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2 Half term homework: 1. Choose a recent Disney film 2
Half term homework: 1. Choose a recent Disney film 2. Research the production of the film – what problems were there? What technology was used? Was there any synergy between institutions?

3 L/O: To explore the production process of Disney films

4 Production Walt Disney Animation: History

5 Overview: The Production Cycle You are expected to know what happens in each of these 4 stages of a film’s life: Choose genre, director, stars, SFX, & film it! £1000 Film reels produced & sent to as many cinemas as possible Get film into multiplexes & TV deals Advertise the film as widely as possible (Synergy?) Film Production Film Distribution Film Exhibition Film Marketing

6 The Production Cycle What issues might film producers face
during the production cycle?

7 Production Walt Disney Animation
For a long time, Walt Disney was seen as the most innovative and successful animation institution. 1970s and 80s – downturn 1990s – renaissance thanks to new technology, A list actors, use of music and engaging narratives (for both adults and children)

8 Production The Importance of Innovation
The Little Mermaid (1989) was also the first to feature the use of Disney's Computer Animation Production System (CAPS). Developed for Disney by Pixar

9 Production Little Mermaid (1989) Fact File Budget
$40,000,000 (estimated) Box office: $211,343,479 (worldwide) Rentals: $40,227,000 (USA)

10 Computer Animation Production System

11 Production The Lion King (1994)

12 Production The Lion King Fact File Budget $45,000,000 (estimated) Following a 3D re-release in 2011, with earnings of over US $987 million worldwide as of 2011, the film is the highest-grossing hand-drawn film in history, The film has led to many derived works such as a Broadway show, two straight to video follow ups and two TV spin offs.

13 Production

14 Marking Grid for Qu2. Band / Grade Argument Examples Terminology
Level 1: U Minimal understanding & reference to study (0-7) Limited range and use of examples Minimal use of terms. Inaccuracies (0-3) Low Level 2: E > D Basic understanding. Some relevant points. (8-11) Some relevant examples Some terms used. Some inaccuracies (4-5) Upper Level 3: C > B Proficient argument, well supported. (12-15) Good range of examples Mostly accurate terms (6-7) Level 4 : A Excellent, relevant, sustained argument (16-20) Frequent use of relevant examples Relevant and accurate terms (8-10)

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