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My Journey Through ECS 110 Amy Scheidl.

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1 My Journey Through ECS 110 Amy Scheidl


3 This class is just the beginning of my new educational journey
This class is just the beginning of my new educational journey. These four guys in my life are my “why” , my supporters and my biggest fans. I feel like I am a better person for what I have learned here Audrey. I am thankful for this experience.

4 Self Realization Before this class
Living each day without thinking about how the rest of the world was experiencing things differently than me After this class Realizing that each of us has a different experience, everyone is affected differently

5 These are some of the changes in the ways I now would identify myself
Beginning of class I am a woman I am a Mother I am a wife End of class Canadian Settler White

6 Courageous Conversation
The conversations in the breakout rooms , discussions, blog posts and class meetings encouraged the courageous conversations around many difficult topics Race Gender Sexism Classism Just to name a few

7 WHITENESS One of the concepts that at age 32 I was completely unaware until only a few weeks ago. This has rocked my societal views to say the least. Navigating my way through this concept was an incredible learning experience. Even today, I still have a ton to learn and educate myself on so that I can better understand .

This Peggy McIntosh article really good my mind working. I had heard the saying “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” The work harder idea. Whiteness is a concept Im wrapping my head around, and really trying to have a consious effort in undertsnading how it effects my day to day life as well as those that I am close to. But instead of dwelling on too much of the details I am simply trying to live a fuller and richer life by realizing that we are all DIFFERENT.

9 Feminism & Sexism Disney Films Rapunzel Snow White Frozen Beauty and the Beast Little Mermaid Cinderella I honestly have seen many Disney movies many times over. Frozen in particular I have watched at least a dozen times and never thought into the underlying messages it may send to young girls. The messages of girl empowerment was this apparently new concept in Disney films, and As we touched base on the topics of feminism and sexism I could then see that there is a problematic portrayl of the female characters of many of these movies.


11 I AM CANADIAN This title means so much more to me now
Not as simple as being born here or the characteristics that we believe make us to be Canadian but now I have to dig deeper , past the superficial and past the surface. Looking at mistreatment, misrepresentation and meanings of this “term”

12 Mythbusting We spent a good part of our class busting some of the myths and shaking up the normative narrative The phrase “ I Am Canadian “ was one we touched on



15 Depression Stigma attached “ No I’m not Ok” Bell “lets talk”

16 CANADA 150 Why some are opposed?
Touching on this this semester was huge, with the celebrations approaching . The realization that to some of the native people here it is not as glorified and they are opposed to it. WOW this was big for me, again one of the many topics that moved me in this course.


18 Activities to get us thinking!
We had many activities which got us and kept us engaged , some of these included Flower power I am Canadian activity Mythbuster minutes Self Stories Video presentations

19 Self Stories This impactful way of writing about a story from my past was amazing. The writing process in itself was a learning experience, Also we touched on many meaningful topics such as gender and race.


21 The idea of gender neutral bathrooms
This was a big and interesting conversation, the converstaion about us all just using the same restroom. With some for and some against the idea. The notion of equality is of importance here.


23 Becoming a Teacher The reason I took this course was that it was required in my Education Degree. Little did I know how much I would enjoy it. I know I will go into becoming a teacher with a higher regard for my future students and their life situation, their race, gender, physical abilitities, socio econmical background will all play into my teaching techniques.


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