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Circulatory System Includes the heart, and all of the body’s blood vessels and the blood that runs through them.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System Includes the heart, and all of the body’s blood vessels and the blood that runs through them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory System Includes the heart, and all of the body’s blood vessels and the blood that runs through them

2 Cardiovascular System
Transportation system of blood Diagrams: Red- O2 rich blood Blue- CO2 rich blood

3 Blood Vessels Closed system
Three categories: arteries, capillaries, veins

4 1. Arteries - carries blood away from heart - largest vessels, thick walls

5 2. Capillaries Connect arterioles and venules
Small diameter, very thin walls , exchanges site (blood and cells)

6 3. Veins - carries blood back to the heart - pressure very low - muscular contractions & valves (keeps blood from flowing downward) (dia. 6.34, p.183)

7 Blood flow(dia.6.35, p.183) Heart Arteries → arterioles→ capillaries→
venules → veins

8 Structures of the Heart
Chambers of the heart

9 The Heart Made of muscles tissue, size of fist, four chambers:
Right atrium, Right Ventricle Left atrium, Left Ventricle Each atrium opens to the ventricle Blood moves through atrio-ventricular valves (no backward movement!)

10 Vessels attached to Heart
Veins-Superior and inferior vena cava and pulmonary veins are attached to the atria (enter heart) Arteries- aorta and pulmonary arteries are attached to ventricles to carry blood away from heart

11 Functions of Heart Diastole- lowest when heart at rest, blood filling atria Diastolic pressure- min. Pressure in arteries Few tenths of seconds later, Systole- blood pressure at maximum during contraction of the ventricles (push blood into aorta, pulmonary artery)) Systolic pressure- max. Pressure observed during systole



14 Circulation Two systems forming a double pump See p. 185, fig.6.38



17 Pulmonary Circulation
- Blood circulating through lungs Shorter route Right side pump Rich in carbon dioxide See workbook p. 110

18 2. Systemic Circulation Carries oxygenated blood
Circulating blood to entire body Left side is pump See workbook p. 110

19 REMEMBER Pulmonary and systemic circulation occur simultaneously
Two atria contract at same time Two ventricles contract at the same time

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