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Creating Our Care Team & ToolKit Implementation

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1 Creating Our Care Team & ToolKit Implementation

2 Brief History History at OLMC
Goal- Reading Specialist & a plan to serve all students 1st year- evidence gathering- talking to teachers, speaking with schools, NCEA Determined what I wanted this to look like- budget- change things up (Title I)

3 Hiring Strategic Hiring: -experience with limited budget
-ability to meet specific needs -use of a variety of techniques -familiarity with public school system -familiarity with DIBELS

4 Meetings with Katherine
Goal setting SSP Criteria to see the Reading Specialist Referral System DIBELS- who would receive this testing, who qualifies, when to meet with student, & what information we would share beyond the teachers Older students-what to use We met weekly- progress, issues, communication log Met with CARE TEAM monthly Cares about both the individual and the system Assesses by gathering information, discussing & planning Responds by following through with interventions Evaluates the effectiveness of interventions & determines the need to reassess* *CARE team approach was cited from Margaret Fitzgibbons, Michael Mahon & Amy Maus, (2008). The care team approach: A problem-solving process for effective school change. Washington, DC: The National Catholic Education Association.

5 Faculty Buy In Incredibly Important!!
Explanation of the process- including DIBELS, RTI and acceptance into the program Who we would accept- criteria Variety techniques to service the students Response from teachers- -ecstatic about reading specialist -questions and fears

6 Rollout of the Toolkits
ACSDF- grant to purchase toolkits 1st faculty meeting (15 min.) who, what, where of the toolkits, short introduction of LiveBinder 2nd faculty meeting (20 min.) LiveBinder 3rd faculty meeting- (25 min.) with assistance of Nurse- discussed 22Q -powerpoint, handout, kit 4th faculty meeting (20 min.) Autism And so on…..

7 Success Stories James- 3rd grade Brendan- 5th grade- ADHD
-student with autism, fire drill & lunch Brendan- 5th grade- ADHD -short attention span, distracting others, cannot sit in chair without falling out -fidget tool, seat, rubber band -communication with parent- testing and diagnosis Desi- 5th grade-HI, SLD -DIBELS testing identified areas where she had gaps - hearing test at school - public school testing -getting hearing aides, voice amplifier, moved from tier 3 to tier 1 Deion- 5th grade- VI -use of the slant board- limited headaches, less straining of eye muscles, better writing Brianna- 1st grade- -HI and ELL could did not know letter sounds. Used RtI to evaluate and monitor her speech and within 3 months could make all the speech sounds in English and is reading at grade level All names are fictional as to maintain the anonymity of the student

8 Faculty Success The implementation of the toolkits changed our faculty -Refocus on our mission -Confidence -Attitudes -Mindset- abilities/disabilities -Communication

9 Overall Benefits of the Toolkit
Ability to give simple tools to help students be successful! Turn around in the staff- on board, and unafraid to ask Use of a variety of tools, inviting others in to observe, better parent communication Future: -set goals! -My goals- Special Education teacher, Math Specialist, part time Speech Therapist & part time Counselor


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