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Emergent & Early Readers

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Presentation on theme: "Emergent & Early Readers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergent & Early Readers
Literacy Instruction Emergent & Early Readers

2 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

3 Planning Theory Practice Logistics Time/Resources Daily Schedule
Students’ Strengths & Needs Standards & Curriculum Assessment Critical Concepts Developmental Continuum Literacy Learning In order to plan your reading instruction you need to understand & to balance Theory/Practice.

4 Speaking Reading Writing Listening
These four elements form the foundation of your literacy/LA program.

5 Relationship Between Teacher Support & Child Control

6 The Developmental Continuum
What is a “developmental continuum”? What do we know about emergent, early, transitional, and fluent readers based upon a developmental continuum? How can a continuum inform our teaching & instructional decisions?

7 Concepts About Print Word Work Strategies Vocabulary Comprehension
Decoding Strategies Phonemic Awareness Phonics Word Work Strategies Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Each of these needs to be taught simultaneously – students who have developed skills in each of these areas are strategic readers.

8 Elements of Reading Instruction
The goal of reading is comprehension: “people read to learn and understand.” Reading is a complex process. It requires: An understanding of how speech sounds are related to print Decoding (word identification) skills Fluency Vocabulary and background knowledge Active comprehension strategies A motivation to read.

9 Reading is a process in which
a reader is using all of the elements or components at the same time. Children develop reading skills gradually over time and their mastery of the different components may develop unevenly or different rates. Assessing a student’s skill in each component of reading gives instructors a more complete profile of an adult’s reading ability than assessing only one component, like comprehension. For reading instruction to be most effective, the components of reading should be taught together.

10 Instruction Explicit & Direct Step 1: Provide objectives, establish expectations, and introduce the skill Step 2: Model the skill Step 3: Provide an opportunity for guided practice with feedback Step 4: Independent practice and application Shared Reading activities. View for clips on Shared Reading.

11 Mini-Lesson Format Introduction- Let students know what they are about to learn. Connect the new material to students' prior knowledge and the text being studied. Teacher modeling- Show students how to use the strategy/concept. Teacher think-aloud techniques are effective for this. Guided Practice – Provide students with the opportunity to practice what they have learned through active reading.

12 Phonemic Awareness Phonemic awareness instruction- the ability to isolate individual sounds in words - to recognize them, blend them, break them apart, identify them, and delete them. For example: “Tell me the sound that is the same in desk, dog, and date.” (Answer: /d/) “How many sounds are there in ship?” (three: /sh/ /i/ /p/)

13 Phonics Phonics instruction or decoding for letter-sound associations to recognize words in print, including: learning consonant and vowel sounds high frequency words as sight words word analysis instruction by learning to use spelling patterns to recognize words – for example, learning -ack helps students to learn back, sack, pack prefixes, suffixes, & compound word instruction – for example, re- as in replay and un- as in unplug

14 Why teach it? Why learn it?
Fluency Reading speed Ease and comfort Expressiveness, including rhythm and intonation. Why teach it? Why learn it? Research shows that fluency is critical to comprehension. Without fluency, readers pay more attention to decoding than to understanding the meaning of what they are reading. Fluent reading shows that readers are pausing at appropriate points to make sense of what they are reading.

15 Vocabulary Oral vocabulary – the words we use and understand in listening and speaking. This vocabulary is the foundation for effective reading. Reading vocabulary – the words we recognize and understand in print. This vocabulary comes from direct instruction, exposure to words, and opportunities to do a lot of reading.

16 Comprehension Reading comprehension is the goal of reading instruction
Comprehension includes the simultaneous and automatic: Decoding of words and associating them with meanings Fluent reading to absorb new ideas as they come up Use of past experience and prior knowledge to interact with a text and make sense of what’s being read Monitoring of understanding to identify confusion when it occurs and using strategies to correct the confusion Reading comprehension is the goal of reading instruction

17 & Interactive Read-Aloud
Shared Reading & Interactive Read-Aloud ? ? Discuss shared reading. Go through handouts. Read Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Give groups time to select a big book and plan to do a shared reading activity with the class.

18 Guided Reading Guided reading scaffolds or supports readers as they negotiate texts and develop independent reading strategies.

19 What Is the Focus of Guided Reading?
Groups of 4 to 6 students Using texts at the instructional level of the students in the group Focusing on teaching reading strategies students require at that point in their development

20 Frequent and consistent monitoring of progress (e.g., running records)
Characteristics of a Guided Reading program? Frequent and consistent monitoring of progress (e.g., running records) Keeping the groups flexible and dynamic The long-term goal is to build independent, fluent readers

21 What is the rationale behind Guided Reading?
Explicitly teaches students to: Use their knowledge of language patterns, sound-symbol relationships and background knowledge to access meaning from print Apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate and appreciate text Use background knowledge and prior experience to make connections between what they read and what they already know. Use reading skills and strategies within the context of authentic reading.

22 Promotes student understanding through thinking and talking
Promotes student self-monitoring and self-correcting through ongoing assessment and evaluation by the teacher and student To enable children to read for meaning at all times

23 A Sample Lesson Plan Format for Guided Reading.

24 Ideas to Consider… Good readers read with purpose and keep a clear focus on the purpose of reading, using reading strategies that fit the purpose. Sometimes students lose focus on why they are reading because of vocabulary or background knowledge barriers they encounter in the text. Some students don’t have a range of strategies to use for different kinds of reading purposes. Students need to practice setting a purpose for reading and using strategies to achieve their purpose. Some students have learned to be passive learners. They believe reading is “saying the word right” rather than actively making meaning from the text. Students need to be explicitly taught active reading strategies like summarizing and asking questions. For example, a student needs to learn and practice asking herself questions such as, “I wonder what will happen next?” Or to make mental comments to herself about the text such as, “I don’t agree with that.”

25 Good Readers… …are willing to take risks. They are willing to figure out what they don’t know, and they are willing to be wrong. Effective readers also have strategies to try again or recover from confusion like checking context clues, using a dictionary, or asking someone else. …are active participants who bring what they know to their interaction with reading material. …read most of the words in a text and are able to read quickly because they automatically recognize or decode words. When they come across a word that is unfamiliar, they skip over it and keep reading in hopes of getting more information that will explain the word or the idea. In other words, they use a problem-solving strategy.

26 Good Readers…. …when they read familiar texts out loud, read with appropriate speed, ease, phrasing and expression and comprehend the text at the same time. They can decode and comprehend simultaneously. …expect the reading material to make sense and will notice when they are confused by what they’re reading or when they haven’t quite understood what a text means. They will often read on for help, hoping to get clarification, or they will reread a word, sentence, or passage to improve their understanding.

27 Word Study Activities for Emergent & Early Readers
In small groups: Read the instructions for your activity – then try it! Decide how to teach the activity to the rest of the class. Discuss possible variations of the activity to meet the needs of different learners. Teach the activity to the class!

28 The 3 Reading Cue Systems
Meaning [Sematic Cue System] Structure [Syntactic Cue System] Visual [Graphophonic Cue System]

29 Early Readers

30 Interpretive Readers [Transitional]

31 Critical Readers [Independent & Fluent]

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