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Version 18.11.05.

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1 Version

2 IAEA Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) on
Small Reactors without On-site Refuelling Passive safety of FBNR and its characteristics as a small reactor without on-site refuelling Farhang Sefidvash Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

3 FBNR – A nuclear reactor technology for and open to all humanity
“Remember your humanity and forget the rest” Albert Einstein, July 1955

4 Schematic Design of FBNR

5 FBNR Fuel Element 15mm diameter SiC cladded fuel element
TRISO type particles 15mm diameter SiC cladded fuel element

6 It consists of two concentric perforated zircaloy tubes

7 Inside the 1. 5m diameter pressure vessel
Inside the 1.5m diameter pressure vessel. Connected to it the reserve fuel chamber.

8 Above it is an integrated steam generator of the tube and shell type

9 Connected below is the fuel chamber

10 The fuel chamber is connected to the reactor by a flange sealed by the safeguard authorities. The grid below protects against fuel theft.

11 Under a LOCA type accident, The fuel chamber becomes
cooled by the water coming from accumulator.

12 A centrifugal pump circulate the water in the loop, carrying the fuel elements from the fuel chamber into the reactor core.


14 Let us construct the reactor!
Reactor Core Reserve Fuel Chamber Inner Shell Steam Generator Pressure Vessel Fuel Chamber Centrifugal Pump Accumulator Valves

15 Calculation of heat transfer coefficient by film boiling on the fuel chamber tube

16 Heat generated from the decay of fission products
Accumulated decay heat

17 Heat generated and transfer from the fuel chamber tube
Generated decay heat flowing from the tube – w/m² Passive cooling capacity of the fuel chamber – w/m²

18 Decay heat generation and removal capacity in the fuel chamber

19 Accumulated decay heat

20 Temperature distribution in the 25 cm diameter Fuel Chamber tube after a LOCA
αfb = 454 W/m²K Tinf = 100°C Tw = 300°C Kf = 30.6 W/mK Kst = 63.9 W/mK q”’= 0.8 MW/m³

21 Water needed to cool the fuel chamber

22 Pressure loss in the reactor bed, circuit and loop as a function of mass velocity

23 Pump power fraction as a function of mass velocity

24 Thermal and electrical power generation as a function of coolant mass velocity

25 Net electric power generation as a function of reactor size

26 Temperature distribution in the fuel element under operating condition
ρ = 4040 kg/m³ Cp = 1400 J/kg K=36.5 W/mK q”’=56.5 MW/m³ h = W/m²K Tinf = 326°C To = 350°C

27 Temperature distribution in the fuel element under film boiling condition
ρ = 4040 kg/m³ Cp = 1400 J/kg K=36.5 W/mK q”’=56.5 MW/m³ h = 454 W/m²K Tinf = 326°C To = 350°C

28 The reactor under a loss of flow (LOFA) accident
The coolant temperature is raised only by less than 1 °C.

29 small reactors without on-site refuelling
Demonstration of FBNR applicability to small reactors without on-site refuelling

30 Small in size FBNR is small in nature.
The optimum size is about 40 MWe. The larger size up to 60 MWe can be achieved at the cost of a lower thermodynamic efficiency.

31 Modular The modular aspect of the reactor leads to the mass production processes resulting in better economy and higher quality products.

32 No need for on-site refuelling
The reactor’s fuel chamber is fuelled in the factory. The fuel chamber is sealed by the international safeguard authorities. The FBNR can have a very long fuel cycle time depending on the projected size of reserve fuel chamber. The core life is decided according to the user’s need.

33 Proven Technology FBNR makes an extensive use of a proven technology namely that of conventional pressurized water reactors (PWR). Its fuel is made of TRISO type fuel particles used in HTGR reactors.

34 Diversity of applications
The FBNR is a land­based nuclear power plant for urban or remote localities The FBNR is designed to produce electricity alone or to operate as a cogeneration plant producing simultaneously: electricity desalinated water steam for industrial purposes heat for district heating.

35 Refuelling in the factory
No refueling on the site is necessary because the fuel elements are always in the sealed fuel chamber and transported to and from the factory for refueling under surveyed condition. Refuelling is done by the replacement of fuel chamber.

36 Long fuel cycle time The length of the fuel cycle chosen depends on the economic analysis of the fuel inventory for particular situation of the reactor and its application. The FBNR fuel elements have high burn up capacity. The size of reserve fuel chamber can be adapted to the need. The replacement of fuel chamber is done at any desired time interval and could be set at every 10 years or for the reactor lifetime.

37 No need for fuel reshuffling
No reshuffling of fuel is necessary because the fuel elements go from fuel chamber to the core and back without the need of opening the reactor

38 No fresh fuel storage on the site
There is no need for fresh fuel to be stored at the reactor site since the sealed fuel chamber is transported to and from the factory where the refueling process is performed.

39 Short period of spent fuel storage on the site
The spent fuel are confined in the sealed fuel chamber and kept cool by its water tank. It can be sent back to the factory at any time when the radiological requirements are met.

40 Inaccessibility of fuel to unauthorized individuals
No unauthorized access to the fresh or spent fuel is possible because the fuel elements are either in the core or in the fuel chamber under sealed condition Therefore, no clandestine diversion of nuclear fuel material is possible.

