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This week we will review for the Georgia Milestones

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Presentation on theme: "This week we will review for the Georgia Milestones"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please come in and take out one sheet of paper and something to write with.
This week we will review for the Georgia Milestones. Please be prepared to focus and soak up the information provided to you.  Don’t ruin another student’s chance of learning by being a distraction. If you are not concerned with your success, at least be concerned with others’.

2 Remember these things…. (Pronouns)
Antecedent: word that pronoun refers to - - > agree in number, gender, and person Nominative: the subject form Objective: the object form Reflexive: end in ‘self’ or ‘selves’ Indefinite: does not refer to a specific person, place, or thing

3 Part I: Pronouns Lesson 26 in the CRCT Coach Book
Page 136 With your partner, read the section and answer the questions for the lesson. Do not write the question; simply write the answer choice you believe is correct (A.B.C.D.) 1-2 on page 137 1-4 on page 139 After you finish this task, we will review your answers using the Clickers.

4 Part II: Performance Coach Task, Session 1
Read the introduction section and the poem, Eldorado, by Edgar Allan Poe. Complete the four questions that follow using the graphic organizer you were provided. Take notes. Record questions you may have. Use symbols and emojis to convey your feelings as you work. I can analyze the impact of word choices, cite textual evidence, use context clues, and identify theme.

5 Check your answers! Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 C F
Part 1 b Part 2 d c a The search… Stanza 2 & 3

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