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Venus Second planet from the Sun

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1 Venus Second planet from the Sun
Very similar to Earth in mass and diameter (known as Earth’s “sister” planet) Atmosphere is 90 times thicker than Earth’s Hottest planet in the solar system (due to extreme greenhouse effect) Surface temperature is over 800oF (hot enough to melt lead) Atmosphere composed mainly of CO2 and H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) Surface is covered with ancient lava flows (gently rolling plains with very few craters) No moons Very difficult to study the surface due to the thick clouds and high temperatures.

2 Venera 13





7 Earth Third planet from the Sun Slightly larger than Venus
Most dense planet Most of the mass in the mantle (liquid) Core made of solid nickel and iron (7,500oC) Atmosphere is mainly Nitrogen and Oxygen Approximately 4.6 Billion Years Old Surface is only several million years old (constantly recycled) Only planet with water in liquid form Only planet with life in the solar system (that we know of) One natural satellite – the Moon




11 The Moon 384,000 miles from the Earth 4.6 billion years old
Composition is the same as the Earth Thought to be made when an object struck the Earth when the Earth was still molten. ¼ the Earth’s size 1/6 the Earth’s gravity Rotates at the same rate as the Earth (so the same side is always facing the Earth) No atmosphere Very cratered surface (surface covered with regolith) Surface consists of 2 areas: Lunar Maria (dark) Lunar Highlands (light)





16 Mars Fourth planet from the Sun Very thin atmosphere (Nitrogen)
Second most varied terrain of any planet (Earth has the most varied) Has the largest volcano/ volcano in the solar system (Olympus Mons) The atmosphere use to contain oxygen, but most has been used to oxidize the surface (rust) Surface once contained liquid water, but it has evaporated into the atmosphere or been frozen at the poles. Polar ice caps are mainly frozen CO2 Temperature differences cause huge dust storms that cover the surface for months at a time. Two Moons: Phobos and Deimos Moons are thought to be captured asteroids from the asteroid belt. Much colder than the Earth would be at that distance due to less of a Greenhouse Effect. (Too much radiation for humans to live there without protection)







23 Jupiter 5th planet from the Sun
Largest in the solar system (more than twice the size of the other planets combined) Composed mainly of gas and liquid metallic hydrogen Rocky core times the size of Earth Great Red Spot – Cyclonic Storm 2-3 times the size of Earth Releases more energy than it receives from the Sun Jupiter is as large as a planet can be (more material will only increase density) Small, faint rings





28 Saturn 6th planet from the Sun 2nd Largest (H, He)
Rings were thought to be unique until 1977 (rings found around Uranus) Least dense planet (density less than that of water) Releases more energy than it receives from the Sun Contains several storms like the Great Red Spot Rings are made of small ice covered rocks (very reflective)




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