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Why Rigor and Relevance?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Rigor and Relevance?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Rigor and Relevance?
Chapter 1 Why Rigor and Relevance?

2 A Goal of Rigor and Relevance
What students need to succeed in the 21st century is an education that is both academically rigorous and “real-world” relevant.





7 Rigor

8 A Changing World Technology will alter the workplace, homes, personal lives, and education systems.

9 Need to motivate all students to high achievement
Students consistently indicate that they do not work as hard as they are capable of if they fail to see the relevance of what they are learning.

10 Emphasize essential skills and knowledge
Focusing on a narrowing list of priority skills and knowledge makes the importance of learning clear. It would take 15,465 hours to cover all of the standards and benchmarks in grades K-12. The instructional time students have during their K-12 years is 9,042 hours.

11 Shift focus from teaching to learning
There’s no communication if one person presents a message and no one listens or understands. Many students spend the school day watching their teachers work. Learning occurs when students are engaged and understand concepts being taught.

12 Reduce overloaded curriculum
What do students need to know to succeed in life? What do students need to know to succeed on the test? If a topic fulfills either of these needs, it can be labeled a high priority. If it meets neither, it is not worth investing instructional time.

13 Unified perspective and focus
The most effective schools have a laserlike focus on curriculum; aligning and emphasizing a common point of view. Elementary school teachers share a narrowly focused common objective. Middle and high school teachers are often immersed in their own subjects.

14 Preparation for state tests
Teaching to the test is not bad as long as it is a good test. High-stakes testing utilizes questions that demand complex thinking, high rigor, and application of knowledge. As tests become more rigorous, teachers need to “raise the bar” for all students.

15 Relevance

16 Relevancy leads to high achievement
When instruction is more relevant it not only increases student interest but also deepens student learning through application. Students learn more when they realize what they are learning has an application to the world of work.

17 Knowledge is best acquired when taught in context
Skills taught in multiple contexts are more likely to be acquired and applied in everyday life. It not only increases student interest, but also deepens learning through application.

18 Increased achievement results from focusing on students’ interests and aptitudes
When instruction is based on students’ interests, aptitudes, and learning styles they are more motivated to learn.

19 Metacognition is essential for continued learning
When a learner takes a new piece of information and adds it to what they know to expand their knowledge. Integrating subjects and “real-world” problems encourage metacognition.

20 High expectations correlate with achievement
Research shows that students will try to rise to the level of expectation established for them.

21 Changing the focus of schools
Schools need to provide experiences for students in dealing with “real-world” problems beyond school.

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