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Unit 2 Test Review Tutorial Session #2.

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1 Unit 2 Test Review Tutorial Session #2

2 Sign in Sheet for Unit 2 Tutorial Session #2
Make sure to sign form IF you want Extra Credit points!!!!

3 What shows High CBR, High CDR, Low NIR?

4 Stage 1 DTM

5 What stage shows Low CBR, Low CDR, Low NIR?

6 Stage 4 DTM

7 What stage has high international emigration?

8 Stage 2 Migration Model

9 What stage has Receding Pandemics?

10 Stage 2 ETM

11 What stage has interregional internal migration?

12 Stage 2 of Migration Model

13 What countries would most likely have a population pyramid similar to “D”?

14 Japan, Denmark, Germany; approaching ZPG – below replacement rate

15 What stage is Pestilence & Famine

16 Stage 1 of ETM

17 What type of migration is moving from Texas to California?

18 Interregional (Internal)

19 What is a anti-immigration term?

20 Illegal Alien

21 What is the academic, politically neutral term for the immigration issue?

22 Unauthorized immigration

23 Factor that induces someone to move into an area?

24 Pull Factor Beaches in Florida; less taxes on retirement

25 Who developed 11 Laws of Migration?

26 E.G. Ravenstein

27 All of Ravenstein’s Laws can be divided into what three categories?

28 Distance, Reasons, Characteristics of Migrants
Example of EACH???

29 Push / Pull factors fall into what 3 main categories?

30 Environmental Economic Political

31 Most common form of intraregional migration in developed countries?

32 Suburbanization Cities to suburbs

33 Three largest migration flows in the world?

34 To Europe from Asia To North America from Latin America To North America from Asia

35 Ravenstein’s laws that young adults/males are more likely to migrate to BIG cities are further explained by what theory?

36 Gravity Model of Migration

37 Who created the Epidemiologic Transition Model?

38 Abdel Omran – Stages 1-3 Olshansky & Ault – Stage 4

39 According to the Migration model, when is international migration most important?

40 Stage 2 Most people who can want to EMIGRATE to MDC, but if they CAN’T, they try to move to one of few industrialized cities (interregional)

41 Migration is a form of what two things?

42 Mobility and Diffusion
Movement Relocation diffusion (physical movement)

43 According to the Migration model, when is internal migration most important?

44 Stages 3 & 4

45 When emigration is less than immigration?

46 Net-In Migration

47 According to Thomas Malthus, how does the population increase?

48 Exponentially/ Geometrically
Food – increases arithmetically

49 Possible Reasons for lowing of Crude Death Rate (CDR) in Stage 2 of DTM?

50 INDUSTRIALIZATION leads to medical advancements, vaccinations, medical education on how diseases spread / hygiene INDUSTRIALIZATION leads to agricultural improvements, decreasing famine and malnutrition

51 Main Reasons for decreases Crude Birth Rate (CBR) in Stage 3?

52 Increased child survival rate due to increased medical advancements / access to medical facilities
Increased family planning (access to birth control) Increased education

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