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Types of Conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Conflict

2 Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces in fiction.
All fiction short stories have conflict. Conflict is the driving force of plot. There are four main types of conflict

3 Each conflict is what bumps the rising action.
Conflict DRIVES plot Each conflict is what bumps the rising action.

4 There are Four Main Types of Conflict
Character vs. Character Character vs. Nature Character vs. Society Character vs. Self

5 Character vs. Character
One character has a conflict with another character. This conflict can be physical or emotional. Grease

6 Can you think of any books that use character vs. Character conflict??

7 Character vs. Nature Character has conflict with a force of nature.
Flood, Tornado, Hurricane, Avalanche, Extreme weather conditions, Earthquake, etc. My Side of the Mountain

8 Can you think of any books that use character vs. nature conflict?

9 Character vs. Society Character struggles with the rules and foundations of society. Character doesn't fit in with society's rules and expectations. Shrek

10 Can you think of any books that use character vs. society conflict?

11 Character vs. Self Character struggles internally with their self.
Character is faced with difficult decisions or must come to terms with something about themself. The Little Mermaid

12 Can you think of any books that use character vs. self conflict?

13 Many stories will have more than one conflict going on throughout the story.
One main conflict is the driving force of the story.

14 How do you know what conflict is the main problem in the story?

15 With your group, tell your group members the book you are reading and what type or types of conflict you are seeing in the book.

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