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Data Pipeline Town Hall February 22nd, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall February 22nd, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall February 22nd, 2018
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you Roughly 2000 respondents receive Town Hall Invitation s CDE gets back numerous undeliverable, changes to accounts, and delivery issues. Any necessary changes are managed by LAMs Remember to get those phone numbers in the profiles! 3

4 What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s new Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:

5 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE ( ) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt s to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords

6 Introductions

7 Today’s Agenda Database Patch Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Directory Report Card March Special Education December Count Human Resources Collection TSDL Student End of Year EDAC Data Burden Survey Forum Guide to Collection and Using Attendance Data Pupil Count Audit Guide Advisory Committee

8 Planned System Outage for Database Maintenance February 27, 2018

9 Planned System Outage – Database Maintenance
Who is Affected: Pipeline Users Purpose of Activity: Database patching and updating of underlying systems Maintenance Time Frame:  2/27/2018 at 5PM – 2/28/2018 at 7AM Database patches are routinely applied to fix software bugs and stay up to date with the latest in security.  Applying these patches regularly keeps our applications running smoothly and keeps CDE data safe. The Production Database Patching will occur Tuesday 2/27/2018 after business hours from 5PM to Wednesday morning 2/28/2018 at 7AM.  During the patching windows, all single sign on applications, such as Pipeline, RANDA, LACES, and Growth Model will be unavailable. 9

10 Open Collections in Data Pipeline

11 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory RITS EDIS Periodic Designated Agency (Due 8/31/2018) Pre-ID/SBD Report Card March (Opening 3/1/2018) Interchanges Student Special Education IEP Staff Teacher Student Data Link 11

12 Open Data Pipeline Collections
9/20/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Special Education December Count (Near Completion) Human Resources (Near Completion) Teacher Student Data Link Snapshot Coming Soon AEC 12

13 2018 SBD Reviews Tentative SBD review window dates: Assessment
Tentative Review Dates 1 ACCESS for ELLs March 15th-March 28th 2 CO PSAT/SAT May 17th-May 24th 3 CMAS Science/Social Studies and ELA/Math (including CSLA) CoAlt Science/Social Studies May 21st-May 31st 4 CoAlt DLM May 30th-June 6th

14 Questions? Contact us: 2017-2018 SBD Review Contacts CO PSAT/SAT
Jasmine Carey ACCESS for ELLs CMAS CoAlt DLM Shangte Shen CO PSAT/SAT

15 Directory

16 Directory 4 Day School Week
4 Day School Week Application Now Open REQUIRED Application must be submitted each year! School districts operating a school on four-day school week (less than 160 scheduled days per school year) are required to submit a request for approval. Only for schools that include grades To be considered for the of school year, please complete the application via Data Pipeline by Friday, May 11, Application guide available at: 16

17 Directory 4 Day School Week
In addition to submitting the four-day application through Data Pipeline, DISTRICTS Accredited with Priority Improvement Plan or Accredited with Turnaround Plan that are submitting a district-wide application for all schools within the district need to submit the following additional information separately to Jhon Penn at A copy of school calendars, Building class schedules, Assembly schedules, Bell schedule including lunch time interval, Professional development calendar. 17

18 School Code Changes Items that require a form to update Directory
Request a New School Code Request Closing a School Request for Grade Changes Request for Name Changes Forms

19 School Code Changes If you have a school that is changing LEAs. Let me know that this is happening. In CDE’s systems the school will change authorizer but the school code will remain the same. It you have any questions please contact Dennis St. Hilaire at or dial

20 Report Card March

21 Report Card March The Report Card March will open Wednesday, March 1st 2018 and will remain open until April 6th 2018. IDM Roles DISTRICT PIPELINE-NNNN-RCM~LEAAPPROVER Approver Role DISTRICT PIPELINE-NNNN-RCM~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role DISTRICT PIPELINE-NNNN-RCM~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role

22 Report Card March There are two ways of submitting your data in the Report Card March Collection. Form Submission File Submission You may find the file layouts and definitions at along with training videos: There were no changes from last year.

23 Report Card March Common Questions How should I answer……
Will this impact us if what I report does not align to State Standards? Should I report what I think CDE would like to hear? Who is the target audience? In the text fields avoid using apostrophes. This causes a fatal error when saving the file/form. 23

24 Report Card March Reminder: If you submitted by Form under Total Records it will show 0. This is because a number will only show up when submitting via a file.

