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Gothic literature.

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1 Gothic literature

2 What & why The Gothic novel is a genre associated with the mystery and intrigue surrounding the supernatural and the unknown. For the English, the late 18th and 19th centuries were a time of great discovery and exploration Science, religion, and industry Revered a higher power yet also questioned that higher power (God) Study of psychology was beginning; early views on “madness” & fascination with this condition

3 Gargoyles—carvings of small deformed creatures squatting at the corners and crevices of Gothic cathedrals—were supposed to ward off evil spirits, but they often look more like demonic spirits themselves. Think of the gargoyle as a mascot of Gothic tradition, and you will get an idea of the kind of imaginative distortion of reality that Gothic represents.

4 characteristics Gloomy, decaying setting (haunted houses or castles with secret passages, trapdoors, and other mysterious architecture) Supernatural beings or monsters (ghosts, vampires, zombies, giants) Death and decay Family curses “Madness” Curses or prophecies Damsels in distress Religion– usually Christianity– is confronted in some way. Heroes Powerful love/romance or other intense emotions Isolation of a main character Weather indicates the mood (it’s cliché now; it was new symbolism then!)

5 examples Edgar Allan Poe’s works
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dracula Frankenstein Jane Eyre The Picture of Dorian Gray

6 assignment Read & annotate “The Dance of Death” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Guiding questions: What are the Gothic elements in the poem? What is the poem about? Can you make any comparisons to modern-day media? Read “Rappaccini’s Daughter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne Write a brief analysis of the Gothic elements included in the story and their effect on the reader. (1-2 paragraphs)

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