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2 Circulatory System - The circulatory system is responsible for transporting materials throughout the entire body. It transport nutrients, water, and oxygen to the billions of cells in your body and carries wastes such as carbon dioxide. It is an amazing highway that travel through your entire body distributing materials to all your body cells.

3 Parts of the Circulatory System
HEART Blood Vessels Blood

4 HEART - The heart is located at the center of the chest, slightly titled to the left. It pumps blood through all parts of the body.

5 HEART CHAMBERS Left and Right Atrium or ATRIA Atria receive oxygen-poor blood coming from the tissues of the body. Left and Right Ventricles or VENTRICLES Ventricles send fresh blood or oxygenated blood to the different body tissues and organs.

6 blood - The blood, known as the “river of life,” is the medium of circulation. It carries, water, oxygen, nutrients, salts, hormones and other substances that sustain life to the various cells of the body.

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) transport gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide). The red blood cells are small, enucleated, and biconcave in shape.

8 White Blood Cells (leucocytes) help the body fight infections by phagocytosis and antibody formation

9 Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood
Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood. It compromises 55% of the blood in terms of volume. It composes mostly of water, salts and blood proteins.

10 Platelets are the smallest and irregularly shaped component of blood. They help stop bleeding by forming a clot on top of the wound or any injured part of the body.

11 blood vessels - The blood vessels are the vast network of tubes that serve as the passageway of blood.

12 TYPES OF BLOOD VESSELS Arteries Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood.

13 Veins Veins are thin-walled and floppy
Veins Veins are thin-walled and floppy. They carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. The largest vein is the vena cava.

14 Capillaries Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels located within the tissues on the other end. It is where the exchange of materials between the cells and the blood occurs.

15 Lymphatic system -The lymphatic system functions in removing and destroying toxic substances and in resisting the spread of diseases throughout the body.

16 The fluid called Lymph passes through the Lymph nodes before it is returned to the blood circulation. Lymph nodes are masses of tissues composed of many white blood cells that eat up and filter out harmful substances in the lymph.

Regular exercise Eat a well-balanced diet Avoid smoking cigarettes or staying with smokers Live in a clean environment Have a positive outlook in life


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