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Mr. Raino Lavikkala Mr. Sasu Tyni Mr. Jyrki Heinonen.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Raino Lavikkala Mr. Sasu Tyni Mr. Jyrki Heinonen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Raino Lavikkala Mr. Sasu Tyni Mr. Jyrki Heinonen

2 “..the decrease in the Finnish prison population was a result of a conscious, long term and systematic criminal policy..” Prison rates and policy reforms in Finland (Lappi-Seppälä, 2012)

3 Strategy – ”Towards more open and influential enforcement”
To increase use of community sanctions and open prisons To increase Front Door - Back Door -options N %

4 Supervised probationary freedon (BD-monitoring)
Gradually release Closed Prison Open prison Supervised probationary freedon (BD-monitoring) To increase interaction between staff and prisoners outside cells Goal to increase allocations to open prison Offender management, sentence planning and gradually release

5 The Length of Prison Sentence in 2015 (%)
Alternatives for short-term imprisonment? Community Service Monitoring Sentence (tagging) However, to avoid too complex/mixed sentence spectrum

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