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Key Question: How do I plan an ethical and effective research project?

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Presentation on theme: "Key Question: How do I plan an ethical and effective research project?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Question: How do I plan an ethical and effective research project?
Date: Thursday, 20 September 2018 Key Question: How do I plan an ethical and effective research project? Starter: Can you guess the research/sampling method from the picture? TIF: Can you think of any of your own symbols for other keywords to challenge the class? 15

2 You have been asked as a sociologist to investigate pupil behaviour in British schools.
On your piece of paper, identify which sampling method you think would be the most appropriate Fold the paper over and pass clockwise to your neighbour On your new piece of paper, identify which primary research method you think would be the most appropriate Fold the paper over and pass clockwise to your neighbour On your new piece of paper, identify which secondary research method you think would be the most appropriate Fold the paper over and pass clockwise to your neighbour On your new piece of paper, identify one ethical issue that you think you might encounter (CCC)

3 You have been asked as a sociologist to investigate pupil behaviour in British schools.
You should now have your own piece of paper back. Open it up – do you agree with all of the methods identified? As a group, decide on your best answers for: Sampling method Primary research method Secondary research method Ethical issue I should hear you justifying why you chose each answer!

4 Explain why good for this investigation
1 State method 2 Describe method 3 Explain why good for this investigation 4 Identify a method that would not be appropriate 5 6 Explain why your chosen method is more appropriate for this investigation 1 State method 2 Describe what it is/how it works 3 Explain why it would be a good method 4 Give an example specifically linked to this investigation 1 State issue 2 Describe what it is/why it is a problem 3 Explain how you could deal with it 4 Give an example specifically linked to this investigation

5 Sociology Homework due Monday 17th November

6 Explain why good for this investigation (with an example)
“As a sociologist, you have been asked to investigate attitudes towards Citizenship education among students in a large comprehensive school.” Identify one primary method of research that you would use in your study and explain why this method would be better than another primary method for collecting the data that you need. (6) TIF: Can you come up with a different investigation topic that would require completely different research methods? 1 State method 2 Describe method 3 Explain why good for this investigation (with an example) 4 Identify a method that would not be appropriate 5 6 Explain why your chosen method is more appropriate for this investigation than the other method Possible keywords Sampling Ethical Qualitative Quantitative Covert Overt Confidentiality Anonymity Participant Validity Accuracy Remember SPAG! Peer assessment: Mark out of 6 WWW (linked with mark scheme) EBI (linked with mark scheme) Amend SPAG

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