25 Special Education December Count

26 Special Education December Count Timeline
November 1st Snapshot Opens November 16th Upload IEP/Staff Interchange at least once As of today’s data all Admin Units have uploaded files and are working through Interchange Errors. December 1st Official Count Date December 14th Snapshot Created December 21st Interchange files error free (IEP/STAFF) ALL Data that is to be reported is reported and meets the Special Education December Count Criteria January 18th Complete Snapshot Jan 19th – 25th February 1 Review Staff and Student Reports DEADLINE EXTENDED January 25th February 1 Validity Certification Reports due Jan 26th – Feb 8th February 2 – 15 Student Duplication Process February 15th 22 Snapshot must be finalized Kristi Gleason –

27 SAM 1.5/Dates of Uploaded Reports
Identified a scenario in which SAM 1.5 was only producing a signature page even though there were staff with SAM Warnings. If you have any of the following SAM Warnings DC208, DC209, DC210, DC211, please verify SAM 1.5 report includes the staff receiving the warnings in the appropriate section of the report. If SAM 1.5 was blank and only had a signature page but you are receiving SAM warnings it will be necessary to upload an updated signed SAM 1.5 to DMS that accurately reflects warnings you are receiving. It is not necessary to recreate a snapshot. Signed Reports Dates on the uploaded reports are to be between February 15, 2018 through collection close February 22, 2018 following the duplicate and data validity phase coinciding with the final report review week. The dates of the report must be either be as of or after the final snapshot was created. CDE requested a new snapshot be taken on February 15th.   It may be necessary to download reports for signature and re-upload them to DMS if the dates don’t meet the requirement. We will be sure to make this standard requirement clearer in

28 Finalizing Steps: Two Part Process
Thursday, February 22, 2018, is the “Date by which your Complete and Final Special Education December Count Snapshot Approval is due through electronic submission to the Data Pipeline”.    Approve Special Education December Count Snapshot by submitting to CDE. (you will need the DEC Approver role) Date by which ALL signed Staff (5) and Student (16) reports must be received by CDE. (uploaded to the ESSU DMS Profile Tab)

29 Final Steps

30 Report Resources Special Education December Count Report Webinar ntreporttraining Special Education December Count Report Checklist (You’re going to LOVE It! ) Color Coordinated - matches up with the PowerPoint Provides what report(s) are due and when. Symbols and their meanings are incorporated into the document


32 Questions? If you have ANY questions about the Special Education IEP Interchange please feel free to contact us. No question or concern should remain unanswered of unresolved. We are just a phone call or away! Kristi Gleason (303) Lindsey Heitman (303) Orla Bolger (303) Lauren Rossini (303) (Staff Approval Matrix) Alyssa Ohleyer (303) (Reports submission) protocol – please include: Administrative Unit # Phone number where you may be reached. Be sure to get that added in Access Management. Subject of the NOTE: Never send files or reports via – contact us to determine best technical assistance avenue.

33 Human Resources

34 Human Resources Timeline – TODAY!
November 1st Snapshot Opens November 16th Must have both interchange files uploaded at least o December 1st Official Count Date December 14th Must create snapshot at least once December 21st Interchange files error free January 18th Snapshot Recreated (to update Special Ed Report) Jan 18th- Feb 1st Review Special Education Report February 15th All errors resolved (interchange and snapshot) Feb 15th – 22nd Review reports for accuracy February 22nd Snapshot must be finalized

35 Status Dashboard If the collection is complete/finalized – there will be ‘S’ under the Overall Status column If the collection is not yet complete/finalized – there will be a ‘P’ under the Overall Status column

36 Finalizing Data Once all Errors are resolved in Snapshot AND Cognos are reviewed and validated as accurate THEN HRD~LEAAPPROVER for district will need to ‘Submit to CDE’ HR Snapshot Status Dashboard ( ): Submit to CDE

37 Contact Information Annette Severson: Phone: Fax: Thank you for your hard work on this collection! If you have completed the collection, please complete the HR survey to provide valuable feedback:


39 Identity Management Roles
Teacher Student Data Link Interchange Roles: TSL~ LEAUSER – upload and modify TSDL interchange files OR TSL~LEAVIEWER – view (only) TSDL interchange data Teacher Student Data Link Snapshot Roles: TLS~LEAAPPROVER – Approves, creates, views Snapshot OR TLS~LEAUSER - creates, views Snapshot OR TLS~LEAVIEWER- views snapshot

40 Webinar Trainings Date/Time Topic Tuesday, November 14th 1 -2 pm
Getting Started – What is Required? Tuesday, December 12th 1 -2 pm TSDL Interchange Updates and Process Tuesday, January 9th 1 -2 pm TSDL Interchange Edits Guide Tuesday, February 13th 1 -2 pm TSDL Snapshot Data Reports Tuesday, March 13th 1 -2 pm Overall Process Review (Interchange and Snapshot) Tuesday, April 10th 1 -2 pm TSDL Snapshot Process Tuesday, May 8th 1 -2 pm TSDL Snapshot Edits and Reports Tuesday, June 12th 1 -2 pm Reports Review & Finalizing Steps Tuesday, July 10th 1 -2 pm Status Check – Final Steps Tuesday, August 14th 1 -2 pm Final Review

41 TSDL Resources TSDL Documentation found at: Deadlines File layouts and definitions Trainings – included recent February training slides/recording For assistance with either Interchange or Snapshot: Annette Severson

42 Student EOY

43 Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson –
The End of Year snapshot is currently in a soft open! The soft open means that there may still be unresolved errors and updates to business rules before the hard open in May Updated documentation is coming closer to the release. Make sure your IDM roles are updated so you don’t miss important s!

