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The Changing Role and Status of Women in Britain

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1 The Changing Role and Status of Women in Britain 1890- 1918

2 Pre War Before the outbreak of war in August 1914, women held very traditional roles in family life. They were expected to clean, cook and look after children. Changes Many working class women were already in employment, and they mainly held traditional female jobs in domestic service or in textile factories and mills. Many were still tied to the home or continued to work for very low wages An emerging women’s movement campaigned to liberate women and to change these traditional roles, campaigning for rights such as the vote (suffrage).

3 During the War the role of women change dramatically at the beginning and during the war . Changes There was a huge shortage of workers in industry and farming as the men who did these jobs were away fighting. Women felt it was their duty to step up and fill these roles, dealing with the labour shortage. During the War, more opportunities opened up to women and the types of jobs they undertook changed.

4 Types of Jobs During the War
Women began to make war products such as guns and ammunition, taking on jobs operating heavy machinery and driving vehicles. The Women’s Land Army was formed to ensure food production continued as so many male agricultural labourers were in the army. Women also headed to the War front to cook and to work in hospitals, treating injured soldiers, while many nurses continued to help the injured at home. By 1918 there were 1.3 million more women at work than in 1914 Although women were employed in important roles and received improved wages, they were still paid lower rates than men.

5 Whilst women undertook more ‘male’ jobs, the significance of their traditional role of wife and mother was also emphasised. Women were told they had a patriotic duty to encourage their men to fight in the war. Women also helped the men at war to remain motivated, sending more than 12 million letters and parcels to the troops every week, and reminding them about the home and family they would return to after the War.

6 Post War The end of the War meant that women were expected to return to their previous roles and allow the returning soldiers to take back their jobs. Whilst the number of women in work returned to pre-war levels, the War did result in a number of permanent changes. A wider range of jobs were now available to women, such as working in shops, being a telephonist or a typist. Single women could also become a nurse or a teacher. Changes in style and appearance made necessary by war work - wearing trousers and short hair - became fashionable. The war had proven that women could do a wide range of work and do them well. By 1928 all women were granted the right to vote, reflecting their changed status within society.

7 Were Women Respected Between 1890 and 1918?
Beginning of the period: the number of women who were properly educated was very low lower wages than men ‘separate spheres’ - women should focus on family life, and were more hysterical than men in 1903 the Women’s Social and Political Union was formed - this helped to reinforce the idea of women being irrational as they did things like smashing windows

8 During and after the war:
Attitudes towards women changed during the war, the suffragist and suffragette campaigns were put on hold and women began helping the war effort Women were shown to be more rational than previously believed and even showed that they were capable of doing the same jobs as men. This meant they did not have separate spheres. Women earned lots of respect, but still weren’t perceived to be on the same level as men - they were payed lower wages for doing the same jobs. Women were definitely more respected at the end of the period than the beginning, which contributed to them getting the vote.

9 Sources May 1915 poster by E. J. Kealey, from
the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee 1917 poster by Henry George Gawthorn advertising for recruitment to the Women's Land Army.

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