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Published byDwayne Fox Modified over 6 years ago
Marine Strategy Framework Directive: progress report
David Connor European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Expert Group of Birds and Habitats Directives 8 December 2016, Brussels
Outline Revision of GES Decision and MSFD Annex III
Article 8 guidance on assessments Map of marine regions and subregions First updates for Articles 8, 9 and 10 in 2018 Commission assessments Licencing and permitting report
Art. 12 assessment on Art. 8, 9, 10 COM(2014) 97 + SWD(2014) 49
Very comprehensive: the first time so much information is gathered on marine environment at EU level Public consultations and dialogue with stakeholders Better policy integration (Water Framework Directive, Habitats and Birds Directives, CFP better taken into account in marine policies) More cooperation in Regional Sea Conventions Gaps in information and knowledge identified, but often without a clear plan to address them
DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry
Article 12 follow up To increase adequacy: Review Commission Decision 2010/477 on GES criteria and MSFD Annex III To improve coherence: strengthen the role of Regional Sea Conventions Advice to incorporate data/knowledge gaps in monitoring programmes Advice to review targets and relate them to (coordinated) programmes of measures To support MS through tailor-made projects
Revision of Decision 2010/477/EU and MSFD Annex III
Aims to improve coherence between Art. 9 (GES), Art. 8 (assessment), Annex I (descriptors) and Annex III (elements) Provides a simpler, clearer basis for determination and assessment of GES Ensures better coherence with other EU legislation, including reuse of standards and assessments Strengthens regional/subregional coherence Proposals were approved in MSFD Regulatory Committee on 10 November 2016
Decision on GES criteria and methodological standards
Art. 9(1) Determination of a set of characteristics of GES by Member States Use of Decision including specification of criteria elements and setting of threshold values for criteria, where needed, specific to (sub)region Informs on characteristics of MS waters Provides determination of GES for the marine (sub)region Annex III Ecosystem elements Pressures Annex I Descriptors Provides criteria on which to base determination of GES Art. 8(1) Initial assessment: Analysis of features and characteristics and current environmental status analysis of pressures and impacts Art. 9(3) Decision on GES criteria and methodological standards To ensure consistency and to allow for comparison between marine regions and subregions of the extent to which GES is being achieved Provides assessment of extent to which GES has been achieved
Ecosystem, including food-webs (D1, D4)
20/09/2018 Assessment of specific pressures and their impacts on ecosystem elements (Art. 8.1b) D2 Assessment of ecosystem elements (Art. 8.1a) D8 Non-indigenous species Commercial fish & shellfish Eutrophication Physical loss & hydrographical changes Physical disturbance Contaminants Contaminants in seafood Litter Energy, including underwater noise Other pressures (Annex III, Table 2a) Fish groups (D1, D3) Cephalopod groups (D1, D3) Pelagic broad habitats (D1) Benthic broad habitats (D1, D6) Bird groups (D1) Mammal groups (D1) Reptiles (turtles) (D1) Ecosystem, including food-webs (D1, D4) D3 D9 D5 D10 D6, D7 loss D11 D6 disturb-ance Other pressures 7
GES criteria Primary criterion Secondary criterion
Integration: pressure-impact-state Assessments of pressures for Article 8(1b) D2 D3 D6 D6, D7 D5 D8, D9 D10 D11 - Non-Indigenous Species Extraction of wild species Physical disturbance Physical loss & hydrological change Nutrient & organic matter input Contaminants Litter Sound and other energy Other P S D2C1 D2C2 (Total catch) D6C2 D6C1 D7C1 D5C1 D8C1 D8C3 D9C1 D10C1 D10C2 D10C3 D11C1 D11C2 Annex III Table 2a Assessments of state for Article 8(1a) D1 Species groups D1C2 D1C3 D1C4 D1C5 D3C2 D3C3 D2C3 D3C1 D1C1 ? D8C2 D8C4 D10C4 Pelagic broad habitats D1C6 D5C2 D5C3 D5C4 Benthic broad habitats D6C4 D6C5 D6C3 D7C2 D5C5 D5C6 D5C7 D5C8 D4 Eco-systems D4C1 D4C2 D4C3 D4C4 20/09/2018 Pressure Impact State See spreadsheet for detail on each criterion. Black numbers = primary criteria, Blue smaller numbers = secondary criteria. Assessments under Art 8.1b address each pressure and its impacts (columns) on mobile species, pelagic or benthic habitats (which ones depend on nature of the pressure). Assessments under Art 8.1a address the different ecosystem elements (rows) using the state criteria (green column). These assessments should reflect the collective impacts upon them from all relevant pressures and so can draw upon the outcomes of the pressure-based assessments if the impacts are assessed in a suitable way (i.e. per species/habitat/group).
