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Rainbow Serpent This painting is about the rainbow serpent as it moved along the coast and inland, forming special landmarks. As the Rainbow serpent moved.

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Presentation on theme: "Rainbow Serpent This painting is about the rainbow serpent as it moved along the coast and inland, forming special landmarks. As the Rainbow serpent moved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainbow Serpent This painting is about the rainbow serpent as it moved along the coast and inland, forming special landmarks. As the Rainbow serpent moved along the land it left spirits to protect and maintain these special places. Some of these special places are where the coastal and inland people met for ceremonies. Special Places

2 Do you have a place that’s special to you?

3 Maybe it’s in a busy street?

4 Maybe it’s by the sea?

5 Maybe it’s in a garden?

6 Or high in the mountains?

7 It may be the hospital where you were born.
It may be your bedroom.

8 Quiz See if you can guess these special places:
It’s often built on a hill It’s made out of stone It’s a safe place from which to fight battles Answer? Castle

9 2. School Lots of people go there It is a place in which to learn
You are all in one now! Answer? School

10 3. Home Where you can go to rest You may have your own room in it
It is where you spend time with your family Answer Home

11 4. Church There are lots of them They are often tall, some have towers
They are always used on Sundays, and other days too Answer? Church

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