic Trade Network

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1 Atlantic Trade Network
Age of Exploration Atlantic Trade Network

2 Essential Question What impact did the Atlantic Trade network have on the global economy?

3 The English Arrive in North America
The English were inspired by the explorations of the French and the Spanish. 1606 – King James sent a company to found an English colony. Four months later, the settlers landed in Virginia and named the land Jamestown.

4 The Settlement of Jamestown
The colony’s start was disastrous. Settlers were more interested in finding gold than planting crops. Seven out of every ten people died of hunger, disease or battles with Native Americans. Jamestown eventually became successful, especially after the discovery of tobacco. It became a profitable cash crop.

5 Puritans Create a “New England”
Pilgrims founded a second English colony Plymouth Puritans sought religious freedom from England’s Anglican Church. Establish Massachusetts Bay. Wanted a model community that would set an example for other Christians to follow. This community was full of families, unlike Jamestown.

6 The Dutch Found New Netherland
Henry Hudson – English but in service of the Netherlands. In search of the northwest trade route to Asia. Instead, found three waterways. Hudson River, Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait. The Dutch claimed this region (around New York). Establish fur trade with the Iroquois Indians. Area became known as New Netherland.

7 Columbian Exchange Global transfers of foods, plants, and animals from the Americas to Europe

8 Commercial Revolution
Colonial empires led to newfound wealth that increased overseas trade Dramatically changed the economic atmosphere of Europe

9 Rise of Capitalism Economic system based on private ownership and the investment of wealth for profit Governments were no longer the sole owner of great wealth Inflation – more money = rise in prices of goods

10 Joint-Stock Companies
Number of people pooling their wealth together for a common purpose. Example – several would invest in colonies

11 “Before 1492, there were no tomatoes in Italy, no pineapples in Hawaii, no potatoes in Ireland, no oranges in Florida, and no cattle in Texas.” Why were these important food crops missing in these areas before 1492?

12 Evolution of African Slavery

13 Muslim Slaves Spread of Islam into Africa ushered in an increase in slavery Had some legal rights and opportunity for social mobility.

14 European Desire for Africans
Native Americans were dying by the millions - forced Europeans to use Africans for slaves Africans built up immunity to European diseases. Africans had experience in farming Africans had little knowledge of the land

15 African cooperation African rulers sold slaves to Europeans.

16 Atlantic Slave Trade a massive enterprise that imported over 10 million slaves by the 1870’s

17 Forced Journey

18 Triangular Trade Transatlantic trading network.
Connected Africa, Europe, and America

19 Middle Passage The voyage that brought Africans to America

20 Africans were packed into ships like sardines


22 They were whipped, beaten, and suffered from disease
20% of Africans on each boat died

23 Slavery in America

24 Harsh Life Auctioned off once in America
Worked in mines, fields, domestic servants Worked long days Often suffered whippings and beatings Slave for life Hereditary

25 Resistance Kept their African culture alive such as music and stories
Some would break their tools, uproot plants, work slow, or run away Several uprisings also occurred

26 Consequences of the Atlantic Slave Trade

27 Africa Tribes lost generations of their strongest members.
Families broken up Introduces firearms in to African society – spread war throughout Africa

28 America Contributed greatly to the growth of economic and cultural development Labor allowed many colonies to survive Introduced new farming techniques Large African population

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