44 Questions? Student EOY – Duncan Anderson –
Please contact Duncan Anderson if you have any questions/need training/discover problems Please take the 10 question EOY survey: I really value your feedback and ideas!

45 EDAC Data Burden Survey

46 EDAC Data Burden Survey
Jan Petro Jan Petro or Dennis St. Hilaire

47 Administrative Units (AUs) Take Note!
Administrative Units: December Count- Student was inadvertently left off. PLEASE add under “Other” and respond to each question. Thank you!!! Jan Petro

48 EDAC Data Burden Survey Questions
Q: What do I do if I don’t recognize a collection? A: Please contact Dennis St. Hilaire. He can assist you in determining what the collection contains and whether or not it pertains to you. Dennis St. Hilaire Q: What do I do with the survey spreadsheet when completed? A: Please send to Dennis St. Hilaire and Jan Petro Jan Petro

49 EDAC Data Burden Survey
Thank you!!! EDAC needs your participation to make our point. Extended due date: Friday February 23, 2018 109 of 269 responses submitted  (67 districts, 33 administrative units, 5 BOCES, 2 migrant region) Jan Petro

50 Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data

51 Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data
New guide from the National Forum on Education Statistics Designed to help LEA staff improve their attendance data practices Best practice suggestions and features real-life examples of how attendance data have been used by education agencies Voluntary attendance codes that can be used to compare attendance data across schools, districts, and states Tip sheets for a wide range of education agency staff who work with attendance data FES Jan Rose Petro

52 Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data
Chapter 1: why school attendance and attendance data matter describes the relationship between attendance and student achievement and success. Chapter 2: relationships between attendance, enrollment, and withdrawals. Chapter 3: importance of using an attendance taxonomy provides an exhaustive, mutually exclusive attendance taxonomy. Chapter 4: common challenges and effective practices related to collecting, reporting, and using quality attendance data. Chapter 5: tip sheets that summarize the key responsibilities, considerations, actions, outcomes, and motivations for a wide range of local and state stakeholders. Appendix A: customizable letter template that can be used to communicate the importance of attendance to parents, guardians, and families. Appendix B: additional Forum resources for schools, districts, and states. Jan Rose Petro

53 Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data
Colorado examples from: School District 27J shifted its focus and resources away from truancy intervention, instead working to educate parents and students about the importance of good attendance habits. Boulder Valley RE 2 uses a multi-tiered approach to resolve chronic absenteeism. Mesa County Valley 51 developed a system of supports to address multiple barriers to attendance. Montrose County RE-1J designed an innovative program that addresses student attendance by including the community in efforts to reengage students. Jan Rose Petro

54 National Forum on Education Statistics
Diverse group of representatives Local education agencies State education agencies Federal government and Other organizations Interest in education data Work collaboratively to Address problems Develop resources Identify best practices Consider new approaches to improving data collection and utility Remain sensitive to privacy concerns and administrative burden Mission Statement: The Forum will develop and recommend strategies for building quality education data systems that will support local, state and federal efforts to improve elementary and secondary education throughout the United States. Jan Rose Petro

55 Pupil count, At-risk and Transportation
School Auditing Unit Pupil count, At-risk and Transportation February 2018

56 School Auditing – Resource Guides
Audit resource guide advisory committee Advise School Auditing in areas of the guide requiring clarification or additional guidance If you assembled documents, examples and comments related to the resource guides, please forward them to as soon as possible for incorporation into the advisory committee process Step through the existing resource guide section by section Changes, if any, will be marked with a pointer ► throughout the text and all changes will be summarized in an appendix Finalize the guides in mid-May allowing time to incorporate any changes from the General Assembly in June Advisory committee meetings are open to everyone and will be conducted via Webex Aaron actively seeks questions, feedback and concerns. |

57 Contact Comments, concerns or recommendations regarding material covered during this presentation should be directed to: Aaron Oberg, School Finance Director Colorado Department of Education Aaron actively seeks questions, feedback and concerns. |

58 Thursday, March 1st, 2018 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Thank You Congratulations to the USA Women’s Hockey Team on their Olympic Gold! Colorado’s own Nicole Hensley from Green Mountain HS Next Town Hall: Thursday, March 1st, a.m.-10 a.m.

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