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QT4* English III Pacing Guide

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1 QT4* English III Pacing Guide 2017-2018
Week Process Skills Content SE’s 3 (Genre Connections: Literary w/Literary; start Literary w/Info) Comprehension Figure 19A (summarizing, synthesizing, making connections, creating sensory images), Figure 19B (complex inferencing with textual support) Vocabulary 1B (context clues) 1E (dictionary, thesaurus, glossary) 1A (technical words) 1D (foreign words) Reading Strands: (refer to specific SEs under each strand) E3.5 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text Fiction E3.6 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction E3.3 Reading/Comprehension/Poetry E3.4 Reading/Comprehension/Drama E3.9 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text E3.10 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text Writing Writing Process 13A: plan draft 13B: structure ideas 13C: revise draft 13D: edit draft 13E: revise based on feedback Interpretive Response 15Ci-iii Oral and Written Conventions; ; Listening & Speaking E3.18.B I, ii: punctuation E3.19A: spelling E3.24 (A-C) Speaking/Listening E3.25 Speaking E3.26 Listening and Speaking/Teamwork 6 (Genre Connections: Literary w/Info continued; Info w/ Ingo) Oral and Written Conventions & Listening & Speaking 9 (College Portfolio) E2.8 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History E 2.9 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text E2.11 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts E3.15(B) write procedural or work‐related documents (e.g., instructions, e‐mails, correspondence, memos, project plans) that include: (i) organized and accurately conveyed information (ii) reader‐friendly formatting techniques (iii) anticipation of readers’ questions E3.21(B) Gathering Resources E13 C-D: revise and edit drafts E1.17 Ai. Ii, iii: parts of speech E1.17C: variety of sentences E18A: capitalization E18.B I, ii: punctuation E19A: spelling E 1.24 (A-C) Speaking/Listening E1.25 Speaking E.1.26 Listening and Speaking/Teamwork

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