41 High fabrication quality & economy
The FBNR is shop fabricated, thus it guarantees the high quality fabrication and economic production process.

42 Easy dismantling and transportability
The reactor is less than 2 m in diameter and 6 m high Its fuel chamber is less than 2 m in diameter and 1 m high, thus The dismantling and transportation to and from the site is very easy and convenient. The reactor and its fuel chamber can be disposed off separately and in one piece.

43 Reduced number of operators
The reactor can be operated with a reduced number of operators or even be remotely operated without any operator on site. This is possible due to the fact that the reactor operates only when all the operating parameters are within the designed ranges. In any other situations, the control system do not activate the pump to operate, thus the fuel elements will fall out of the core by the force of gravity and remain in the fuel chamber under a subcritical and passively cooled conditions.

44 Simplicity & economy The obvious simplicity of the design and the lack of necessity for complicated control system, make the reactor highly economic.

45 Simple infrastructure
The infrastructure needs for the plant using FBNR is a minimum. The important processes are performed in the shop that can be in the regional centers serving many reactors.

46 FBNR nuclear power plant with underground containment

47 Underground containment and environment
The inherent safety and passive cooling characteristics of the reactor eliminate the need for containment. However, an underground containment is envisaged for the reactor to mitigate any imagined adverse event, but mainly to help with the visual effects by hiding the industrial equipments underground and presenting the nuclear plant as a beautiful garden compatible with the environment acceptable to the public.

48 Utilization of spent fuel, nuclear waste and environment
The spent fuel from FBNR is in a form and size (15 mm dia. spheres) that can directly be used as a source of radiation for irradiation purposes in agriculture and industry. Therefore, The spent fuel from FBNR may not be considered as waste, in a peaceful world of the future, as it can perform useful functions. Should reprocessing not be allowed, the spent fuel elements can easily be vitrified in the fuel chamber and the whole chamber be deposited directly in a waste repository. These factors result in reduced adverse environmental impact.

49 High conversion ratio The moderator to fuel volume ratio of FBNR is about , compared to for a conventional PWR. Thus, the neutron spectrum in the FBNR is harder resulting in a higher conversion ratio than the 0.55 for PWR that may be about It may permit using MOX fuel, even in the beginning of the fuel cycle needing lower uranium enrichment, resulting in a Higher conversion ratio.

50 Fool proof nuclear non-proliferation characteristic
The non-proliferation characteristics of the FBNR is based on both the extrinsic concept of sealing and the intrinsic concept of isotope denaturing. Its small spherical fuel elements are confined in a fuel chamber that can be sealed by the authorities for inspection at any time. Only the fuel chamber is needed to be transported from the fuel factory to the site and back. There is no possibility of neutron irradiation to any external fertile material. Isotopic denaturing of the fuel cycle either in the U-233/Th or Pu-239/U cycle increases the proliferation resistance substantially. The use of thorium based TRISO type fuel will also contribute to this end. Therefore, both concepts of “sealing” and “isotope denaturing” contribute to the fool proof non-proliferation characteristics of FBNR.

51 High level of safety Strong reliance on
Inherent safety (rely on the law of gravity) Passive cooling (rely on natural convection) Passive control system: The normal state of control system is “switch off”. The pump is “on” only when all operating conditions are simultaneously met.

52 Enhanced safeguard ability
Fuel elements are confined in the fuel chamber that could be sealed by the authorities for inspection at the end of the fuel life. The reactor vessel is cladded by neutron-absorbing materials to eliminate the possibility of neutron irradiation of any external fertile material.

53 The reactor that all can become stakeholders
The technology should become available to all the nations of the world under the supervision and control of the international authorities.

54 Enhanced safety Reactivity excursion accident cannot be provoked, because The reactor core is filled with fuel only when all operational conditions are met.

55 Mitigation of steam generator leakage problem
The steam generator is housed within the pressure vessel. The water heated in the reactor core passes through an integrated steam generator producing steam to drive the turbine.

56 Long core lifetime Continuous insertion of fresh fuel into the core is done to compensate for the fuel burn-up and long term reactivity loss.

57 Resistance to unforeseen accident scenarios.
Any conceivable accident results in the cutting off the power to the pump, That causes the fuel elements to fall out of the core by the force of gravity. The normal state of control system is “switch off”. The pump is “on” only when all operating conditions are simultaneously met.

58 Low fuel temperature A heat transfer analysis of the fuel elements has shown that, due to a high convective heat transfer coefficient and a large heat transfer surface­to­volume ratio, the maximum fuel temperature and power extracted from the reactor core is restricted by the mass flow of the coolant corresponding to a selected pumping power ratio, rather than by design limits of the materials.

59 Dual purpose plant The FBNR can operate within a cogeneration plant producing both electricity and desalinated water. A Multi­Effect Distillation (MED) plant may be used for water desalination. An estimated 1000 m3/day of potable water could be produced at 1 MW(e) reduction of the electric power.

60 Low capital investment
The simplicity of design, short construction period, and an option of incremental capacity increase through modular approach, result in a much smaller capital investment.

61 My time is up I thank you for yours !

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