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Geospatial Resources Texas A&M University Cecilia Smith, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Geospatial Resources Texas A&M University Cecilia Smith, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geospatial Resources Texas A&M University Cecilia Smith, Ph.D.
Map & GIS

2 Geographic Information Systems
Collect Manage Analyze Visualize Cox Target Media, the industry leader in the local cooperative mail, offers its Valpak blue envelopes in North America which contain valuable coupons and special offers. For one of its clients, a home repair services company, Cox developed a Valpak promotion geared toward households most likely to pay for plumbing services by mapping demographics and consumer lifestyle segmen tation data. One million households were targeted in specific geographic areas for the direct mail campaign. The results showed a 76 percent lift in response versus the benchmark rate, and the ROI ratio was 1:23, meaning $23 in revenue was generated for every dollar spent on the mailing. The total cost of the program was $24,020; it generated total sales of $572,959 for the home repair services company (Nielsen - Claritas, 2009)

3 Database Subscriptions
Map & GIS Library Software FOSS Proprietary Data Reference Service Database Subscriptions Library Collection GIS Help Guides & Tutorials General GIS Help Consultations

4 Software FOSS QGIS gvSIG Proprietary ArcGIS Student License

5 Database Subscriptions
Map & GIS Library Software FOSS Proprietary Data Reference Service Database Subscriptions Library Collection GIS Help Guides & Tutorials General GIS Help Consultations

6 DIGITAL LOCATION: Instruction support: Start with website information Data Links:

7 Instruction: US: LibGuides, Tutorials, workshops, GIS Day SELL: ESRI Virtual Campus Credit Courses

8 FREE DATA!!! NHGIS, Census Tiger, USDA-NRSA Geospatial Gateway, FEMA, etc.

9 Business Analyst Online
Simply Map ReferenceUSA Social Explorer GeoLytics Business Analyst Online Social, Demographic Data Bases

10 Business and Marketing Historical Census Data Health Data
Demographic Business and Marketing Historical Census Data Health Data SimplyMap SimplyMap includes access to over 70,000 data variables related to demographics, employment, real estate & housing, crime, businesses, consumer spending, lifestyles and attitudes, and points of interest. SimplyMap  SimplyMap is a web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States Demographic, business and marketing, historical census data, point data of businesses and points of interests, health data Mediamark Research’s (MRI©) Survey of the American Consumer™ PRIZM™ from Nielsen Claritas: Experian SimmonsLOCAL

11 Businesses: US & Canada Historical Businesses Jobs/Internships
Healthcare Consumers/Lifestyles New Movers Homeowners Reference USA Businesses us & canada, historical businesses, jobs/internships, healthcare, consumers/lifestyles, new movers/homeowners Website address, franchise and brand information, headline news, liens, judgements and bankruptcies, number of computer, work at home businesses, and business credit rating scores Data sources?

12 Social Explorer GeoLytics Census data: social explorer nice interface and presentation capabilities, geolytics not user friendly but normalized historical census data (to 2010 boundaries)

13 Social Explorer GeoLytics Census data: social explorer nice interface and presentation capabilities, geolytics not user friendly but normalized historical census data (to 2010 boundaries)

14 Income/Wealth/Poverty Employment/Jobs/Labor
Demographics Education Families Housing Income/Wealth/Poverty Employment/Jobs/Labor BAO Demographics, Employment/Jobs/Labor, Education, Families, Housing, Income/Wealth/Poverty, Education\Census Sic & Naics, Dun & Bradstreet, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Applied Geographic Solutions (crime), GfK MRI (financial, housing, insurance, etc.), Esri makes tapestry

15 Template ArcGIS Online – A&M has an organizational account that students and faculty can join, make and share maps & data Send s to

16 Local Data Land use Census Land cover FEMA Flood Plain Imagery
Historic Zoning Hydrology Buildings Roads Elevation Political Boundaries Climate Geology MGL resources, portal page GIS Resources – software (lab & personal), hardware GIS Help

17 Database Subscriptions
Map & GIS Library Software FOSS Proprietary Data Reference Service Database Subscriptions Library Collection GIS Help Guides & Tutorials General GIS Help Consultations

18 Instruction: US: LibGuides, Tutorials, workshops, GIS Day SELL: ESRI Virtual Campus Credit Courses

19 OUTSIDE MGL: ~ 100 ESRI Virtual Classes Free

20 GIS Help W &TH 2:00-4:00 & Consultations Cecilia Smith, Ph.D.
Geospatial Librarian | Clinical Assistant Professor Map & GIS | Evans 202

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