International Conventions
20/09/2018 MSFD WFD IAS Habitats Birds CFP Contaminants in food Nitrates UWWTD International Conventions
GES Decision – policy coherence
Descriptor Topic Links to other policies D1 Biodiversity Habitats and Birds Directives D2 Non-indigenous species Alien Invasive Species Regulation D3 Commercial fish and shellfish Common Fisheries Policy, including Data Collection Framework D5 Eutrophication Water Framework Directive D7 Hydrographical changes D8 Contaminants D9 Contaminants in seafood Food standards Regulation All RSCs, RFMOs and other regional institutional cooperation structures (e.g. ASCOBANS, ACCOBAMS, GFCM, ICCAT)
Decision provides for clearer outcomes
Specified elements for assessment, or provision to define these at (sub)regional level Fewer, more clearly defined criteria (42 criteria, of which 27 are primary) Threshold values for each criterion, or provision to define these at Union or (sub)regional level Various scales of assessment, related to ecological scales for the elements (state), management (pressures), other policies (CFP, WFD) Specified ways to express the extent to which GES is achieved (e.g. X out of Y species are in good status, Z% of habitat or area is adversely affected)
Article 8 draft guidance
Provides a step-by-step guide for assessments, based on new Decision (Art. 8.1a and 8.1b) Deals with higher level integration of assessments from indicators (does not cover data collection methods, aggregation of data in space and time, preparation of assessments) Aims to support consistent outcomes from assessments for each descriptor Due to be released for testing by MS and RSCs in early 2017
Clear outcomes of assessments: status and trends Example: commercial fish (from CFP, EEA 2015 report)
MSFD regions and subregions
Agreed 10/11/2016 Note 1: The area shaded in purple and white indicates an area to which both the United Kingdom and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark together with the Government of the Faroes have transmitted overlapping submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) in fulfilment of their respective rights and obligations under Article 76 and Annex II to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in order to determine entitlement of outer continental shelf areas. This map should not be used in any way to prejudice the determination of that question by the CLCS in due course. Note 2: The area shaded in black and white shows the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 M from the territorial sea baselines of France, Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom in respect of the area of the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay, as provided by the four countries to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) and included in its recommendations issued on 24 March The map of the continental shelf’s extent shall be used without prejudice to the agreements that will be concluded in due course between these Member States on their marine borders in this area. Note 3: The seas of Azov and Marmara are shown as shaded as they do not fall within the geographic scope of application of the Bucharest Convention.
Updates of Art. 8, 9, 10 in 2018 Update the determinations of GES, based on new Decision Provide updated assessments, based on new Decision (extent to which GES is achieved), and demonstrate progress towards GES since 2012 Update environmental targets, and demonstrate progress in achievement of targets since 2012 Reporting: reduce the level of detail reported (especially Art. 8) re-use assessments from 2016 WFD (D5, D8), 2017 RSC assessments of common/core indicators (all descriptors, where available) and 2017 CFP stock assessments (D3) re-cycle: regional assessments of relevant species could contribute to HBD reporting in 2019
Commission assessments
Article 12: For Art (2012) – published 2014 For Art. 11 monitoring programmes (2014) – due early 2017 Article 16: For Art Programmes of Measures (2016) – underway (awaiting reports from 10 MS); linked to WFD assessments (also underway, but delayed) Article 20: Commission evaluation report, due 2019
Licencing and permitting review
Report: Member States' use of the MSFD in the planning and operation of human activities including authorisation, permitting and licensing procedures Released to MSCG for factual checking Comments via MSCG member by 11 January
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