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Mobile Government – The World Summit

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1 Mobile Government – The World Summit
Brighton, UK How can Quadruple Helix Clusters Support the Evolvement of Smart Cities? Tamara Högler, CyberForum e.V.

2 Who we are 1 1997 Funded 6.000 New jobs 26.000 Current jobs >40
HIGHTECH.UNTERNEHMER.NETZWERK. 1997 Funded 6.000 New jobs 26.000 Current jobs >40 Employees 1 2.500 Company foundations >1.100 Members 600 Apprentices 2017 Today WER? CyberForum in Zahlen Seit der Gründung 1997 ist unser Netzwerk kontinuierlich gewachsen – auf inzwischen über Mitglieder und ein Team von mehr 30 Mitarbeitern. Das Netzwerk repräsentiert ca Arbeitsplätze in der Region. WAS? Und was haben wir getan bzw. was tun wir? Beispielsweise haben wir rund 600 Azubis vermittelt. Und die Entstehung von neuen Arbeitsplätzen im Netzwerk begleitet. Oder 1.00 Firmengründungen mitbetreut. Kurz und knapp Wir machen uns stark für die IT-Unternehmen in der Region. Dafür wurden wir schon mehrfach ausgezeichnet.

3 Connect.Combine.COoperate

4 Main objective To maximize the innovation potentials
of urban ecosystems in CE through: establishment and interlinkage of quadruple helix research-driven clusters/networks in partner regions (a better linkage of actors in urban innovation ecosystems -also transnationally the development and implementation of new participatory methods and tools to engage end-users and industries into innovation processes (qualified and motivated end-user of new technologies/services – a SMART USER)

5 Outputs & work plan A toolbox of Smart urban innovation
participatory methods & tools 5 urban innovation quadruple helix cluster/network 6 urban innovation action plans 1 Transnational urban innovation strategy 9 Pilot projects - Implementation of participatory methods & tools and engagement of end-users

6 PROJECT PARTNERS New clusters in: Rijeka (HR), Hartberg (AT), Vas County (HU), Kielce (PL), Kosice (SK) Background changed, in order to avoid issues with logo size and EU emblem size

7 WP T2: Development of a toolbox of smart participatory methods
Objective: Development of a toolbox of smart participatory methods Development of an ׳on-line manual׳ for engagement of end-users (citizens, consumers) into innovation process: Set of participatory methods for different scenario with guidelines Supporting ICT tools (based on smart phone environment) Trained facilitators in partner and mentoring regions/cities

8 WP T2: Development of a toolbox of smart participatory methods
INVENTORY OF PARTICIPATORY METHODS & TOOLS Testing through pilot projects WP T3 TOOLBOX OF PARTICIPATORY METHODS Crowdsourcing On-line public engagement Participatory budget Planning future – visions, strategies, projects Vision Factory World cafe Project-in-a-day Innovating services & products Living Lab Motivation & Qualification Tutorial Video Motivational pitch

9 WP T2: Development of a toolbox of smart participatory methods
Toolbox of participatory methods Participatory methods manual Quadruple-helix urban innovation process Supporting ICT tools Qualified moderators End-users (citizens, customers) engagement INTEGRATING PARTICIPATROY METHODS & SOCIAL MEDIA

10 WP T3: Implementing and evaluating (Smart) participatory methods in urban innovation processes (pilots) Objective: Implementing and evaluating (Smart) participatory methods in urban innovation processes (pilots) Innovative solutions in urban environments should be developed in close cooperation with end–users (citizens customers & civil societies) and private sector (investors) to make them operational and commercially viable. Participatory methods and tools (WP2) will be tested in different scenarios, i.e. pilots (9), in the field of mobility, energy, smart user and smart user/innovative governance, agriculture, integrated public infrastructure, and SMEs economic growth. Toolbox methods are selected based on the pilots and pilots test results will drive Toolbox improvement and adaptation.

Develop solutions for flexibilisation of energy system and smarter usage of energy Develop social viable solutions, and solutions which are highly accepted by users KARLSRUHE Contribution to improvement/further development of the ‘Concept for systematic public participation’ of the City of Karlsruhe Improvement/further development of infrastructure for eBike charging stations all over the city area

WP T3: PILOTS OVERVIEW PILOT FIELD: SMART CITY AND SMART CITY USERS / INNOVATIVE GOVERNMENT MARIBOR Pilot aim: to engage end users (citizens) in improvement of services of public companies, which they offer to citizens. Main result: integrated service for citizens (single entry point). TRENTO The pilot is working on how to propagate the social needs and social/urban issues to the government so ‘smart’, in a data-driven mode and with the support of web platform and social media, in order to improve the administrative action that involves citizens in a participatory manner in a Open Government scenario.

13 PROJECT PRESENTATION Tamara Högler CyberForum e.V. CE677 URBAN INNO

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