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The Circulatory System

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1 The Circulatory System
9/20/2018 The Circulatory System S. Williams

2 The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System consists of the blood, arteries, veins, capillaries and the Heart.

3 Blood The functions of blood are transport,
protection against disease. clotting of blood

4 The blood consists of plasma and 3 types of blood cell. ·
The blood consists of plasma and 3 types of blood cell. · Red Blood cells-contain Hemoglobin which carry Oxygen · White blood cells-fight against disease and make antibodies. · Platelets- help the blood to clot.

5 Red Blood Cells Red blood cells carry Oxygen

6 White blood cells White blood cells fight against disease

7 Platelets Platelets clot the blood

8 The Heart The heart is made of Cardiac muscle-it never tires.
There are 4 chambers in the Heart : right and left atria and right and left ventricles.

9 The Heart

10 Blood vessels to Heart The right side of the heart takes blood from the body and sends it to the lungs The left side of the heart takes blood from the lungs and pumps it all round the body.

11 Blood flow

12 Pacemaker

13 The Pulse (Heartbeat) The average pulse rate is 70 beats per minute.

14 Heart Disease

15 Arteries Veins and Capillaries
Arteries carry blood away from the Heart. They have thick walls, a narrow lumen, no valves and carry blood away from the heart

16 Veins Veins carry blood to the heart. They have thin walls, a wide lumen, valves, and carry blood to the Heart. Veins also have valves that prevent the backflow of blood

17 Capillaries Capillaries link Arteries to Veins. Their wall is only one cell thick and this allows substances to pass into and out of the blood.

18 Experiment: To demonstrate the effect of exercise and rest on Breathing Rate

19 Web Sites

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