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Presentation on theme: "Mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutations

2 Mutations Any change in the DNA structure (specifically the order of nitrogen bases) is a mutation. Mutations can be helpful, harmful, or neutral. Helpful – can create diversity in a population Harmful – can cause things like cancer Neutral – can have absolutely no effect at all A mutagen is something that causes mutations in the DNA (for example: smoking, radiation from the sun etc)

3 Two Basic Mutation Categories:
1. Gene mutations 2. Chromosomal mutations Produce changes in a single gene Gene that produces the enzyme lactase doesn’t work correctly, and the person cannot digest lactose Produce changes in a whole chromosome Person inherits an entire extra chromosome, or is missing an entire chromosome Person’s chromosome gets rearranged

4 Gene Mutations: Point Mutations
1. Substitution 2. Insertion or 3.Deletion One base is changed to a different base Usually only affects 1 amino acid, or has no effect CCC changed to CCA Still proline CCC changed to ACC Now threonine instead Makes a totally different protein One base is inserted or deleted from a sequence Effects can be dramatic *AKA: Frameshift mutations because they shift the sequence left or right Can shift every amino acid that follows the mutation, causing BIG PROBLEMO!

5 Point Mutation Examples:
If our DNA was AATTGGCC An insertion would be AATTAGGCC A deletion would be AATGGCC A substitution would be AAATGGCC

6 Guess the Mutation… Substitution Deletion Insertion Changing the DNA sequence changes the amino acid sequence, which changes the protein that is made, which CAN change the organism

7 Chromosomal Mutations:
Change # or structure of chromosomes: Deletion – segment gets deleted Duplication – segment gets duplicated Inversion – 2 segments get switched Translocation – part of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another Deletion Duplication Inversion Translocation

8 Chromosomal Mutations
Types of Mutations Chromosomal Mutations Gene Mutations

9 Chromosomal Mutations
Types of Mutations Chromosomal Mutations Gene Mutations


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