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504 Plan Presented by: Jan Summers Sandi Fina

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Presentation on theme: "504 Plan Presented by: Jan Summers Sandi Fina"— Presentation transcript:

1 504 Plan Presented by: Jan Summers Sandi Fina
Margaret Jacobs Gail White Teresa Garrett 9/20/2018

2 What is a 504 plan? It is a legal document falling under the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is designed to plan a program of instructional services to assist students with special needs who are in a regular education setting. It is not an IEP as required for special education services. 9/20/2018

3 Who is eligible for a 504 plan?
Any student with a physical or emotional disability which substantially limits at least one major life activity, such as: Walking Seeing Hearing Speaking Breathing Learning Reading Writing Performing math calculations Working Self-care Manual tasks 9/20/2018

4 Examples of Disabilities
Asthma Allergies ADHD Cancer Diabetes Epilepsy Heart Disease Hemophilia HIV/AIDS 9/20/2018

5 Criteria for Medical Determination
Medical documentation from a physician presented on a medical form or letterhead with the physician’s signature. Diagnosis must be indicated along with evidence of substantial academic limitations. Medication schedule (if necessary) should be provided. 9/20/2018

6 Criteria for ADHD Determination
Current behavior rating scales Timed classroom observations Teacher statements/anecdotal records Academic performance Medical diagnosis (if available) 9/20/2018

7 Criteria for Psychological Determination
Process Deficit Academic Deficit Emotional Problems Must be a history of failing grades 9/20/2018

8 Referral Process A student may be referred for a 504 by the teacher, support staff, parent/legal guardian, physician or therapist. A 504 meeting is held. A plan is developed for the student. A review date is set. 9/20/2018

9 Accommodations / Interventions
Provide low-distraction work areas Prepare the student for transitions Alter presentation of lessons Class work/homework adaptations Alter testing procedures Modify textbooks or workbooks 9/20/2018

10 Legal Issues Failure to: identify disability
provide adequate training for school personnel provide the least restrictive environment offer specified accommodations reevaluate 9/20/2018

11 Court Cases Lambert v. West Virginia State Board of Education (1994)
Muller v. Committee on Special Education and Board of Education of the East Islip Union Free School District W.B. v. Matula, et al Burriola v. Greater Toledo YMCA, et al 9/20/2018

12 Final Thoughts School personnel are legally responsible to implement the accommodations and strategies of a 504 plan. The Office of Civil Rights is the governing body for 504 plans. Each case must be evaluated upon its own merits. 9/20/2018

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